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Psychology- Learning approaches

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types of reinforcement?


Pavlovs dogs.

Pavlov investigated classical conditioning by making dows salivate after hearing the soung of bell. Before the conditioning, the bell was a neutral stimulus, so it provoked no conditioned reaction in dogs. Whilst the food was unconditioned stimulus, and it provoked an unconditioned reaction- natural reflect for salivation. During the conditioning, he presented the sound of bell and food at the same time. Dogs then learned to associate these two stimuli, and sound of bell became conditioned stimulus- from now on whenever the dogs hear that sound, they will have conditioned reaction- reflex for salivation.

oSkinners box.


list 3 disadvantages of behaviourism




operant conditioning.


what is ecological validity?

the extent to which behaviours observed and recorded in a study reflect the behaviours that actually occur in the real world

behaviourist approach 2 assumptions

The behaviorist approach studied only human behavior- rejecting the study of the mind or meditational processes. 

- it believes we are all born as blank slates- tabula rasa- and that everything we do is pre-determined by our experiences and environment.

how is classical conditioning applicable to real life?


classical conditioning- what is?

how does it work?

Is learning through association.

Humans and animals tend to associate things that are happening at the same time with one another.  

We assosiate neutral stimulus, that would normally provoke no reaction in us, with an unconditioned stimilus that provokes a natural unconditioned response. In doing so, neutral stimulus becomes conditioned stimulus, and we now have the same response we would to unconditioned stimulus that appear with it before. 

how is operant conditioning appliciable to real life?



list 3 advantages of behaviourism




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