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Learning with MemoCard - Flashcards

Every subject matter runs the risk of being forgotten sooner or later. This is especially true for vocabulary learning. In 1885, the memory researcher Hermann Ebbinghaus presented the results of an experiment in which learners were unable to reproduce three-quarters of the learning content after only two days - a phenomenon that has since been referred to as the "Ebbinghaus's oblivion curve".

Other investigations have shown that the forgetting curve can be progressively attenuated by systematic repetitions. One method is the systematic repetition of the learning material at exponentially increasing time intervals.

The psychologist Sebastian Leitner conceived a "learning machine" in the 70s of the last century that takes these insights into account: This is a card index box made of cardboard, which is divided into compartments of different widths. Learning cards made of paper are sorted from one subject to the other according to the user's current level of knowledge. Leitner's simple principle, which, however, is based on a rather complicated set of rules, still leads to an astonishing improvement in the performance of many learners today.

And this is where MemoCard comes in! MemoCard is not a learning machine made of cardboard and paper, but a software which offers different learning systems on one portal. At the moment MemoCard offers four different learning modes:

  • Simple (Full Deck) Learning
  • learning according to spaced learning system
  • learn by compartment mode
  • Learning in exam mode

Answers can also be written in all learning modes. This is especially useful when learning vocabulary. Questions and answers can be exchanged in all learning modes. This means that you first see the answer and you need to know the right question.

The flashcards should be used daily and MemoCard the MemoCard App. This app is very practical, because you carry your mobile on you all day long and can learn in short breaks - even offline! For example:

  • in the S-Bahn or in the bus
  • while waiting
  • in the coffee break
  • on the toilet
  • etc.

When playing through a flashcard, you can listen to yourself by saying the word or phrase you are looking for aloud. You alone decide how long you think before you "flip" the card, and how many cards you work through. And you alone decide whether you want the answer to be "right" or "wrong". In the beginning it may be difficult to classify an almost correct answer as "wrong". But with time you find out that it doesn't help you much if you were generous in the beginning. You will notice that you did not know the correct answer at the latest when the card moves back from tray 2 to tray 1 because you answered it incorrectly again.

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