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Toss up questions

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What toxin is found in potatoes?
What graph tracks the course of the drying process of a food, relative to water content and water activity?
desorption isotherm
What are the 3 forms of water in food?
free water, adsorbed water (loosely bound), and water of hydration (tightly bound)
What is the name of the holes in swiss cheese and what are they caused by?
Eyes; the carbon dioxide produced by the microbe Propionibacterium freudenreichii subsp. shermanii
The sun can be approximated as a blackbody at what temperature?
For the D configuration of sugars, the reference hydroxyl group is on the _________ side in fischer projection formulas.
What is the effect of drying on Vitamin C?
vitamin C reduction/loss
In terms of plant respiration, what does the acronym RQ stand for and how is it defined?
Respiration Quotient. It is defined as the ratio of carbon dioxide produced by the plant to oxygen consumed by the plant
Flour and water mixtures that are used for manufacture of extruded pasta products are called what?
Alimentary pastes (do not accept batters)
How are two piece jar lids made?
draw and redraw
The enzyme used to manufacture the liquid center of candies is:
What is the official shelf life of a Twinkie?
25 days.
Citrus HLB is a bacterial disease. What does it stand for?
Huanglongbing or citrus greening
What military leader offered a prize to scientists to develop preserved foods for the armies of France?
Napoleon Bonaparte [Napoleon's Food Preservation Prize (1795)]
what are the 2 main components of food that absorb far-IR energy?
water and organic compounds (such as proteins and starches)
What will a successful injunction action by the FDA do to your company?
The injuction is a civil judicial process that will stop or prevent violation of the law, by halting the flow of the product in insterstate commerce, and to correct the condition that caused the violation
What chemical compound is determined as an indicator of maillard browning?
What is the CDC's gold standard for microbe fingerprinting?
Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE)
The extraction technique used by the meat industry to remove fats from most by-products that have no better market potential is called what?
Define a calorie and specify the number of calories obtained from the consumption of carbohydrates, proteins, and fat
a calorie is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 g of water by one degree centigrade. Carbohydrates and proteins: 4 kCal/g and fat 9 kcal/g. Remember that one food calorie is one kilocalorie in physics.
The amount of effervescence in a sparkling wine is dependent on the amount of what compound?
What is the water activity to cause spoilage for bacteria, yeast, and molds?
Bacteria - 0.9, Yeast - 0.85-0.9, Mold 0.75-0.8
What country is the origin of coffee plant?
What spice from the dried leaves of an herb in the mint family gives pork sausage its typical flavor?
What pathogen reduction step utilizes a steam chamber for carcasses?
Steam pasteurization
What type of oil is consumed the most around the world?
What does Thiobarbituric acid number or value tell you?
degree of lipid oxidation
What is the common name of the bones that resemble the spinous processes of the thoracic vertebrae ?
feather bones
What term refers to the percentage change in length of a material due to pulling stress before breakage?
elongation or strain
Who is the current IFTSA past-president and what school are they from?
Morgan Von Staden, Mississippi State University
What are surfactants?
organic molecules that exhibit both hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties due to the presence of poplar and nonpolar groups.
What is the role of salt in surimi production?
salt solubilizes myofibrillar proteins
What food-borne parasite can be found in hogs eating uncooked food waste?
Trichinella Spiralis
Balancing cost, speed, and ease of use, which rapid quality control for syrup is used by the industry? a. forced draft oven b. reflux distillation c. hygrometer d. NIR
c. hygrometer
What additive can be legally used to restore the color of fresh meat?
Which genera of bacteria can fluoresce and spoil fresh cut vegetables and meat?
What are other names for the baobab tree?
Monkey Bread Tree, Tree of Life, Bottle Tree or Upside Down Tree
What color is expected when many starches react with iodine?
Ingestion of gradients and other insects as may cause a reaction in people allergic to which common?
shellfish crustaceans
What is absolute humidity?
mass of water/mass of dry air
In sensory analysis, what type of scale is generally used for acceptance testing?
What two factors determine the melting range of a lipid?
unsaturation (or saturation) and carbon chain length
What are some two reasons for roasting cocoa beans for chocolate making?
Flavor development, separate outer husk from inner bean (makes cracking and winnowing much easier), virtually sterilizes cocoa been (prevent growth of bacteria/fungi/molds), even color and texture
What common purpose is sodium metasilicate, Sodium hexametaphosphate, and sodium pyrophosphate is served in the food industry.
alkaline cleaners.
What is the name of the evergreen shrub from which we get capers?
Caper Bush (Capparis spinosa)
Name the musical fruit.
What is the most widely eaten fish in the world?
What organism is responsible for Q fever?
coxiella burnetii
Muscle proteins are degraded during aging by what enzymes?
Give the names of the essential fatty acids for human nutrition.
Linoleic and a-Linolenic acids
What is the IFT Council?
An IFT governance body composed of representatives from Sections and Divisions which serves as the grass roots forum and approves constitution and bylaw revisions
What is the probability of a duo-trio test?
What is carboxy-methyl cellulose often used for in foods?
CIE L*a*b* (CIELAB) is a color space specified by the French Commission internationale de l'éclairage. What is the translation of the name of this commision in English?
International Commission on Illumination
Name two fermentation sources of chymosin.
kluyveromyces marxianus variety lactis and e. coli
What are the main protein types in: corn, oats, rice?
corn-prolamins, oats-globulins, rice-globulin
Name a halophilic food infectious bacteria
Except for V. cholerae and V. mimicus, all Vibrio species are halophilic (salt requiring) Example: Vibrio parahaemolyticus
Products of starch hydrolysis having little to no sweetness (D.E. value <20), and commonly used as cryoprotectants and fat replacers are known as: ___________?
Describe the pasteurization process.
product heated to desired temperature, product held at desired temperature for defined time (typically for 12D reduction), product cooling, and product handling/distribution under refrigeration
Another name for triacylglycerol is?
What template is used in conducting real-time PCR?
What are the spore-forming foodborne pathogens?
bacteria such as the Bacillus and Clostridium species are able to form spores. These spores, also referred to as endospores, are the dormant form of vegetative bacteria and are highly resistant to physical and chemical influences.
T/F Chocolate prevents dental caries.
What is the z value of Clostridium botulinum?
10 C or 18 F
What is the dielectric constant?
a quantity measuring the ability of a substance to store electrical energy in an electrical field
In 2003, the National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments (NCIMS) unveiled a new program which dramatically changed the way Grade A Milk Processing Facilities may be inspected and listed in the IMS list. What was this program?
Voluntary HACCP program
In what year was IFT founded?
Coliform general characteristics.
rod-shaped Gram-negative nonspore forming and motile or nonmotile bacteria that can ferment lactose with the production of acid and gas when incubated at 35–37°C.
What is the most accurate and sensitive method for quantitative determination of metals and metalloids
Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) Atomic Absorption spectroscopy
The beef rib and chuck are separated between which two ribs?
5th and 6th
What is one advantage and one disadvantage to direct heating?
advantage: rapid heating minimizes organoleptic changes, less fouling/burn-on. disadvantage: requires culinary steam (expensive), increases volume of product (adds water from steam), bad for products containing oil (oxidizes quickly)
What is the name of the sweetener that does not participate in maillard browing?
Why are corrugated boxes produced with flutes in the vertical direction?
Flutes provide structural reinforcement- improve strength in terms of crushing and stacking
Name two emulsifying salts used to make processed cheese.
disodium phosphate, sodium citrate, sodium tartrate, sodium pyrophosphate, trisodium phosphate, sodium potassium tartrate
Steer and barrow carcasses unlike heifer and gilt carcasses, have what adjacent to the posterior end of the aitch bone?
Pizzle eye
What fruit has extremely high levels of vitamin A?
What is the nonprotein portion of myoglobin?
heme ring
This condiment was originally sold as a medicine in the 1830’s.
What talk show host was sued by cattle producers because of an episode aired in April 1996 about Mad Cow Disease?
Oprah Winfrey
In the Middle Ages this spice was used to pay rent and taxes.
Black pepper
Enzymes are used extensively by the food industry as processing aids for ingredient production. The enzymes alpha amylase, glucoamylase, and glucose isomerase are used in sequence to produce what food ingredient?
High fructose corn syrup
To be classified as whole milk what is the legal percentage of butter fat required?
In 2010, how many calories are in a McDonald's' Big Mac?
The temperature at which water boils_______ as elevation increases?
What is the process that keeps milk fat from floating atop the liquid component of milk?
How many times higher is the mobility of proton in ice over water?
At what pH does phenolphthalein change color?
pH 8.5
The International Association of Milk, Food and Environmental Sanitarians (IAMFES) have recently undergone a name change. What is the new name for this organization?
International Association for Food Protection (IAFP)
What is the name of the reagent used in food analysis which forms a fluorescent compound with primary amines?
What is the monetary prize of the food disruption challenge pitch for the selected pitch as well as the people’s choice award?
$25 K for winner, $5 K for people’s choice
What pigment produces white color in vegetables?
What instrument is used to measure soluble solids in foods?
As of 2005, what is the official soft drink of Maine?
Why is flash cooling important?
it produces a consistent product density
Define thermal death time.
the time it takes to kill a specific bacteria at a specific temperature
What are some ways to heat process food?
retort, aseptic, pasteurize, blanch, hot fill
Define viscosity.
The state of being thick, sticky and semifluid due to internal friction. measure of its resistance to gradual deformation by shear stress or tensile stress
How many times more acidic is something with a pH of 2 than a substance with a pH of 5?
1000x more
When was the Bureau of Chemistry, later the FDA, founded?
What is FAD?
Flavin adenine dinucleotide
Commonly used fish in sushi.
tuna (maguro, shiro-maguro), Japanese amberjack, yellowtail (hamachi), snapper (kurodai), mackerel (saba), and salmon (sake). The most valued sushi ingredient is toro, the fatty cut of the fish.
How many calories do you consume every time you lick a stamp?
1/10th of a calorie
Why are phytates considered to be anti-nutritional?
phytates bind/complex with metal ions and make the metals less bioavailable, most commonly with divalent ions (Ca, Fe, etc)
What is the state fruit of Tennessee?
What are the foodborne bacterial intoxications?
staphylococcal intoxication: an enterotoxin produced by S. aureus, botulism: a neurotoxin produced by clostridium botulinum
What does AOAC stand for?
Association of Official Agricultural Chemists
What are the coenzyme forms of niacin?
In sauerkraut production, salt promotes the growth of what group of bacteria?
lactic acid bacteria
What is the sweetest occurring substance known to man?
guanidine (discovered in 2016) however thaumatin is also acceptable as this is what is in the Guinness book of world records.
What part of the banana is used to make banana oil?
no part - Banana oil is a synthetic compound made with amyl alcohol
Name the genera of Downy mildew disease and fruits and vegetables.
Sclerospora and Bremia
What color is phenolphthalein under acidic conditions?
Who regulates alcohol?
TTB (Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau)
Current version military sampling dimensions?
The hydrolysis of a specific bond in kappa casein (phe 105 - Met 106) results in what?
destabilization of the casein micelles (cheese curd formation)
What is the name for the chord that anchor that enter egg yolk?
In a fresh egg, you can see two white cords attached to the yolk. These two cords, called chalazae, are made of twisted strands of mucin fibre, a special form of protein. The role of the chalazae are to anchor the yolk in the centre of the egg.
S-(1-propenyl)-L-cysteine sulfoxide is the chemical precursor to the major flavor compounds in what foodstuff?
onions or leeks
Which is the Sweetner developed by Cargill?
If the absorption of a sample is being determined spectrophotometrically at 420nm what color is the sample?
Define wheat middlings.
Wheat middlings (also known as millfeed, wheat mill run, or wheat midds) are the product of the wheat milling process that is not flour.
The single most important phase of a sterile canning operation is what?
Normally the lipid levels in fruits and vegetables is less than 1%. What are the two exceptions?
avocado (20%) and olives (15%)
The best Vitamin A precursor that occurs in food is called
What milk product is 42 % sucrose and 12% lactose?
Condensed milk
What is the USDA legal limit for moisture in dried apples?
What compound is produced by lactobacillus San Francisco (Fructilactobacillus sanfranciscensis) that is important to making sourdough bread?
lactic acid
True or false: the name margarine comes from a fatty acid, margaric acid, named by Chevreul in 1813.
True, although later studies showed there is no such thing as margaric acid
What does the “c” stand for in the equation E=mc^2?
the speed of light
What is "latent heat of vaporization"?
The amount of energy required to convert a unit mass of liquid to gas at its boiling point.
Juice or beverage spoilage by Alicyclobacillus primarily leads to what spoilage compound, associated with a medicinal off odor?
What is the primary purpose of retorting low aci canned foods?
reduce spores of C. bot by 10^12
Okara is a by-product of what processing?
What is the medical term or name given to the condition where bacteria are actively multiplying in the bloodstream?
Fermented cheese named after cities of origin: Cheedar , applewood, Mozralla, Yarg
Give two dicarboxylic amino acids.
Glutamic acid and aspartic acid
Why does a hold tube have an upward slope?
to eliminate air pockets and ensure self draining
Which fatty acid would be expected to have the highest iodine value: linoleic, oleic, or linolenic?
linolenic (18:3) more unsaturation
What does the acronym NPN stand for?
Non-protein nitrogen
What 3 foods contain a high availability of Silicon?
meat, milk, and beer
What is the main ingredient in guacamole?
Who is the publisher of food technology?
Institute of food technologists
What are the approximate temperatures at which fermentation takes place for ale and lager beers?
ale: 10~23.9 C, lager: 0-12.8 C
What is the main water soluble component of coffee?
What food color requires mandatory labeling?
All of them
What is the botanical name of the plant that hops are extracted from?
Humulus lupulus
What is the most common psychrotropic bacteria?
How many teams will be competing in the College Bowl competition finals in June?
The unit used to measure an absorbed dozes of ionizing radiation is the “RAD”. What does “RAD” stand for?
radiation absorbing dose
What is the fundamental driving electrophoresis?
The speed of a molecule is proportional to the surrounding voltage gradient.
Identify which cereal grains contain gluten: teff, oats, buckwheat, triticale, monleena
only triticale
Name 2 food born pathogens that can grow at refrigerator temperatures.
Yersinia enterocolitican, aeromonas hydrophilia, listeria monocytogenes
In asia, to prevent the occurrence of Beriberi, rice is fortified with what nutrient?
thiamine (Vitamin B1)
What type of sensors have resistance characteric fall off with increasing temperature?
negative temperature coefficient
Addition of alpha-amylase on starch gives what disaccharide?
Name one genus of bacteria that can cause ileocecitus, a disease that mimicks appendicitis.
Yersenia, Camplyobacter, Salmonella
Hydroxylation of lysine to hydroxylysine in collagen is dependent on which cofactor?
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
What property of a protein can be determined using SDS electrophoresis?
molecular weight
what is the ideal pork color described in the pork quality standards?
reddish pink
What are two types of fruit and vegetable peelers?
caustic or lye; steam; hot water; abrasive
Name three climacteric and non climacteric fruits.
Climacteric - Apple, peach, avocado, banana, passionfruit, tomato; Nonclimacteric - lemon; orange; pineapple; cherries, grape, strawberries, other citrus
When counting bacterial colonies, the acronym TNTC stands for what?
Too numerous to count
What is the temperature the air needs to be cooled to (at constant pressure) in order to achieve a relative humidity (RH) of 100%?
How does the high sugar content in food affect the drying process?
It takes longer, as sugar attracts water.
Two other government agencies along with the FDA which have responsibility for ensuring the safety of imported foods are ______ and _______
USDA and U.S. Customs
The Ames test is used to identify which organism? a. E. coli b. Staph aureus c. Salmonella __? d. Salmonella typhimurium
D. Salmonella typhimurium
When viscosity of a fluid increases, what happens to the reynolds number?
A food product would not be considered adulterated if: a) It contained a new animal drug; b) It contains FD&C Yellow #4; C. It contains carmine; D. If it is the product of an animal that did not die by slaughter
Which thermoduric, acidophilic, spore forming bacterial species is an emerging spoilage issue for juice and beverage processors?
What respiratory condition might cause someone to be allergic to cysteine?
Food and Drug administration is responsible for the enforcement of food additives regulation in US. Which canadian agency is responsible for the same?
CFIA (Canadian food inspection agency)
What is the pigment that is responsible for the green color in cooked broccoli?
What is the simple term for conversion of raw materials or ingredients into a consumer food product?
Food Processing & Engineering
What are the 3 USDA grades of eggs?
AA, A, B
What is the process in beer to carbonate the beer without using sugars or other adjuncts?
When baking, what can you substitute for buttermilk?
1 tsp salt + 1 cup whole milk
What is the only fruit or vegetable that is never sold processed, only fresh?
Which is the enzyme that is tested to check for the pasteurization of milk?
alkaline phosphatase
What food product was the first to ever have a barcode?
Wrigely’s gum
What is the equation named after german and canadian scientist?
Michaelis Menten equation
The occupational safety and health administration enforces standards on safety in the workplace through ______ and __________
inspection and penalties
Genera for Downy Mildew disease.
Sclerospora bremia
In 2003, the National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments (NCIMS) unveiled a new program which dramatically changed the way Grade A Milk Processing Facilities may be inspected and listed in the IMS list. What was this program?
Voluntary HACCP program
What is the inverse of attenuation factor?
penetration depth
What was margarine called when it was first marketed in England?
What is miso?
fermented soybean paste
Name heat resistant enzyme use in modern PCR.
TAQ DNA Polymerase
Maltol and ethyl maltol are effective at sparing what common food ingredient
What is the 2020 Firmenich flavor of the year?
Classic Blueberry
Which pigment in tomatoes has disease-preventing characteristics?
Which of the following is a non-reducing sugar? A. Lactose, B. glucose, C. sucrose, D. maltose
What is the boiling point of water in Fahrenheit, Celsius and kelvin?
212 deg F, 100degC, 373degK
Roux is used for?
thickening of sauces
What is a high quality fat lining the abdominal wall of pork carcasses?
leaf fat
What are the two types of bloom in chocolate?
sugar bloom and fat bloom
What is the name of a freze-dried potato product in Bolivia and Peru?
What is the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation?
The equation to estimate the pH of a buffer solution containing given concentrations of an acid and its conjugate base
According to the standard of identity, what is the maximum fat content allowed in a frankfurter?
In Reverse phase HPLC, what component retains highly hydrophobic impurities from going onto the analytical column and permanently interacting with the stationary phase which ultimately prolongs the analytical column's capacity?
Guard column
What milk product did the U.S. Agriculture Department propose as a substitute for meat in school lunches, in 1996?
What 2 vitamins are required for cell division?
folacin and B12 (cobalamin)
Passage of the food drug and cosmetic act of 1938 was motivated by
The tipping point came in 1937, when an untested pharmaceutical killed scores of patients, including many children, as soon as it went on the market.
What are the two general types of adulteration of foods?
economic adulteration; addition of foreign material
Name the toxic substances in unprocessed cassava roots.
cyanogenic glycosides (lenamaric, lotaustralin)
What is the relationship between wavelength and frequency?
wavelength= speed of light / frequency or speed of light = frequency * wavelength
According to the FAO, a serving a magnesium supplement must contain a minimum of what percentage of the recommended daily intake?
What is the caloric content of alcohol?
7 Cal/g
What is the name for a tall chef’s hat?
In what year was the blue M&M introduced?
What is the term for the parts of a label that is most likely to be displayed presented shown under customary conditions of display for retail sale?
Principle display panel
What is the spectrum range for thermal radiation?
0.1 um to 1000 um (1 mm)
What is the value for the increase in temperature required to decrease the D value by 10 (or one log cycle reduction)?
The Howard Mold Count was developed as a method of monitoring the quality of what type of food products?
Tomato products
Why are linoleic, linolenic, and arachidonic acids considered essential fatty acids?
n-6 and n-3 cannot be synthesized in the human body
Which amino acids absorb light under UV range?
phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan (all with aromatic groups)
What is a facultative anaerobe?
a microbe that can grow with or without oxygen
What are the five major classes of micro organisms based on temperature?
Mesophile thermophile, psychrotroph psycrophile extremophiles
What is the D value?
Time in minutes, at specified temperature to destroy 90% or 1 log reduction of the microorganisms in a population.
What does BATF stand for?
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
What organism is used in the manufacture of blue cheese?
penicillium Roqueforti and Penicillium Glaucum
What is the term for farming and grazing practices that, among other benefits, reverse climate change by rebuilding soil organic matter and restoring degraded soil biodiversity resulting in carbon drawdown and improving the water cycle?
Regenerative Agriculture
Name 3 types of heat treatment during food processing and what is their purpose
blanching (inactivates enzymes), pasteurization (kill pathogenic bacteria), and sterilization (kill all bacteria and other organisms)
How many hydrogen atoms benzene has?
What is a commercial undercounter refrigerator known as?
A lowboy or a bar refrigerator
Name the strongest biochemical bond and the weakest biochemical bond.
strongest=covalent, weakest=hydrophobic
What main agency is charged with enforcing standards that limit exposure to ionizing radiation?
US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
Define "indirect" additive
substances that may come into contact with food as part of packaging or processing equipment, but are not intended to be added directly to food.
What is the most commonly occurring food allergy in infants and young children?
Cow's milk
Generally, what is the net rate of heat transfer of food?
rate of absorption- rate of emission
In dairy, what is PMO?
Pasteurized Milk Ordinance
Which company worked with NASA to develop HACCP?
Resistance temperature detectors, also known as RTD are PTC sensors. What does PTC stand for?
positive temperature coefficient
What is a mathematical technique for determining the best use of available resources when these resources can be used in other products?
least cost formulation
What does the acronym NADA stand for?
new animal drug application
Which of the following is not found on pyschrometric chart: Enthalpy, abs humidity, wet bulb temp, thermal conductivity
thermal conductivity
TF high density polyethylene is made up of carbon chains that are highly branched.
What is microencapsulation?
a process in which tiny particles or droplets are surrounded by a coating to give small capsules.
What are the top 3 sea foods consumed in the U.S.?
Shrimp, Salmon, Tuna
What is aseptic processing?
food and container are sterilized separately and then filled in a sterile environment
Enzyme used to cut DNA: Conversion, Mannic, Conjungtion and restriction
What common component of oranges is missing in navel oranges?
the seeds
Give any two factors that affect egg foaming ability.
pH, sugars, contamination with yolk, age of the egg, etc.
What mineral is a major challenge in the fortification of many foods and beverages because of its poor taste and large daily value of 3.5 grams per day?
What are the three types of emulsions?
semi permanent, permanent, and temporary
Given the highest dose of a chemical that causes no effect in rats is 300mg; what is the accepted daily intake for humans?
3 mg, (100 fold safety factor)
Improvement in baking quality occurs during storage of flour. What type of chemical reaction is the cause?
What common farm animal is decendant of callus gallus?
Term for temp at which Vapor Press = press of surrounding?
Boiling pt
Which amino acids are excpeotionally high in nuts?
What spoilage compound is associated with a medicinal off odor caused by alicyclobacillus?
What are the 3 simple components of a radio frequency heating system?
radio frequency generator, electrodes, and product
The reaction of secondary amine with nitrous acid results in the formation of powerful carcinogens called
True or false: the following steps should be followed for cleaning food contact equipment and utensils: 1) prerinse 2) soap and scrub (washing) 3) rinse 4) sanitize 5) air drying
Which additive banned in Europe in 2020?
What is the name of the fruit that is described as a seeded apple?
What is the major protein in milk?
What is defined as the ability of meat to retain its water during application of external forces such as cutting, heating, grinding, or pressing?
water holding capacity
Which microorganisms make the following hydrocolloids?
xanthan - xanthomonas campestris, curdlan - alcaligenes faecalis var. myxogenes, gellan - pseudomonas elodea
Name the acids that are present in the following: oranges, grapes, apples, and yogurt
orange: citric, grapes: tartaric, apples: malic, yogurt: lactic
Who was the president of the US when the USDA was formed?
Abraham Lincoln
What is the genus/species/variety for popping corn?
Zea mays everta
What are the 2 types of food poisioning possibly recieved from consuming fish?
ciguatera and scombroid
Why do carrots not lose their orange color during cooking?
carotenoids are heat stable and fat soluble
What year was Food Technology established?
Name the genus and species of the organism predominantly responsible for mellow lactic fermentation in wine.
Oenococcus oeni (known as Leuconostoc oeni)
Glutelin oryzenin is found in what food?
The Baby Ruth candy bar was introduced in 1920 by the Curtis Candy Co. Who is it named after?
Eldest daughter of President Grover Cleveland (not the baseball player)
What were british sailors named after?
A higher attenuation factor does what to the distribution?
makes the distribution less uniform
The first federal food law was passed in 1906. What was it?
Food and Drugs Act and/or Meat Inspection Act, both June 30th, 1906.
Which compounds found in grapefruit act to inhibit Cytochrome P450 Enzyme and cause potentially dangerous drug interactions?
Furanocoumarins interfere with blood settings so they can be dangerous.
Microorganisms that can survive low water activity conditions are called
What is misbranding?
a food has been improperly labeled or filled/packaged to be misleading
The quality assurance system called HACCP stands for ...
Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points
Name 3 enzymes that work on pectin.
Polygalacturonase, Pectin lyase, Pectin methyl easterase
Give the name of the product made from dired, fermented, smoked, skipjack tuna.
bonito flakes
What is depleted from muscle before slaughter to produce dark cutting beef?
Which company had a long running slogan of '57 varieties'?
What condition results during thawing of muscle that frozen before it enters rigor mortis?
thaw rigor
To standardize the names of retail cuts, the meat industry has adopted a common list of names called what?
Uniform retail meat identity standards (URMIS)
In sensory tests what scale is used to measure the appropriateness or optimum level of specific attributes?
Just about right
Genus and Species of the bacteria involved in the Irish Famine.
Phytophthora infestans
What might the Doppler effect be used to measure in food settings?
Flow velocity or food intake
What is another name for carob gum?
Locust Bean Gum
Ratio of viscous/elastic portion in rheology:
tan delta or damping factor
Describe the difference between shear and normal stress.
Shear is parallel to the surface, normal is perpendicular
Inosine methylene blue agar is used for?
Lactose fermenting
What two types of heating are dielectric heating?
microwave and radio frequency
Define enhancement in the context of the interaction of stimuli presented simultaneously as mixtures.
The effect created when one substance increasing the perceived intensity of a second substance.
What is cooking loss percentage of a roast that had a raw weight of 20 lbs and a cooked weight of 15 lbs?
cooking loss % = (cooked weight/raw weight) = 25 %
What food is most associated with the foodborne illness agent enterobacter sakazakii?
Infant formula
Durio zibethinus is a distinct smelling tree fruit that is native to South Asia. What is the common name for this fruit?
In plants, what amino acid is used to synthesize ethylene?
Give an example of cross potentiation.
Observer perceives more bitterness in the test sample because of the tasting of sucrose has heightened his sensitivity to bitterness
What happens to a catalyst in a reaction?
Concentration remains same (ideally)
In beer making what is the liquid fraction of the mash called?
What is the most popular fish in alaska?
coho salmon
The protein that is about 58% of all egg white protein is called _____
What flavor compound is responsible for the flavor of the Italian liquor Amarreto?
Benzaldehyde and taste a little bit like cherries.
What is the name of a sweet, dark liquor made from blackcurrants?
cassis or crème de cassis
8 cups: ? gallon
half gallon
From what source is C. bot first isolated?
Smoked ham
The Lohmann reaction is catalyzed by ATP creatine phosphotransferase. Its function is to replenish ______
Veal is meat from a calf that is: A. 4 months old or younger, B. fed grain for at least 130 days, C. younger than 1 year or D. 2 years or older?
A. 4 months old or younger
What is the difference between a food law and a food regulation?
Law: Enacted by an elected governing body (Congress). Regulation: Written and enforced by an agency with appointed members. FDA regulations are also federal laws. Also regulation can be found in title 21 COF and the public typically can input before FDA issues a final regulation
What temperature do leftover foods need to be reheated?
What is the difference between a foam and an aerosol dispersion system?
foam – inner phase is gaseous, outer phase is liquid Aerosol – inner phase is liquid or solid, outer phase is gaseous.
What is the first law of thermodynamics?
the total energy of a system and its surroundings must remain constant, although it may be changed from one form to another.
What milk protein is responsible for iron binding and enhanced iron adsorption into the body?
In which country did Reisling originate?
What test would you use to measure oxidation in meat products?
Thiobarbituric acid analysis (TBA)
What is the primary ingredient in sand?
silica (silicon dioxide)
What is the state of muscle when permanent cross-bridges form and prevent sliding of filaments so that the the muscle becomes inextensible?
rigor mortis
In a sensory what are the sensations elicited by volatile compounds?
Odour, smell
If capillary breakage occurs in fat, the condition is commonly referred to as what?
Fiery Fat
Hyperkeratinization, xerosis, bitot's spots, keratomalacia, and hyperkeratosis are symptoms of a deficiency of ________?
vitamin A
Mercene, Limonene, and Pinene all belong to what family of hydrocarbons?
In 1883, the brothers Oscar and Meyer lease a failing Chicago meat market and made the company, a success within five years, named the company.
Oscar Meyer.
With respect to distillation, what is a vaporize/condensation stage called?
A theoretical plate
Why store olive oil in dark?
to prevent from photooxidation
The statistical test for comparison of means from small sample size (n less than 30) based upon their distribution when the standard deviation is known as
The t-distribution or Student's t-distribution
In poultry, what is the difference between a "broiler" and a "fryer"?
Both are types of chicken that are raised for meat. Fryer are just a bit larger in weight than broiler.
TWEEN belongs to what groups of food additives?
What are the parameters that are controlled during post harvest preservation of fruits and vegetables?
temperature and humidity
In this discrimination test of sensory evaluation panelists must choose whether or not two coded samples are different.
paired comparison
Eversweet was developed by which company?
Protecting consumers health and ensuring fair practices in the food trade are the goals of what international document?
Codex Alimentarius
What is piperine and where is it found?
An alkaloid that is responsible for the strong peppery kick in black and white pepper
Which is the 2nd most abundant polysachharide?
What is resistant starch resistant to?
digestion by pancreatic enzymes
What city hosts a Solar egg frying contest every July 4?
Oatman, Arizona
In Aug 2013, Chef Richard McGeown cooked what for the first time?
Lab grown meat hamburger
What is the main class of color compounds found in raspberries?
When material naturally absorbs water?
What are edible meat by-products better known as?
Variety meats
how many carbon atoms and how many double bonds are in arachidonic acid?
20 carbons and 4 double bonds
What is a bacteriophage composed of?
A nucleic acid molecule surrounded by a protein structure.
What is fuzzy logic in simple terms?
Fuzzy logic is an approach to computing based on "degrees of truth" rather than the usual "true or false" (1 or 0) Boolean logic on which the modern computer is based.
How many carbons are in lactose?
Bromelain for pineapple, ficin from figs or papain from papaya may be added to meat to serve as what type of agent?
Name one chemical compound that is used to sanitize food processing equipment.
Hypochlorites, quaternary ammonium, Peroxyacetic Acid (PAA)
Probiotic & prebiotic combined are called?
Name the genus of bacteria added with the starter culture for Swiss cheese.
Propionibacterium freudenreichii subspecies shermanii
This condiment was originally sold as a medicine in the 1830’s.
Name the company that patented Olestra.
Proctor and Gamble
In whiskey making, wetting the barley grains to stimulate germination is called:
What flour is from dried hominy is used to make Mexican tortillas and tamales?
masa white corn flour
What is the name of the plant that capers come from?
Caper plants (Capparis spinosa)
What are the scientific name for ale and lager yeasts?
ale: saccharomyces cerevisiae lager: saccharomyces pastorianus(formerly saccharomyces carlsbergensis)
What effect is described by a visco elastic fluid climbing an impeller shaft during mixing or agitation?
The Weissenberg Effect
What is the graph of water activity vs. water content called?
moisture sorption isotherm (MSI)
Which cows produce milk with higher fat content: Holsteins or Jerseys?
Under what conditions is the formation of lysinoalanine favored in foods?
alkaline treatment of proteins
What are the two components of muscle contribute most to the sensory perception of juiciness in meat?
water and intramuscular fat (marbling)
In which year did belgian chemist ernest solvay patented his method for the industrial production of sodium carbonate?
What positions are on the board of directors of IFTSA?
VP chapter engangement, VP membership engangement, VP competitions, VP volunteer development, VP digital and social media and Member-at-large
What is the most popular instrument for measuring the textural quality of foods?
How many foodborne illness cases every year?
48 million
What is the maximum recommended storage temperature for eggs and dairy products?
40 deg F or 4 deg C
What two essential amino acids contain Sulfur?
Cysteine, methionine
What are the minimum times and temperatures for LTLT and HTST pasteurization of milk?
LTLT – 145 degF (62.8 degC), 30 minutes HTST – 161 deg F (71.7 deg C) 15 seconds
A saturated fat has how many double bonds?
What was the first year of the IFTSA product development competition?
Shear stress is linearly proportional to shear strain in which type of fluids?
Newtonian fluid
What color of ink is used to apply the red meat carcass inspection stamp?
What was the real name of Chef Boy-ar-dee?
Ettore “Hector” Boiardi
What 2 antibiotics are legal food additives?
nisin & natamycin
What is the milk fat % in heavy cream?
At least 36%
Why are "cereal adjuncts" added in beer making?
Cereal Adjuncts can impact color, flavor, and stability of the product.
Integration of lethality will determine which value
F sub zero
Name the microorganism responsible for tequila fermentation.
zymomonas mobilis
Which lactic acid producing bacteria found in sourdough bread takes its name from a California city?
Lactobacillus sanfranciscensis
Enzymatic browning is caused by the oxidation of what type of compounds? Name the enzyme.
polyphenols; Polyphenoloxidase/phenolase
What is "converted rice" and how is it manufactured?
Whole grain rice is parboiled or steeped in hot water prior to removal of the hulls, bran, and germ in milling. The rice loses fewer nutrients as the B vitamins and minerals from the hulls, bran, and germ are leached into the endosperm. The converted rice is then dried, milled, and polished
What are any of the conducting cells of the nervous system called?
What type of enzymes are commonly added to fruit prior to juice production?
pectic enzymes (specifically polygalacturonase, pectinesterase, and cellulases, and other enzymes)
What is the most abundant unit that makes up the structure of pectin?
galacturonic acid
The part of the beer making process that involves heating malt and water to 60 C to facilitate enzymatic reactions is called
Assuming an average lifetime of 70 years, how many seconds is 1 billionth of an average lifetime?
2.2 seconds
Name the 3 principal nutrients used to enrich rice.
thiamin, niacin, iron
What organism causes typhoid fever?
Salmonella typhi
When viewed under a microscope after gram staining, gram negative bacteria appear what color?
How many main effects are there in a three way ANOVA?
How hot should you cook a burger before eating it?
160 degree F
PDCAAS stands for?
protein digestibility corrected amino acid score
At what temperature are bacterial spores destroyed?
250 F
What is the term for determining the magnitude of reflection, refraction, and transmission of microwave radiation?
Fresnel equations
What is the main aroma compound found in banana oil?
Isopentyl acetate
What happens when a natural cheese is heated to a high temperature?
stringiness, toughness, and separation of fat
What foodborne pathogen can cause peptic ulcers?
Helicobacter pylori
Who was the French inventor of airtight food preservation, and is also known as the "father of canning"?
Nicolas Appert
What is the name of the tool used to shred cheese?
What is the 12D process?
the time/temperature process that will reduce the microbe spore population (typically C. bot) by 12 log cycles
What phenomena in wine is a visualization of the Gibbs-Marangoni effect?
Tears or the wine legs
What is the purpose of the heat penetration test in thermal processing?
to determine the temperature of slowest heating zone in a food container, and use the time/temperature data to calculate a thermal process that will render the product commercially sterile
What are the advantages of traditional thermal processing over non-thermal processing?
Thermal processing can destroy spores
What is an exotoxin?
Toxic proteins secreted by bacteria and released outside of the cell
What are two examples of natural antioxidants?
vitamin C, vitamin E, beta carotene
What is the cause of cardboard flavor in milk.?
Oxidation of fat
What toxin causes acute liver damage?
What two amino acids have the highest pKa?
arginine and asparagine
What two grains make up crispix?
rice and corn
What year was the federal meat grading service established?
Among the following plastic films, which one is the most oxygen permeable? Plain celophane wrap, low density polyethylene, mylar (polyester)
low density polyethylene
There are 2 main differences between scotch and whiskey. What are they?
geography, scotch is made in Scotland, and bourbon in the USA (Kentucky). Scotch is made from malted barley and bourbon from distilled corn.
Hydrolysis of RNA with 5-phosphodiesterase yields 5-nucleotides that are used in the food industry as ______________________.
flavor enhancers, GMP, IMP
Give the resultant color for each of the following L*a*b* scores: 1) L* = 50, a*= 50, b* = 50; 2) L* = 50, a*= 0, b* = 0; 3) L* = 40, a*= 10, b* = 40
red, gray, brown
Which of the following is a non-reducing sugar? A. Lactose, B. glucose, C. sucrose, D. maltose
C. sucrose
What is Food Babe's real name?
Vani Hari
What is the log of 1?
The accumulation of adipose tissue around the bundles of muscle fibers in beef is called what?
What is the common vector for inserting foreign genes into a bacteria?
What are the names of the connective tissue layers surrounding the whole muscle, muscle bundle, muscle fibers and sarcolemma
What is LD50?
The amount of an ingested substance that will kill 50% of a test sample. Expressed in milligrams of substance per kilogram of body weight.
What is the name of a polypeptide antibiotic produced by some streptococcus lactis strains?
What type of botulism is mainly involved in seafood?
type e
What did the Delaney Clause do?
food additives were added to the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act in 1958.
How many square centimeters in a standard Petri dish?
35mm--area of 8.55 square cm. 50 mm or 5 cm--area of 19.60 square cm. 100 mm or 9 cm-- area of 56.75 square cm. 135 mm-- area of 143 square cm.
What percent of the O-H bond in a water molecule is ionic character?
You are trying to pasteurize milk to reduce the amount of E. coli. If you are treating the milk for 15 seconds what temperature is needed?
149 deg F or 65 deg C
What is the name of the crop species resulting from a plant breeder's cross between wheat and rye?
What type of method is the phenol sulfuric acid value, and what does this assay determine?
colorimetric, total carbohydrates
What are the 3 coordinates in the Hunter-Gardner color solid?
L, a, b
What are the 6 stages of tomato ripening?
green, breakers, turning, pink, light red, red
What are the 2 types of food poisoning possibly received from consuming fish?
ciguatera and scombroid
Identify three types of fungi commonly consumed in foods.
Yeast, molds and mushrooms
Which legume accounts for one sixth of the world's vegetable oil production?
The peanut.
What is the SI unit for pressure?
Who is regarded as the inventor of modern chewing gum?
Thomas Adams
What method of food preservation did the Incas first use on potatoes?
What is the Weston A. Price Foundation?
An organization that, among other things, promotes the consumption of animal fat, consumption of raw milk
What is the main type of bond found in starch molecules?
Covalent bond
What are myosin and actin?
major contractile proteins in muscle
What is the name of the membrane surrounding a muscle fiber?
Rank sweetness from highest to lowest.
Sucralose > stevia > aspartame > sucrose > maltose
What is measured on the basis of the dipole moment of a single molecule?
dielectric constant
How long can eggs be stored under appropriate conditions?
6 months
What compounds found in many brassicas can be both cancer-protective and goitrogenic?
What is the sea foods division of the IFT now known as?
aquatic food products division
What causes trichinosis?
It is a type of roundworm infection is acquired by eating Trichinella species larvae in raw or undercooked meat
What color of anthocyanin pigment predominates at an acidic pH?
What are two factors that determine meat quality grade?
Degree of maturity, degree of marbling
What does GCMS stand for?
Gas chromatography mass spectrometry
At what temp does a solution of 20% amylose and 80% water boil?
100 C
In cocoa processing, what does NARS stand for?
Nibs alkalizing roasting and sterilizing
What are some critical factors in designing a thermal process?
type of food, target microorganism, location of cold spot, shelf life requirement
Hydrolysis of glycerol molecules from the TAG is called?
What breed of cattle produces the most beef in the united states?
Describe expectation error.
Subjects anticipate the sensation and report their response before it is applicable.
What is the source of the milk used in making Roquefort cheese?
Ewe/female sheep
This important packaging material was patented in 1810 by Peter Durand of England.
Tin can
What sausage is probably produced in the greatest amount in the world? In some regions, the green pistachio nut is a traditional ingredient
What was the location of the first Kentucky Fried Chicken franchise?
Salt Lake City, Utah
The ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence of a ray of light on the surface separating two media to the sine of its angle of refraction is called:
refractive index
During which phase of microbial growth is bacteria the easiest to kill?
log or exponential phase
On average how many eggs do wild chickens lay each year?
What is the common name for 9,12,cis-cis-octadienoic acid?
Linoleic acid
What is the percent RNA and protein in a ribosome?
60% RNA, 40% protein
What is the indicator organism used for thermal processing?
Bacillus stearothermophilus
Name 2 chemical agents used to accelerate bleaching of wheat flour.
chlorine dioxide (widely used), and benzoyl peroxide
Excessive amounts of nitrite in meat cures may result in a green pigment. What is this often referred to as?
nitrite burn
What does PSE stand for?
Pale, soft, exudative
Which food additive did Morton Salt add to their product that allows them to say "When it rains, it pours"?
calcium silicate
What is hysteresis?
Hysteresis represent the history dependence of physical systems. If you push on something, it will yield: when you release, does it spring back completely? If it doesn't, it is exhibiting hysteresis, in some broad sense.
A thermal death curve plots ___ against _____.
temperature vs. time
What is the name for the outside coating of wheat?
What was the first type of student competition held by IFT?
undergraduate research paper forum
Describe the difference between hue, value, and chroma.
HUE: a color or shade . VALUE: value refers to the lightness or darkness of a color.When referring to pigments, dark values with black added are called “shades” of the given hue name. Light values with white pigment added are called “tints” of the hue name. CHROMA: purity or intensity of color E.G.In red hue, fire engine red, brick red & grey is pure red/high intensity, mid intense & low intensity, respectively
What major breed of dairy cattle has the highest fat % milk?
If oxygen attacks an unsaturated fatty acid at the double bond what is the resultant product?
aldehydes (2 aldehydes)
Candy corn is made to look like corn kernels, how many times larger is a candy corn compared to a real corn kernel?
3 times larger
Where did the kiwi fruit originate?
Relating to food service, in a three compartment sink what is each sink used for?
washing, rinsing, and sanitizing
What are the names of the three gnomes tha represent Kellog's Rice Krispy Cereal?
Snap, Crackle, and Pop
What is the traditional source of rennet?
the fourth stomach (abomasum) of calves
What are 2 species of Vanilla beans used in the US food industry?
Vanilla Planifolia and Vanilla Tahitensis
What is the processing difference between fresh pack and salt stock (genuine) pickles?
Fresh pack pickles are only marinated (with vinegar and salt and sometimes sugar) , whereas salt stock pickles are fermented.
What is the name for the 5th basic taste, sometimes called savory?
What is the name of a food process which is considered to be a food additive under the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act?
What do you have to correct for after total dietary fiber
nitrogen in ash fro protein
Which food has the highest fiber content? Five prunes, ½ cup cooked lentils, 2 cups iceberg lettuce, or ¾ cup bran flakes
1/2 cup cooked lentils
What is isotachophoresis?
technique used to separate out ionic analytes
What is the term for determining the microwave absorptivity of a material and absorbed microwave energy determines the amount of energy converted to heat?
dielectric loss factor
What vegetable oils are approved for use in butter manufacture?
What two spices are derived from the fruit of the nutmeg tree?
Nutmeg and Mace
1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid is the precursor of what plant hormone?
What is most abundant myofibrillar protein?
What bacteria is added to Swiss cheese for eye formation?
Propionibacterium shermanii
Dark meats tend to have a higher fat content than white meats.
Blue Tanner and Dungeness are types of what meat products?
Rickets is caused by?
Vit D deficiency
What are the 3 positively charged amino acids?
lysine, arginine and histidine
What is the color of freshly slaughtered beef?
Deep purple
What actions can FDA take against companies or individuals who market adulterated or misbranded cosmetics
FDA can pursue action through the Department of Justice in the federal court system, request a federal district court to issue a restraining order, may be subject to seizure or crimal action
How is citron different from most other citrus fruit?
It is primarily pith with only a small amount of juice/pulp
How many FDA regions are there in the U.S.?
Give the equation for determining loss tangent, also called dissipation factor.
dielectric loss factor divided by dielectric constant
True or false: Dark meats tend to have a higher fat content than white meats.
What fruit is the international symbol for hospitality?
The step in which fatty acids of higher melting point are separated by cooling during edible oil manufacturer is called?
What slaughter type performed according to prescribed rabbinical procedures, under supervision of authorized representatives of jewish faith?
Which red meat animal species has the lowest average dressing percent?
What is the vitamin most associated with antioxidant activity in PUFAs?
vitamin E
The decrease in pH that occurs in postmortem muscle is caused by?
Hydrolysis of ATP
How would you determine which brand of pudding is preferred by customers?
sensory evaluation, preference tests
What is the fibrous Italian cheese, that's name means spun curd due to the due to the unique stretching process?
Pasta filata, also known as “stretched curd” or “spun paste”, refers to the process of heating and stretching curd directly before forming a final cheese
Sharp freezing can be described as ___________?
still air freezing
Name the main microorganism used in malolactic fermentation.
Oenococcus oeni
Which amino acid gives strong reaction with the Folin-Ciocalteu reagent?
tyrosine (aromatic ring)
What percent of the Earth's water is potable, or fresh-water?
What compound(s) most aptly describes the aroma of durian fruit?
ethyl-2-methylbutanoate and 1-(ethylsulfanyl)ethane-1-thiol), (ester and volatile thiol is also acceptable)
Which genera contains bacteria that can fluoresce and contains members that commonly cause spoilage of fresh cut vegetables and meats?
Answer: Pseudomonas flurescens
What is the address for the Washington DC office of IFT?
818 Connecticut Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20006-2702
Which fruit/ vegetable is known as gator legs?
An emulsified with a high hydrophilic-lipophilic balance (HLB) value would promote which type of emulsion: oil in water or water in oil?
Oil in water
Define and differentiate between GMPs and cGMPs.
GMPs are Good Manufacturing Practices used by the food industry; cGMPs are Current Good Manufacturing Practices regulations under FDA codified at 21 CFR 110
What European nation consumes more spicy Mexican food than any other country?
Explain thixotropic and pseudoplastic.
Thixotropy is the property of certain fluids and gels of becoming thinner when a constant force is applied. A pseudoplastic fluid is a fluid that increases viscosity as force is applied. The main difference is that viscosity of thixotropic fluids decreases upon applying a force whereas the viscosity of pseudoplastic fluids increases upon applying a force.
Name a reagent used to determine the amount of reducing sugar present in food.
Benedict's reagent
What is the minimum temperature pork should be cooked at to kill Trichinella?
145 F
What is a food intoxication?
An intoxication results when a person eats food containing toxins that cause illness
What four types of animals are legally called meat?
bovine or cattle, pigs, lambs, goats
What are the 5 main types of botulism?
foodborne, infant, wound, Adult intestinal toxemia, Iatrogenic botulism
What substance did Canadians Charles Best and Fredrick Banting discover in 1922?
The fifth taste response, activated by flavor potentiators like MSG, is called
In North America, what is the standard size of the pallets used in the Dairy industry?
40"x 40"
Another name for thermal resistance constant is
What elements does glutathione transferase require?
What is the rate limiting step in a beer fermentation?
Beer fermentation must continue until yeast uptake the diacetyl they excreted during fermentation. Diacetyl must be lowered to between 0.1 and 0.01 mg/L
With respect to food processing, what is SS 316?
SS 316 is a food grade austenitic stainless steels
The endosperm of wheat consists of starch granules embedded in a what?
protein matrix
What is the usual protein content range of cereal grains?
What is the most abundant component of skeletal muscle?
Which of the following has the greatest market share of food packaging? A. flexible packaging, b. glass, c. other metals or d. paper & board
D. Paper and board
what is the difference between bottled beer and draft beer?
draft is unpasteurized and hence has a shorter shelf life
What was the live weight of a lamb with a "hide off, head on" carcass weight of 60 lb and a dressing percentage of 50.0?
What is the name of the process that is used for high-acid foods? The food is held at 170-190 deg for 25-30 minutes.
hot, fill, hold
At what temperature (in degrees F) does meat freeze?
What happens if whipped cream is whipped too far?
The fat begins to turn into butter
The results of what sensory test are often plotted to give a flavor profile, with the resulting graph being referred to as a spiderweb plot?
Quantitative Descriptive Analysis
What are the prolamins in corn called?
What is the 1st law of thermodynamics?
Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It can only be converted from one form to another. The total amount of energy of an isolated system is constant.
What is the difference between somesthesis and kinesthesis?
somesthesis = tactile sense, skin feel; Kinesthesis = deep pressure sense of proprioception
What does the term "con carne" mean in mexican food?
With meat
What are BOD, COD and what are their units of measurement?
biological oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, mg/L
What is the name of the substance, which can form colloid suspension as a defect in apple juice?
What is the state fruit of West Virginia?
Golden Delicious Apple
What legume accounts for one sixth of the worlds vegetable oil production?
What year was the Maillard reaction discovered?
What is the name of the compound responsible for the grapefruit flavor of grapefruit?
1-p-menthene-8-thiol (or thioterpineol)
What is the microbial gum commonly used in salad dressings?
Xanthan gum
What is zymology?
the science of fermentation
What is the artificial color number of Sunset Yellow?
Yellow No. 6
When was the USDA created and who did Abraham Lincoln appoint as the 1st leader?
1862, Charles Wetherill
Describe one way nanoparticles are used in food processing.
nanocapsules to improve the availability of neutraceuticals and/or flavors. Nanotubes and particles as gelation and viscosifying agents Particles that bind and remove chemicals and pathogens
This sweetener has about 150-250 times the sweetness power of sucrose and is a dipeptide of aspartic acid and phenylalanine 1-methyl ester
Vitamin D enhances the absorption of what two minerals?
phosphorus and calcium
Name 2 reasons why pectin is used in the processing of fruit juice.
To increase clarity and yield
MC: Which sugar has the highest sweetness? a. lactose b. sucrose c. fructose d. maltose
c. fructose
Xenobiotic definition?
substances that are foreign to the body or to an ecological system
What are the sugar alcohols formed by the reduction of the following sugars: glucose, fructose, and xylose?
sorbitol, mannitol, and xylitol
Which young french wine is released annually on the 3rd Thursday in Nov?
Beaujolais nouveau
On St Patricks day, which food is used to color beer green?
In which dairy products is acetaldehyde a problem or defect?
What is the purpose of an energy crop?
low-cost, low-maintenance crop used/processed/combusted for its energy content to generate electricity or heat, etc.
What is the molarity of pure HCL in a pH 7 solution?
10-7 molar
What is the trisaccharide found in beets?
What is an infection that can be caused by eating undercooked pork from pigs fed raw garbage?
Name the 5 IFT Student Association competitions.
Graduate student paper, Undergraduate student paper, College Bowl, Student Chapter of the Year, Product Development
What is the quantitative analysis for the oxidation of reducing sugars by Cu+ ions under alkaline condition?
Benedict's test
The mash obtained in the fermentation of soy to produce soy sauce is called
What is the common name for the pelt removal process during sheep slaughter?
What is a dextran?
glucose polymer joined by alpha-1,6-glycosidic bond
What is the D value of a microorganism that is decreased in population by a factor of 10 in 2 minutes?
What are five functions of surfactants in foods?
emulsification, aeration and foam stabilization, prevention of starch complexing, protein interaction and fat crystal modification
What beer style do you need sour cheeries to?
What substance is formed when collagen is heated in the presence in water?
What is the protein source in TVP (textured vegetable protein)?
How many pecks are in a bushel? 2, 4, 8, 16
b. 4
What substances in low quantity can be found in food?
Indirect additives
What country eats the most lamb and mutton per capita per year?
New Zealand
How many seconds should you wash your hands as stated by the CDC?
20 s in US, 15 s in Canada
In glycolysis how many moles of NADH are produced per mole of glucose consumed?
What is a material property that determines the distribution of energy within the material?
attenuation factor
What does GRAS stand for?
Generally Recognized As Safe
What equipment is preferable to sterilize canned soups?
rotary retort
What is the cholesterol content of peanuts?
Name a chart used in unsteady state heat transfer.
gurney-lurie chart, heisler chart
What mineral is best known as an antioxidant?
In which states are the following IFT sections located: Puget Sound; Magnolia; Nutmeg; Dogwood; Cactus
Washington and Alaska; Mississippi; Connecticut; North Carolina; Arizona
What main compound is responsible for the smell of lavender?
linalool or linalyl acetate
The carboxy end of the fatty acid is called the _____ position.
Under what Presidential Administration was FSMA signed into law?
Barack Obama
What are the big 3 canned products?
corn, tomatoes, green beans
The Maillard reaction is a reaction between what two specific components in foods
Reducing sugar and amino acid
What is Raoult’s law?
vapor pressure of a solution = vapor pressure of the solvent x mole of solvent fraction
Why does the pH of albumen in freshly laid eggs change from 7.6 to 9.7 during storage?
diffusion of solubilized CO2 through the shell
What is PCR? Why is it used?
It is polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and used to "amplify" - copy - small segments of DNA.
what substances are prohibited in foods by the delaney clause?
any substance shown to cause cancer in man or animal
Enzyme pills available over the counter can be added to milk to predigest lactose to glucose and galactose. The name of the enzyme is ....
Lactase (b-galactosidase) or Lactase
Another name for thermal death time is
F value or sterilization value
What proteolytic enzymes are located in lysosomes?
Name 2 approved bleaching agents used in flour production.
Cl2, NOCl, N2O4, benzyl peroxide, ClO2, NO2, lipogenase
In packaging terminology, when does EVOH stands for?
ethylene vinyl alcohol
What is the pH range of beer? a. 2-3 b. 3-5 c. 5-6 d. 6-7
b. 3-5
What is maximum level of nitrites allowed in finished hams?
200 ppm
In milk, what does lactose react with to cause maillard browning?
Lactose reacts with the free amino acid side chain of milk protein (Mainly e-amino group of lysine residue)
What toxic pigment is found in cottonseed endosperm?
What is fibrous italian cheese spun curd method?
Pasta filata
What is the process of staling called?
What are the smallest and largest amino acids by MW?
glycine and tryptophan
What color is the inside of a cranberry?
What is the common name obtained from laurel tree often used to flavor soups, sauces?
Bay leaves
What is the main difference between a food intolerance and a food allergy?
food intolerance deals with the digestive system and food allergy with the immune system
What is the major antioxidant in rosemary extract?
Diterpenes - carnosic acid
What is a chemical leavening system, and what are the two essential components of a chemical leavening system?
A Chemical leavening system is a system of controlled carbon dioxide release to give rise to baked products, the two components are a leavening agent. sodium bicarbonate) and acidic agent
Kielbasa is a polish sausage made primarily of coarsely ground pork with some amount of beef blended in. What is the typical seasoning used in Kielbasa?
What is the name of the degradation compound of chlorophyll?
With regard to wines, what does the abbreviation AOC mean?
AOC – Appellation d’Origine Contrôlée The French term for a wine’s place of origin. It also refers to the complex rules regarding viticulture and vinification that vary from place to place.
What are fresh hams commonly called by the packing industry?
Green hams
What does the Fiske-Subbarow assay measure?
Levels of inorganic phosphate in biological samples
What does the M in M & Ms stand for?
Mars & Murrie, to co-creators of the candy
What is the equation for the Ideal gas Law?
PV = nRT
What are some of the disadvantages of using the general method to calculate lethality?
the initial temperature and time/temperature profile used in production must remain consistent with those used at the time of the heat penetration tests, not recommended for process development, there is a need for thermocouple nad measurement accuracy (with accurate calibration)
Sauerkraut results from what kind of fermentation process
Lactic acid
What is the term given to the contents of the GI tract at the time of slaughter and affects dressing percentage more than most other factors?
Deficiency of what vitamin is associated with neural tube defects?
folate (B9)
What is a secondary metabolite produced by fungi and can cause unnatural or "deleterious biological changes in plants, animals, humans, or microorganisms?
How many IFT achievement awards will be given out at the 2018 IFT annual meeting?
What ingredient makes tonic water fluoresce?
Apart from carbon dioxide, oxygen, and nitrogen, which other gas is allowed in some countries for MAP?
Carbon Monoxide
What drupaceous fruit were Hawaiian women once forbidden by law from eating?
What is the main purpose of food processing?
to extend shelf life of a product by reducing or eliminating microbial activity and ensure food product safety
What is oleostearin?
the solid portion of beef fat after removal of oleo oil
What does the term oleogustation refer to?
the taste of fat
What recipe, first published over 50 years ago, has been requested most frequently through the years by the readers of "Better Homes and Garden"?
The recipe for hamburger pie
What is the difference between rennet and rennin?
rennet - the commercial extract from cleaned, frozen, and dried 4th stomach of calves, kids, or lamb. Rennin - the actual enzyme (known as chymosin)
Define thermal death time.
the time it takes to kill a specific bacteria at a specific temperature
Which flavor is caused by the iron-catalyzed oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids and becomes more noticeable when refrigerated, pre cooked, uncured meats are reheated?
warmed over flavor
Name 2 types of retorts.
still (not agitating, vertical, horizontal, hydrostatic), agitating
What food additive allows Morton salt to say, "When it rains, it pours?"
Calcium silicate
At what pH can a food be called a low acid food?
a pH greater than 4.6
How many significant figures are in the number 0.000401?
A characteristic of an "emetic" form is that it causes nausea but not ...
Five other vegetables have the same species name as head cabbage (brassica oleracea). Name two.
Broccoli, Cauliflower, Kale, Kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts, Collards
Why should olive oil be stored in a dark environment?
prevent photooxidation of PUFAs
The most commonly used commercial method for freezing meat products is what?
Blast Freezing-the air blast freezer is one the oldest and commonly used freezing equipment due to its temperature stability and versatility for several product types.
What term refers to microorganisms added to the diet in order to provide health benefits beyond basic nutritive value?
What inorganic compound, found in red meat, is needed for hemoglobin production?
For water, the effect of increasing coordination number is most noticeable at what temperature range?
0-4 degrees celsius
Green Vegetables turn dull "olive green" or brown in thermal processing due to what chemical reaction?
conversion of chlorophyll to the pheophytin due to loss of the magnesium in the structure. (Heat causes a magnesium atom at the center of each chlorophyll molecule to detach and be replaced by hydrogen atoms. This chemical change in chlorophyll molecules changes their bright green color to a dull gray-green.)
Which vegetable was considered an object of worship in ancient Egypt and was often buried in the tombs of Pharaohs?
Which are the 3 vegetables in vegetable stock?
Onions, carrots and celery
Gouda cheese origin?
Which kind of Carageenan is associated with the formation of a thixotropic gel?
iota carrageenan
The gold or golden-brown color of Matnakash bread is obtained how?
Coating the surface with sweet tea powder before baking.
Define whether these are found in prokaryotic or eukaryotic cells: true nucles, circular DNA, unicellularity, no membrane-bound organelles, size of 10-100 micrometers
eukaryotic: nucleus, size ; prokaryotic: circular DNA, unicelluar, no membrane-bound organelles
If you had 10 mL of sweetened iced tea that was 10% sucrose, how much water would you add to dilute the tea to 0.1% sucrose?
990mL water
According to FAO, what is the % of fat in yak's milk?
Name a dielectric material that is composed of weakly bonded molecules that reorient so their symmetry axis aligns to the field.
glass is dielectric
What specific class of enzymes are responsivle for the disruption of fat-soluble membrane in raw milk?
Which of the following allergens does Canada require to be labeled but the United States does not? Shellfish, Celery, Sesame, Egg
Name 3 amino acids that can be cleaved at protein carboxylic acid end by Carboxypeptidase A.
Lysine, Arginine, Prolein
Acrolein is a potentially toxic product that can occur in food processing applications. Give the source and the type of degradation can yield this chemical.
Thermal decomposition of fats
Who comprises the executive committee of IFT?
President, President-Elect, Past President, Treasurer, and Chief Executive Officer
How many years does an individual need to be a member of IFT before they can become an IFT fellow?
15 years
What is a measurement based on weight gain of a test subject divided by its intake of a particular food protein during the test period?
Protein efficiency ratio (PER)
What is the concentration of casein and whey in the protein fraciton of cow's milk?
~82% of milk protein is casein & 18% is serum, or whey protein
Name the four classes of proteolytic enzymes based on active site.
Serine, metallo, aspartyl, cysteine
What is the name for the Italian-style sausage composed of very finely chopped, cured pork and beef with added cubes of white fat; delicately spiced with garlic, nutmeg and coriander; stuffed into larger diameter casing and sliced?
What is the d value?
the decimal reduction time or the time required to destroy 90% of microorganisms
What is the name of the Scandinavian dish that is composed of whitefish that has been dried and soaked in lye?
How has the Food Quality Protection Act changed food regulations?
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will change how they evaluate pesticides in setting tolerances for raw agricultural commodities. Pesticides will no longer be subject to the strict zero tolerance of the Delaney Clause.
According to the World Health Organization, the genus of bacteria is the most common cause of human gastroenteritis in the world.
Define the saponification number.
milligrams of KOH to saponify 1 gram of fat
Pomology is a science of?
Bundle of herbs is called
Boque garni
How is cocoa butter different from other types of fats?
It doesn’t go rancid and therefore has a long shelf/storage life.
Approximately how many varieties of tomatoes are grown?
What are the Delvo and Charm tests used for?
Testing for the presence of antibiotics in milk
Name three gelling food proteins?
egg white, whey, casein, soy
What is active and passive modified atmosphere packaging?
Active - respiration of product will produce the intended or necessary store environment, that is, the storage atmosphere changes over time; passive: intended atmosphere is applied and stays the same through the storage period
How does rennin act to destabilize the casein micelle?
it divides k-casein into para-k-casein and glycomacropeptide
Which of the following oils would become rancid fastest? Canola, soybean, or olive
What is the purpose of the Englis-Cummings procedure?
measure the total, soluble and insoluble fiber content
Why were hops originally used in beer?
they are a natural preservative
When and where was the first annual feeding tomorrow for early IFT foundation fund run held?
it was held in New Orleans in 2001
Name two factors that determine meat quality grade.
Marbling and maturity
Name the basic components of a mechanical refrigeration system.
Compressor, condenser, evaporator, expansion valve
Rank the following lipoproteins by size: HDL, VLDL< IDL, chylomicrons
Who is the editor in chief of Food Technology magazine?
Bob Swientek
What are the 3 effects of high temperature on whey protein?
denaturation, coagulation, cooked flavor
In 1946, BBC aired the first-ever cooking show, called "Cookery". Who was the first chef to have his own cooking show?
Philip Harben
Describe the winterization process for an oil.
Colling the oil Filtering the solids formed This filtering ensures that the long chained saturated fats do not crystallize at low temp
Why are ethylene absorbers used in apple storage?
Ethylene initiates fruit ripening
Stale beer frequently contains elevated levels of what compound?
What carbohydrate is only naturally produced in milk?
For the following saturated fatty acids, give the systematic name or molecular formula: Palmitic acid, Stearic acid and acetic acid
palmitic: n-hexadecanoic, C16 H32 O2; stearic, acetic acid: Ethanoic acid C2 H4 O2; Stearic acid: Octadecanoic acid, C18 H36 O2
What is the major whey protein in milk?
beta lactoglobulin (about 65%)
How many categories of uses does caramel fall under?
What does "TA" mean in regards to spoilage of canned food?
Thermophilic anaerobic
What color are anthocyanins at acidic pH and basic pH?
acidic=red, basic=blue or yellow
What is the leading state in # milk/cow?
What month is designated as National Meat Month?
When can one-tailed test be used for sensory testing?
What is the world's oldest and most common form of food preservation?
What is defined as an amorphous inorganic product of fusion that has been cooled into a rigid condition without crystallizing?
Explain how gamma rays destroy microorganisms.
Gamma rays induce free radical formation, which can interact with DNA and other cellular constituents, which would destroy the organism.
Water soluble pigments occurring in fruits and vegetables whose hue depends on pH are called?
What is the term for movement of a flavor compound out of a food product and into its packaging?
Sorption (or scalping or leaching)
What is latent heat of fusion?
the constant temperature where a solid turns to a liquid.
What are the two proteins believed to be involved in egg white thinning?
lysozyme and ovomucin
First fruit shown in pac man.
What fruit has its seeds on the outside?
What is a substance not naturally part of a food but deliberately added to fulfill some specific purpose?
Food additive
What's the equation for Planck-Einstein relation with respect to radiation?
E = h * (nu)
In beer making, what does IBU stand for and what does it indicate?
International Bitterness Units; measures the concentration of hop compounds in beer, specifically concentration of isohumulone, an acid found in hops that gives beer its bitter taste
In reference to Aflatoxin B1, what does the B designate?
blue fluorescence
Explain pasteur effect.
the rate of glycolysis under anaerobic conditions is higher than the rate under aerobic conditions. Aerobic: citric acid cycle follows glycolysis; anaerobic: fermentation occurs
Ingestion of crickets may cause which type of allergen reaction?
shell fish crustaceans
Name the type of rancidity, which occurs by the hydrolysis of an ester bond and produces free fatty acids.
Hydrolytic rancidity
Which federal agency has jurisdiction for regulating alcoholic beverages?
Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau of the U.S. Department of the Treasury.
Concerning cognac, what does VSOP stand for?
very superior old pale
What is the driving force of osmosis?
chemical potential
Identify the name of this sensory test: five samples are presented and panelists are instructed that two are of one kind and three are of another. The panelists are then asked to identify the two different samples.
Two out of five test
Ketosis, the buildup of ketones in the blood, can be caused by dietary insufficiency of _________________.
Improvement in baking quality occurs during storage of flour. What is this called?
Maturation or aging
Formula to calculate D-value.
D1 = D2 × 10(T2 - T1)/Z
What is one of the molds that produces aflatoxin?
aspergillus flavus and aspergillus parasiticus
What does the Italian word linguine mean?
Little tongue.
What compound causes salmon to turn pink?
Someone has suggested that you use sucrose in your confectionary product where Maillard browning is desirable, will this cause a problem?
yes, because sucrose is a non-reducing sugar
Describe error of habituation.
Tendency to continue to give the same response when a series of slowly increasing or decreasing stimuli are presented
Name one drink that is named for the wormwood plant?
Vermouth and absinthe
What type of bond is cleaved by pullanase?
alpha-1, 6 glycosidic bond
What genus of microorganisms are most often involved with spoilage of refrigerated fresh meat, poultry, fish, and eggs?
What end product does the Voges-Proskauer test detect?
What is another name for phosphatidylcholine?
1,2-diacyl-:ussn:ueglycero-3-phosphocholine, Fosfatidilcolina, Lipodissolve, Lipolight, Lipolyse, Lipothérapie, Lipotherapy, Phosphatidyl Choline, Phospholipid, Phospholipide, Phospholipon, Polyenylphosphatidylcholine, Polyénylphosphatidylcholine, PtdCho.
What is the major law in the U.S. which controls the safety of food, drugs, medical devices, and cosmetics?
the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic act of 1938
What is another name for dihydrogen monoxide?
Water, H2O
What element in commerical apple juice can be fatal in large amounts?
Does a smaller or larger electrode gap result in faster heating of the product?
smaller electrode gap
Who is the southeast area meeting chair this year and what school are they from?
Carter Reed University of Georgia
What is the difference between a category scale and a ratio scale?
Category scale is made up of equal intervals, Ratio scale has the judge express ratios of intensities (sample compared to reference)
What is the dressing percentage of a steer that had a live weight of 1,250 lb. and a carcass weight of 800 lb.?
Which mineral can be used as an antioxidant?
How many regional sections are there of IFT?
What are the 4 basic types of peanuts currently used in the food market?
Runner, Virginia, Spanish, and Valencia
Name the equation that relates electrochemical cell potential to redox states.
Nernst equation
What continent does Macadamian nuts originate?
What part of the plant does ginger come from?
What is retrogradation?
the insolubilizing effect, initiated when long carbohydrate molecules begin to crystallize
Which of the following bacteria has been used to transfer DNA to food crops? A. rhizobalin boloni B. Pseudomonas cotita, C. lactobacillus planatarum, D. agrobacterium tumefaciens
D. agrobacterium tumefaciens
What are the three steps of free radical auto oxidation?
initiation propagation and termination.
Hydroxylation of lysine to hydroxylysine in collagen is an important step leading to what?
conversion of a-chains, b and g chains (crosslinks),,, The collagen molecules are then spontaneously self-assembled into a fibril and stabilized by covalent intra- and inter-molecular covalent cross-linking
What is the Recommended Daily Allowance for Calcium?
1000 mg for adults
What term is used when there is a percent change in length of material before pulling?
Strain or elongation
Thiobarbituric acid number or value indicates what?
Thiobarbituric acid– lipid oxidation
What is a set of directions that should (must) be followed to ensure food safety when completing certain tasks such as cooking chicken, cooling a food, or sanitizing a work surface?
Standard operating procedures
What does the Kjeldahl method measure in foods?
Nitrogen content
The temperature at which the water vapor in the air under a constant barometric pressure will condense into liquid water is called?
the dew point
Grams of sucrose per 100g of sample is the definition of what?
What enzyme causes browning in apples?
polyphenol oxidase
What is the name for chopped fresh and/or frozen beef, with or without added beef fat and/or seasonings? Additionally, it does not contain more than 30% fat, and shall not contain added water, binders, or extenders.
What is croquembouche?
French Christmas cake, puff pastry that they assemble into a cone or tree shape
Name any 1 mold (either in spore form, germinated cells, mycelium) that can be found in blue cheese.
Penicillium roqueforti, P. glaucum, Penicillium stilton, Penicillium gorgonzola
What is regression analysis?
statistical method to analyze a relationship between 2 or more variables such that 1 of them can be predicted by using the information of the others.
Cloud stability in products like tomato and orange juice is favored by which of the following? A) Inactivation of polygalacturonase B) Inactivation of PME C) Addition of PME
B) Inactivation of PME
What are three positive effects of thermal processing on the nutritive value of foods?
inactivation of degradative enzymes (destruction of anti-nutrients) increased bioavailability of nutrients, reduction of microbes
What is the bitter component of grapefruit called?
What are three different methods for blow molding plastic containers?
extrusion, injection, stretch
In thermoprocessing, what is the difference between "sterility" and "commercial sterility"?
commercial sterility means the probability that spores or cells survive is low but not absolute. Sterilization means the destruction of all viable microorganisms that may be present, and they cannot grow because of pH, temperature of storage, etc.
What Pentose abundant wood is used to make a non-cariogenic sugar alcohol commonly used in chewing gum.
Xylitol , xylose
What is the limiting amino acid in green peas?
One of the benefits of IFT professional membership is the ability to apply for CFS status. What does CFS stand for?
Certified Food Scientist
JAR in sensory stands for?
Just about right
Out of these materials, which has the lowest oxygen transmission rate: a. LDPE b. HDPE c. PET d. PVC
What is the number of equivalent minutes at 121 C delivered to a container of product calculated using a z value of 10 C known as?
F or sterilization process equivalent time
What foodborne parasites is also commonly found in used cat litter?
Answer: toxoplasma gondii
The degradation of what compound in cooked fish causes it to be flaky?
Collagen that is turned into gelatin
What is the active enzyme in rennet? And what does it do to milk?
chymosin - breaks down the milk protein casein to paracasein which combines with ca to form calcium paracaseinate which separates out
What does AOAC stand for?
Association of Official Agricultural Chemists
In an egg yolk, what is the phospholipid that acts as an emulsifier?
What are the uncontrolled fat crystallizations which give chocolate an impaired texture and a grey surface called?
Fat bloom
What organism is included in the fermented sausage starter culture?
Pediococcus cerivicea
What is the name of the alternate liquid crystalline forms of the same fat?
What is the isoelectric point of casein?
Given an example of a product that requires asceptic processing.
Liquid eggs, milk, milk products, long term products that need to be sterile
One specific class of enzymes is thought to be responsible for the disruption of fat globule membrane in raw milk?
Conditionally essential amino acids.
arginine, cysteine, glutamine, tyrosine, glycine, proline, and serine.
Lyophilization refers to the process of what?
Freeze Drying
What is the major fatty acid in soybeans?
linoleic acid
% fat content existing as TAG in dairy?
What are the main classes of flavonoids?
Neoflavonoids, isoflavonoids, bioflavonoids
What would be the internal temperature (degrees C) of a steak cooked to a medium degree of doneness?
In maillard browning, reducing sugar reacts with which amino acid and destroys its nutritional value
According to section 403 of the FDCA, an imitation food which is not declared on the label as such is adulterated, mislabeled, or misbranded?
Who is the current past-president of IFT?
Vickie Kloeris
What type of structure is whipped cream?
This compound is a polymer of glucose. The adult human body usually contains less than a pound. Most of it is found in the liver and muscle.
In separations such as distillation, what is the name of the plot used by engineers to describe the physical state at each step?
McCabe-Thiele plot
The molecular structure which makes emulsifying agents effective is _____
contain both a lipophilic part and a hydrophilic part
What is the denominator of a t-test?
standard error of the mean
The molecular structure that makes emulsifying agents effective is _____?
lipophilic (hydrophobic) part and hydrophilic part
How many calories do you consume every time you lick a stamp?
1/10th cal
What temperature type of sensor is based on the effect of a junction between two different metals that produce a voltage that increases with temperature?
Name the acid coagulated cheese.
What is the major alkaloid saponin in the Irish potato?
Name 3 pieces of equipment that thermocouples are frequently used in
ovens, furnaces, flue gas, and other areas that have temperatures above 250 C
Bromate is added to flour for what purpose?
Oxidizing agent
What organisms are responsible for scombroid poisoning in seafood?
Morganella morganii, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa
What is a sorption isotherm?
relationship between equilibrium moisture and water activity
The third most abundant element in the earth's crust is used to make this packaging material?
The products of superoxide ion O2-dismutation are ___________
3 O2 and H2O2
What chemical compound is associated with fishy and carb-like odors?
What is deglutition?
the act or process of swallowing food
What are 2 internal conditions that affect drying?
properties of the food, thermoconductivity, density, porosity, sorption isotherms
In which dairy product is acetaldehyde a problem or defect
What is the K-value in assessing meat and fish?
The K-value measures how far ATP degradation has progressed within the tissue (Inosine+Hypoxanthine)/(Inosinic acid+Inosine+hypoxanthine)/Total nucleotide content
What is Kjeldahl test used for?
Determination of nitrogen content
Why is listeria monocytogenes of greater concern in refrigerated foods than in foods stored at ambient temperature?
L. m. is a psychrotroph that selectively grows at low temperatures
What would you do to change a temperature reading from Farenheit to degree Rankine?
add 459.67
Why is absorbance generally used in spectroscopy experiments instead of transmittance?
absorbance has a linear relationship with concentration based on Beer’s Law and transmittance does not.
Muscle proteins are degraded during aging by what enzymes?
What are descriptions of routine tasks in a food processing operation?
Standard operating procedures
Name the 2 principle whey proteins.
Beta-lactoglobulin, alpha-lactalbumin
There are 3 saturated sugar solutions: fructose, glucose, sucrose. List the order in which sugars would crystallize.
sucrose(doesn't mutarotae), glucose, fructose
What is the other name for yellow dragon disease in fruit?
Citrus greening
How many vitamins are there in all?
What elements does glutathione transferase require?
In August of 2013 Chef, Richard McMullen, cooked what kind of food for the first time.
Hamburger that was made with lab grown meat.
What are the ingredients needed to make sweet pickles?
cucumbers, salt, vinegar, and sugar
What is the scientific name of the muscle from which canadian bacon is manufactured?
Longissimus dorsi
What is the characteristic fruit flavor compound of cherry?
The US Supreme Court unanimously agreed that this item was a vegetable, despite its genus and species.
Hydrolytic rancidity is caused by what enzyme?
What is the difference between food infection and food intoxication?
Intoxication: Toxin is produced in the food before it is ingested. Infection: Viable cells must be consumed and the pathogens must grow inside the body to cause symptoms
MC: This fermented cheese is named for what city in England? a. Applewood b. Cheddar c. Mozarella d. Yarg
a. Cheddar
Pozole is a fermented soup or stew from which country?
What does GMP stand for?
Good manufacturing practices
What aspect of Staphylococcus aureaus does selective media 111, exploit?
Salt tolerance
What are the advantages of non thermal processing over thermal processing?
prevention of thermal off flavors, better flavor, better nutrient retention
SDS-PAGE stands for?
Sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
The oxidation of the iron in myoglobin to the ferric state results in the brown pigment called...
Can a food be marketed as a modified food product under a standard name even if it does not meet all the requirements of the standard?
If listed as a modified or imitation version of the standard product
What does IQF stand for?
Individually quick frozen
Between which two ribs should a pork carcass be ribbed to measure loin eye area?
10th and 11th
Why is flavor considered an organoleptic term?
it is considered a blending of aroma and taste
Gelato’s texture is due to its density as it is denser than ice cream. How much of gelato is air (%)?
30%, ice cream is 50%
What is the predominant meat that PSE occurs in?
Pork (you could argue Turkey)
What is the only meat cut rich in vitamin A?
Porterhouse steak is fabricated from which beef primal?
What are two fats/oils in the class known as Lauric Acid fats because it has high content of Lauric Acid (Dodecanoic 12:0).
Coconut oil and palm kernel oil
Place the following in order form least to greatest based on antioxidant capacity per serving. Strawberry, granny smith apple, wild blueberry, Pinto bean, black plum
Black plum, granny smith apple, strawberry, Pinto bean, wild blueberry
What single kind of restructured meats represents the most volume and value and involves finding meat pieces into a single piece?
Sectioned and Formed
What is the predominant acid in wine?
tartaric acid
What is the function of glucagon?
release glucose from storage to raise blood sugar levels (glycogenolysis)
What is agnosia?
inability to recognize and identify objects, persons, or sounds.
In August of 2020, there was a multi-state outbreak of Salmonella enterititis in which fruit?
What sort of high gluten flour is used for making pasta?
Durum flour
Packaging material made out of cellulose?
Cellophane (paper is acceptable too)
99% of the US hazelnut crop is grown in which state or states?
Name four molecular characteristics of proteins desirable for film and foam formation.
soluble; large; amphipathic; flexible domains; interactive regions; disposition of charged groups; retention of structure; and polar residues
Name the fermented milk drink.
Thermal treatment of Ginger will give
Shogaol and gingerone
What is aspartame made of?
aspartic acid and phenylalanine (acceptable to add “and methanol”)
Define fecal coliforms and indicate the reason that they are often evaluated in foods.
facultative anaerobes (organisms which can survive in the absence of oxygen), gram-negative, non-spore forming, rod-shaped bacteria that ferment lactose (a type of sugar), producing gas and acid within 48 hours when cultured at 35oC. Their lack of ability to form spores makes them more susceptible to destruction by environmental conditions.they are used as indicators of fecal contamination
In sensory, volatile compound sensation
In temperature sensing, what does the abbreviation RTD stand for?
resistance temperature detector
Withholding feed for 12 to 24 hours prior to slaughter results in greater ease of what?
What microbe is used to make vinegar?
What happens during the secondary phase of freeze drying?
removable of non-freezable water via evaporation, lowers the water activity
According to CODEX Al, extra virgin olive oil difference?
Oleic acid content
European national Food Science organizations are organized into the European Federation of Food Science and Technology. Where is this group based?
Wageningen University, the Netherlands
What is the name given to substances that may come into contact with food as part of packaging or processing equipment, but are not intended to be added directly to food by the FDA?
Indirect Additive
Typical caloric value of gram of caramel color.
4 Cal
A high intake of which vitamin can mask a vitamin B12 deficiency?
An important group of non-starch polysaccharides that contributes to the baking quality of rye flour is what?
What value measures the heat resistance of a microorganism?
Which is the name of the process where a foods temperature goes from 32deg F to 25degF in 30 minutes?
Quick freezing
What is the retinol equivalent?
a unit used for quantifying the vitamin A value of sources of vitamin A, includingboth preformed retinoids in animal foods and precursor carotenoids in plantfoods. RE is defined as 3.3 International Units of vitamin A. 1 retinol equivalent = 6 μg β-carotene or 1 μg retinol.
What are the two types of certified food colorants?
lakes (water and oil soluble) and dyes (water soluble)
What is the difference between glucose and glycogen? Where is glycogen found in abundance in the human body?
Glycogen is a readily mobilized storage form of glucose. It is a very large, branched polymer of glucose residues that can be broken down to yield glucose molecules when energy is needed. Most of the glucose residues in glycogen are linked by α-1,4-glycosidic bonds. Glycogen is found in abundance in liver and skeletal muscle tissue.
Which federal agency houses the National Marine Fishing Service?
US Department of Commerce
Roquefort cheese is made from the milk of what animal?
Flavor impact component of grapefruit.
What is the most heat resistant pathogen found in milk?
coxiella burnetii
Why do apples float when immersed in water?
they are 25% air.
What is the complementary nucleotide sequence to A-G-C-T?
Give an example of fats/oils classed as Oleic-Linoleic Acid fats.
Peanut, sunflower, safflower, olive, sesame, soybean
How many oxygen molecules can bind to hemoglobin?
Who developed the process of pasteurization in the1860s?
Louis Pasteur
What polysaccharide from crustecean shells lowers cholesterol?
What was the original name for cheerios?
Where does isoamylase attack on amylopectin?
breaks the alpha 1, 6 bond between two glucose molecules
In culinary terms, what can be meat from deer, elk, moose, antelope, caribou, and pronghorn?
What is the first type of descriptive analysis test used in food sensory science?
Flavor profiling
With fermented cucumbers or cabbage, why is salt added?
to discourage the growth of Pseudomonas and enterobacteria
Polyethylene is most often used in laminated packaging materials for __________
heat sealability
What is the delaney clause
a clause in the food additives amendment 1958 to the FDCA which prohibits from use in foods any substance found to cause cancer in man or animal
Which component of wine is glycosylated/polymerized during aging?
What hydrocolloid is used primarily as a stabilizer in chocolate milk and ice cream?
What is specific gravity?
ratio of density of a substance to the density of water at a given temperature
Name, a non digestible food ingredient that may affect the host by selectively stimulating the growth and or activity of one or limited number of beneficial bacteria in the colon.
What are covalent chemical bonds linking two consecutive amino acid monomers along a protein chain called?
peptide bonds
What are the three functions of sulfuric acid in the Babcock test?
generate heat, precipitate protein, digest protein
What does AFC stand for in a 2AFC or 3AFC sensory test?
alternative force choice
What are the three steps of Kjeldahl method?
Digestion, distillation, titration
Alcohol that is 150 proof contains how much alcohol by volume?
How many different flavors of jelly beans exist?
When was the USDA created and who did Abraham Lincoln appoint as its first leader?
1862. Charles Wetherill
What is the F Value in microbial death kinetics?
Lethality - the time in minutes required to bring about a required log reduction in target microbial population at a defined temperature.
Turbulent flow is characterized by NRE = _______________
> 3500
The sterilization value, also known as F sub zero describes what?
the integrated impact of time and temperature on the microbial population, expressed as time at the reference temperature, calculated by using the lethal rate times heating time
Which of the following foods are considered a source of complete protein? A. chicken B. soybean C. yogurt D. A & C, E. all of the above
What is raffinose?
Raffinose is a trisaccharide composed of galactose, glucose, and fructose
How are square watermelons produced?
by growing a watermelon in a square glass mold.
According to his facebook page, what is Mr. Peanut's astrological sign?
According to the Beef Steak Color Guide, what end-point cooking temperature (F) is associated with medium rare degree of doneness?
Early colonial New England’s largest and most profitable industry was distilling what product?
What two organizations developed the marion blackberry (or marionberry)?
USDA-ARS and Oregon State University
4 quarts: ? gallon
Nonthermal process which is called as purple blow torch, inactivates 99% of norovirus on fruit surface?
Cold plasma
What common component of oranges is missing from navel oranges?
What is an achromatic color?
– A color that has no hue (white, gray or black)
What are the units for absolute humidity?
grams of water vapor per cubic meter volume of air
What country is the largest producer of rabbit meat?
What is the 1st chemical preservative approved for use by the US food and drug administration?
sodium benzoate
What is the difference between Fischer and Haworth projections of carbohydrates?
Fischer projections are straight chains, while Haworth projections are cyclical
How does heating of a dielectric material via dipole rotation occur?
frictional heat between dipoles (e.g., dipoles in water) while rotating to orient themselves to the rapidly oscullating electric field
Express water activity in terms of equilibrium relative humidity
Aw = ERH/100
What vegetable burns more calories to eat it than the vegetable actually contains?
What are the additive primaries?
Red, green, and blue light
Which muscle type is multinucleated?
What is the scientific name of the honeybee?
Apis mellifera
What is Coulomb's law?
The electrical force between two charges of magnitude Q1 and Q2 separated by a distance r in vacuum is; f = k(Q1*Q2)/r^2) where k= 1/(4*pi*epsilon naught)
Another name for decimal reduction time is?
Define Lactic acid bacteria.
gram-positive microorganisms known as the main safe industrial-scale producers of lactic acid (LA)
The IFT annual award that recognizes research accomplishments of an individual 36 years or younger is called___________________.
Samuel Cate Prescott Award
Why are linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic acid considered essential fatty acids?
Answer: they are omega 3 fatty acids taken through diet, because they cannot be synthesized by humans (N six and N three fatty acids cannot be synthesized in vivo)
What are the terms of the 2-step process when using a pre-fermented mix of bread making?
Sponge and dough
What is hydrogen swell?
when a high acid food attacks the metal lining of the can, releasing hydrogen gas
What causes the haze defect in iced tea?
Polyphenols tend to interact with proteins, caffeine, and metal cations to form colloidal suspensions of haze and ‘tea cream’, which are detrimental to product appearance and taste.4 While haze formation can affect color and impair aesthetic appeal, it can also diminish both the shelf-life and the health-promoting properties of the tea.
What happens to a catalyst in a chemical reaction?
a catalyst can increase the rate of a reaction but the catalyst itself remains unchanged
What company produces SPAM and Cure81 Hams?
Hormel Foods
Divisions of IFTSA.
Aquatic food products, biotechnology, carbohydrate, dairy foods, food chemistry, food microbiology, food engineering, food packagong, food service, international, protein, nutrition (actually total 24)
What are 2 sources of cholesterol in human blood?
your diet and your liver (endogenous synthesis)
Barley can come with different numbers of rows. What are the 2 most common row numbers for barley?
Two-row and six-row
What five vitamins, minerals, and or elements is flour commonly enriched with?
iron and B vitamins (folic acid, riboflavin, niacin, and thiamine). Calcium may also be supplemented
What innovation in beef marketing did IBP perfect in 1967 that dramatically changed the beef industry?
Break down carcass into smaller parts (vacuum packaged, bone and unwanted fats removed)
In a water molcule, what are the H-bond acceptor sites?
H-O bonds
What breakfast cereal was Sonny the Cuckoo Bird "cuckoo for"?
Cocoa Puffs
Isohumulone is the precursor compound that reacts with light to what vitamin to cause skunky flavor in beer?
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
What is the relationship between dielectric constant and frequency?
as frequency increases, dielectric constant decreases
Give two reasons why nitrites are added to cured meats
Impart color, flavor and inhibit Clostridium botulinum
What are the major connective tissues of proteins of meat?
Collagen and elastin
What does CAS stand for with regards to poultry processing?
Controlled atmosphere stunning
Name the three main components of cereal grains.
endosperm, germ, bran
What is the difference between anabolism and catabolism?
anabolism = synthesis; catabolism = breakdown
Outbreaks of Salmonellosis from consumption of raw almonds in 2000 and 2004 were caused by rare phage types of Salmonella Enteritidis. What were these two rare phage types?
PT 30 in 2000 and PT 9c in 2004
In cooking what is the function of arrowroot powder?
It is a thickening agent
Which vitamin is prevented from being absorbed by raw egg whites?
biotin (vitamin B7)
What is the influence of the condition of a surface on volatility?
At a given temperature, more volatiles escape from a soft, porous, and humid surface than from a hard, smooth, and more dry one
Baird parker mediums are used to detect and enumerate which organism or groups of organisms?
Staphylococcus aureus or staphylococci
The principle lipid component in milk is the class called which of the following: A) steroids B) phospholipids C) triacylglycerides
C) triacylglycerides
What is the nutritional claim that can be made when a product serving is less than 140 mg of sodium?
Low sodium
There are many types of ISM bands available for dielectric heating, what does ISM stand for?
Industrial Scientific Medical
Enzymatic browning is a chemical process that occurs in fruits and vegetables and is due to what enzyme?
Typically, what color is the fat of a cow's carcass that have only been grass fed?
What analytical method reveals the most information about a lipid? A – fat index, B – solid/ liquid ratio, C – iodine value, D – Cloud point
What is glucono delta lactone?
GdL (glucono-delta-lactone) is a widely used acidulant in meat products, especially for dry cured sausages. It is used when a slow release of acid is required. In the presence of water it reverts to gluconic acid. The lowering of the pH inhibits growth of bacteria and accelerates the drying
What off flavor of milk develops as a result of the release of hydrogen sulfide?
Cooked flavor
Lists the four steps, in proper sequence, for cleaning and sanitizing food equipment.
Rinse, clean, rinse, sanitize
What has more saturated fat: lard, coconut oil or corn oil?
coconut oil then lard then corn oil (when compared to the same weight (not by serving size)
What disease is currently devastating the Florida Citrus Industry?
Citrus Greening or HLB
In Microwave processing, what is penetration depth?
The penetration depth is used to denote the depth at which the power density has decreased to 37 % of its initial value at the surface.
What is the water activity of dried fruits?
Name 1 way for genetic material exchange between bacteria.
transduction, conjugation, transformation
What year is food drugs and cosmetic act?
Between which two ribs is a lamb shoulder properly separated from a lamb rack?
The 4th and 5th ribs
Shoyu, Miso, and tempeh are all examples of foods made from what raw material?
What is the legal limit of total SO2 in wine in the US?
350 mg/L
What value is the time required to have 1 log reduction in microorganisms or spores in a sample at a specific temperature?
A mojonnier flask is generally used for what?
extraction of fat (normally from milk)
What is the term used to describe tying the intestine during evisceration?
What enzyme causes hydrolytic rancidity in milk?
A food that is marketed as a modified food which does not fully meet the requirements of the standard is classified as
modified or immitaiton version of the standard food
A plot of 1/Vmax plotted against 1/ substrate concentration is called what?
lineweaver burk plot
What effect does ascorbate have on curing with sodium nitrite?
Faster curing action by reducing nitrate to nitrite
What is the function of heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria in fermented foods?
production of flavor compounds (acetaldehyde and diacetyl) (homofermenters increase acidity)
What is the surface temperature of a block of dry ice?
-109.3 degrees Fahrenheit (-78.5 degrees C)
Polar groups form hydration shells in water by what type of interactions?
dipole-dipole or H-bridges
What is the molar concentration of disassociated H+ in pure water at 25°C?
1 x 10^7
What state designated Jell-O as its "state snack food" in 2001?
Which of the following is flavor enhancer?: MSG, citric acid, mono potassium glutamate
Type A gelatins are produced by what process?
Type A gelatin is derived from acid-cured tissue. Gelatin derived from an acid-treated precursor is known as Type A and gelatin derived from an alkali-treated process is known as Type B.
Which fatty acid would be expected to have the highest iodine value - linoleic, oleic, or ricinoleic acid?
linoleic acid
What salt is used in curing meats and give three uses?
sodium nitrite/nitrate; inhibition of C. Botulinum, improve the color, flavor
What instrument is used for dough-mixer to measure torque?
What two organisms are involved in vinegar production and in what order?
s. cerevisiae and acetobacter
How much calorie reduction is needed for a food to be considered reduced calorie food?
1/3 calorie reduction
What is the latent heat of fusion?
temperature remains constant as solid turns to liquid
In anaerobically stored fresh meat, what is the major type of spoilage organism?
Lactic acid bacteria
What is the equation used to convert deg C to deg F?
F= 9/5C+32
DFD in meat stands for?
Dark, firm, dried
What is the Aw limit or requirement for filing a process when heat-processing foods in hermetically sealed containers?
What yeast is used in soy sauce production?
Zygosaccharomyces rouxii and/or Torulopsis spp.
What is the Calvert L. Award presented for?
distinguished service to IFT
What are the 2 principle mechanisms by which preservatives stop the growth of microorganisms?
water availability and acidity
Prior to dehydration, many fruits are exposed to sulfur gas in order to prevent microbial growth and browning.
What do we call the prolamines in corn?
In 2008 and 2009, which state had the highest value of production (production multiplied by average price per pound) of honey?
North Dakota
What is the culinary term used to describe splitting open a bird carcass and flattening it?
butterflying or spatchcooking
Name one amino acid that contributes significantly to the absorbance of light at 280nm.
What tropical plant produces bromelin, a meat tenderization enzyme?
Mead is an alcoholic beverage made with?
The quantity of heat required to change the state of a substance without changing the temperature or pressure is called what?
latent heat
Which act established Land grant universities in 1862?
Land-Grant College Act
What minor compound in bovine milk is used as a standard in protein assays?
Oleuropein causes what fruit to be extremely bitter at harvest?
In 2017, IFT launched an initiative to look at how ingenuity will feed the world. What is the name of that initiative's documentary?
Food evolution.
Fat deposited in the perimysial connective tissue of a muscle is called what?
True or false: As a result of exposure to heat, most carotenoids undergo isomerization from trans to cis isomers
How to express in concentration, ppm equivalent as weight per volume?
mg/L or microg/ mL
Define defect action level.
the term used to describe the allowable tolerances of natural or unavoidable foreign material in foods which could be a health hazard to the public
The animal fat which is characterized by containing appreciable amounts of shorter chain fatty acids (C4 – C12) is
Milk fat
What is commercial sterilization?
destroys both vegetative cells and spores of pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms that would be capable of growing in the product under normal storage conditions
When referring to color, what does BCU stand for?
Baking contrast units
What are the units for the convective heat transfer coefficient?
W/m2C or W/m2K
What is the difference between all purpose flour and cake flour?
Total protein content
What compound is responsible for “banana” flavor?
isoamyl acetate
Besides Salmon, name 1 other fish in the family Salmonidae.
whitefish, trout, char, grayling
What flavor of ice cream did Baskin-Robbins introduce to commemorate America's landing on the moon on July 20, 1969?
Lunar cheesecake
The point at which the air is saturated or the relative humidity is 100% is called what?
The dew point
Which nut is the main ingredient in Nutella?
What is an ideal surface which absorbs all incident electromagnetic radiation, regardless of frequency or angle of incidence, and emits the maximum possible thermal radiation at a given temperature?
Name one of the 3 most popular condiments in German restaurants?
Mustard, Horseradish, Würze, Curry, Ketchup, Sauces
What is struvite?
Magnesium ammonium phosphate crystals which look like glass and are sometimes found in canned tuna fish
Why do foods freeze faster than they thaw?
Water layer insulates, thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of ice>water
What are the 4P of food marketing?
Place, price, promotion, product
What is the typical width of the pulse used in pulsed electric field processing?
1-10 microseconds
What are the top 4 catfish producing states in the U.S.?
Alabama, Mississippi, Texas, Arkansa
Couscous is made from what?
Semolina, durum wheat
What is the compound responsible for the strong aroma of blue cheeses?
Name the 2 major producers of orange juice concentrate.
florida and brazil
Per Codex, what % cocoa dose semi-bitter chocolate need to be? a. 15 b. 30 c. 45 d. 70
b. 15%
Which annual celebration of Bavarian beer and culture attracts millions of visitors to Germany each year?
Give the food pyramid.
My pyramid includes grains, vegetables, fruits, milk and beans and excerise
What is amelioration as used in winemaking?
adding of water to decrease the concentration of sugar, acid and other wine components
What compound initiates the ripening process for fruits and vegetables?
What protein in eggs can kill bacteria?
What is the most prevalent mineral in egg shell?
Which enzyme is found in saliva and promotes the digestion of the breakdown of starch in the mouth?
What is the classic Valencian dish made from rice, poultry, and seafood?
The earliest recorded reference to sausage occurred in which epic work? Written in the 8th century BC?
Homer’s the Odyssey
Two methods to mask differences between sample appearances during sensory testing?
Change the lighting, use different lights such as red, darker in the room
Scotch whisky’s distinctive flavor comes from what?
smoke from the use of peat
How many valence electrons does oxygen have, and what orbitals are they hybridized to?
6, 4 sp3 orbitals
Ergotism is thought to be the cause of which 17th century event?
the Salem witchcraft panic of 1692
In 1990 which state became the first to ban tetra-pak juice boxes in its landfills?
Which grain is related closely to rhubarb?
The best Vitamin A precursor that occurs in food is called
In apple juice, titratable acidity should be reported as which acid equivalent?
Malic acid
Which disease is caused by niacin deficiency, characterized by diarrhea, dementia and dermatitis?
Answer: pellagra
What microorganism is used to manufacture the fermented soybean product tempeh?
rhizopus oligosporus
What are the two selected agents in Baird-Parker media?
is a medium for the enumeration of Staphylococcus aureus in foods which was first reported by Baird-Parker (1962) contains Lithium chloride and tellurite
Which disease caused by niacin deficiency is designated by dermatitis?
Name the four categories the plant pigments are classified in.
Carotenoids, anthocyanins, Betalains, chlorophylls
Controlled atmosphere is used for the long term storage of apples. What are the main components of controlled atmosphere?
low temperature, low oxygen, high carbon dioxide
What is the organism (genus) most commonly associated with food poisoning?
What flavor compound in amaretto?
How are bacteria grouped according to Bergey’s Manual?
gram reaction, morphology (rod or cocci), growth with or without oxygen, by familia
What is the eutectic point?
the lowest point on the freezing point depression curve
Describe how a material is heated using radio frequency heating.
the radio frequency generator creates an alternating high frequency electric field between two electrodes (or capacitor), the material being heated is conveyed between the electrodes causing power water molecules in the material to continuously reorient to face opposite electrodes. the friction from the molecular movement causes the material to rapidly heat volumetrically
In food irradiation, what does URP stand for?
Unique Radiolytic products
What is the distance from the surface of the food material at which the incident microwave power is reduced to 1/e of its value at the surface of the product?
penetration depth
The time in minutes required to destroy 90% of a population at a given temperature.
D value – decimal reduction time
Botswick measures what?
Popular for measuring consistency, flow rate and viscosity in a variety of viscous materials.
What popular drink did a Dutch medical professor produce in his laboratory while trying to come up with a blood cleanser that could be sold in drugstores?
When was the Food Quality and Protection Act enacted and what did it do?
in 1996 and it gave the EPA control over pesticides in food
What is 1 way to measure sorption isotherms?
gravimetric, manometric
What color are anthocyanins at acidic pH?
Acidic = red
Why do seed proteins like soy protein have a high isoelectric point?
They abundant aspartic acid and glutamic acid
The combination of wintergreen, vanilla, and cassis (cinnamon) make up this commonly recognized flavor
What is the scale used to measure the bitterness of commercially brewed beers?
IBU (International Bittering Unit)
For what foods has irradiation been approved as a preservation method?
Poultry, pork and spices
What is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius?
What is the US standard for particle size of farina?
100% must pass through a #20 sieve and no more than 10% can pass through a #45 sieve
What is the major fermentable sugar in brewer’s wort?
Which genus of bacteria are used in the production of kimchi?
What compound is formed when glycerol is heated?
What is the term for inverting a bottle of champagne to move sediment from the bottle to the neck?
A substance that reduces molecular damage due to Oxygen, such as free radical damage to cellular tissue is called what?
Per Codex in order for a food to be called semi bitter chocolate, what percentage of its weight must be made up of chocolate solids
a. 15% b. 30% c. 45% d. 70%
What is the word for total loss of smell?
As of 2014 list 6 of the 8 crops that Oregon is a number 1 producer of.
blackberries, boysenberries, black raspberries, Christmas trees, grass seeds, hazelnuts, potted azaleas, storage onions
Define the Biot number.
dimensionless quantity used for heat transfer calculations. The ratio of the heat transfer resistance inside of and at the surface of the body.
What is the name of rotating screw technology?
Why do you add aluminum sulfate to pickles?
It can improve the crispness of the pickle (it's a firming agent)
What is the purpose of a deaerator in an aseptic processing system?
to remove air and prevent lipid oxidation as the product temperature is increased during the process
In which of the following tests do you need a reference comparison: duo-trio, hedonic, paired comparison
duo-trio; paired comparison
What is the name of the classic Mexican sauce containing chilies, nuts, and chocolate?
What is the protein efficiency ratio (PER) of casein?
What is the most common industrial source of lysozyme?
Egg white
What compound in black pepper stimulates a heat sensation?
This packaging material can be made by heating soda ash and sand.
What are colligative properties?
physical properties of a solution that depend entirely on the number of solute molecules present in a solution and not upon the chemical nature of the solute ie vapor pressure, osmotic pressure, boiling point
What is flash cooling?
the process of removing heat, moisture, and entrained air from the product prior to filling
Veal is meat from a calf that is: A. 4 months old or younger, B. fed grain for at least 130 days, c. younger than 1 year of age, or D. 2 years or older
A. 4 months old or younger
What is syneresis?
the extraction or expulsion of a liquid from a gel.
In addition to standards of identity, the FDCA also provides for the establishment of standards of _________ and ______________
Standard of Quality and Standard of Fill
Who was the 1st IFT president?
Samuel C. Prescott
What is the latent heat of fusion?
constant temperature as a liquid turns to a gas
A food preservation method that utilizes liquid nitrogen to rapidly freeze foods is called what?
Cryogenic Freezing
Solanine found in bittersweet nightshade is a toxin belonging to what chemical compound family?
What are two types of processes that involve the removal of thermal energy and at what temperatures are these two processes?
refrigeration (40 F or 4.4 C) and freezing 0 F or -17.8 C)
What sugar is not detected using Nelson’s reagent assay?
Lysine is produced by which genus of bacteria?
What percentage of juice must a beverage contain to be included in FDA Juice HACCP Regulation?
What does IMF stand for and what is the range of water activity?
intermediate moisture foods, 0.6-0.9 water activity
Who is the author of "The Jungle?"
Upton Sinclair
Dancy, fair, nigerian are types of what?
The type of chromatography used to separate color pigments is A) GC, B) Thin layer, C) HPLC and D) Paper
What is a brine of salt, water, and sugar cure?
sweet pickle
What nut is traditionally on the Waldorf salad?
What happens to the melting point of a lipid/oil when its overall level of saturation is increased?
melting point increases
Foods and other grocery store products often contain a series of lines and numbers known as the product UPC code. What does UPC stand for?
Universal product code
Name a bacteriocin approved for use in the US.
In a water molecule, what are the H-bond acceptor sites?
unshared oxygen electrons
What is dehydroalanine? Which amino acids may form dehydroalanine? What is the significance of dehydroalanine in food?
dehydroalanine is a highly reactive product of the heating or alkaline treatment of protein; it arises via a post translational modification of serine or cysteine.; dehydroalanine may produce protein cross links from its reaction with other amino acids decreasing that protein's nutritive value
What fruit ripens from the inside out?
What exemption is given to unpasteurized citrus juice under the FDA juice HACCP rule?
The 5 log reduction can be done cumulatively through treatments of the fruit and other steps in the process, rather that on the juice itself as required for all other juices
What are some of the benefits of a thermistor?
they are preferable in simple applications due to their low cost and simple electronic circuitry, also they can be produced in very small designs with a fast response and low thermal mass
What provides the most adsorbable iron? A. 1 apple, B. 1 cup milk, C. 3 oz steak, d. ½ cup spinach
C. 3 oz steak
The portion of the cereal grain that contains starch granules and protein bodies is called
What sterol synthesized by plant upon exposure to UV convert to Vit D
The n-acetylmuramidase enzyme found in egg whites that hydrolyzes the cell walls of gram positive bacteria has the common name.
What pigment results when fresh meat (oxymyoglobin) is oxidised?
What are the two top selling spices in the world?
pepper and mustard
Two reasons why pectic enzyme preparations from Aspergillus Niger are often used during fruit juice production.
Answer: it is to increase yield and increase clarity
Why are linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic acid considered essential fatty acids?
they are n-6 and n-3 fatty acids that cannot be synthesized in vivo
What is the process of staling of bread?
What are designer foods?
foods fortified with health promoting ingredients
What chemical compound is responsible for the fishy smell?
Describe tyndallization.
intermittent boiling of spores for 1 hour each for 4 times to kill the spore.
What is the conversion factor of kilocalories to kilo joules?
4.184 kilojoules per kilo calorie
Why does water heat rapidly in a microwave oven?
Water is a dipole molecule. As the microwave field oscillates, the dipole of water will try to oscillate to follow the field
Name 2 carbohydrates in soy that cause flatulence.
verbascose, stachyose, raffinose
What should be the size of milk fat globules after homogenization?
less than or equal to 2 microns
Hitting the wall is a term runner sometimes uses to describe A. dehydration, B. competition, C. indigestion, D glucose depletion
D. Glucose depletion
What is the approximate per capita seafood consumption in the U.S.?
15.5 lbs in 2015
What meant standing in old french but now means tough bread?
HDPE is a good barrier to what?
moisture barrier
Name the two methods of making two piece steel cans.
The two methods are draw redraw, and drawn and wall ironed.
What fish produces red caviar?
In red wine, what sensory property is correlated with tannin concentration?
Prevention of damage in food during freezing is promoted by slow cooling to minimize ice nucleation. True or False?
What term describes the ability of fat to exist in different crystalline forms?
What is pH?
the negative log of the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution.
What is the time necessary at a given temperature to sterilize a suspension of bacteria and their spores (if they form spores)?
Thermal death time
The official distilled spirit of the US is what?
Bourbon or bourbon whiskey
Tonka beans have a high concentration of which dangerous compound?
Where are lipovitellin and livetins found?
in egg yolks
This spice consists of the stigmas of a crocus native to the eastern Mediterranean
Thermistors are NTC sensors. What does NTC stand for?
negative temperature coefficient
Protein coat of virus is called:
Standards of identity include which of the following: a) ingredients that must be used; b) ingredients that may be used; C) Ingredients that may not be used
All (a, b, c)
Which of the following is used to see whether or not milk has been pasteurized? A - phosphatase test, B - refractometer test, C - Jelmeter test, D - Acidophilus test
a – phosphatase test/ Alkaline Phosphatase test.
The TBA method (thiobarbituric acid) is used to monitor oxidative rancidity. What does the method actually measure?
concentration of malonaldehyde
Why is skim milk fortified with Vitamin A?
Vitamin A is lost during processing.
What is the aleurone layer?
protein rich layer surrounding the endosperm of cereals
What is the difference between folate and folic acid?
Folate is a naturally occuring B vitamin. Folic acid is the synthetic form of this vitamin.
In anaerobic organisms, pyruvate is used to regenerate what?
What is the cholesterol content of peanuts?
The artificial sweetener which is also a dipeptide?
What does FID stand for?
Flame ionization detector
What is a common unit of brightness or luminous intensity?
SPME is an isolation technique in food analysis, meaning?
Solid phase microextraction
Often phage or viruses are used for DNA cloning, what is the process called?
What added ingredient keeps confectioners sugar from clumping?
corn starch
Name 2 ways of transporting solutes across a membrane.
pressure and electrostatic forces (concentration or electrochemical gradient are both acceptable)
Who is the current chair of Feeding Tomorrow?
Bernhard van Lengerich
Which protein in milk is not secreted by mammary glands?
Bovine serum albumin
What comes in crimmini, morel, oyster, and wood ear varieties?
Which test would you use to determine whether Coke is sweeter than Pepsi?
Paired comparison for sweetness
Give 2 examples of emulsifiers.
SPAN, TWEEN, Lecithin, egg white
What are the polarities of the staionary and mobile phases in N-HPLC?
mobile is non-polar, stationary is polar
Kirsch is a brandy made of which fruit?
What type of label claim is the following statement and example of ‘pop tarts are a good source of calcium’?
nutrient content claim
What are some of the benefits of using a conveyor system in an air impingement oven?
help cook food well/evenly, control temperature and time, control cooking, cook large amounts of food in a continuous process, shorter process times, improved product quality, can use for both heating and freezing foods
Compound associated with green color in pistachios.
What does the acid degree value measure?
amount of free fatty acids
What is the titrant used in the Mohr titration for salt determination and what is the end product of the chemical reaction?
Silver nitrate is used as the titrant and the silver reacts with chloride to form a silver chloride precipitate, silver chromate is the end product.
What does HLB stand for?
Hydrophilic-lipophilic balance
Why is having excess flour particulates in a milling plant hazardous?
Fire hazard
What is the minimal water activity for most bacteria?
Shigellosis is caused by the bacteria Shigella. What common practice can greatly reduce your chances of contracting Shigellosis?
hand washing
What is the bioactive compound in soy?
Give an example of a climacteric fruit and a non climacteric fruit.
Refrigeration system, vacuum system, control system, product chamber, condenser
Onion is the Latin term for what?
Large pearl
What stromal protein comprises the Ligamentum nuchae?
The main lipid class in lean or low fat fish is ____________?
On what continent were potatoes first cultivated in ca. 200 AD?
South America
What term describes the concentration of an aroma in a food divided by its threshold?
aroma value or odor activity value
In directed interesterification, higher melting and least soluble TG molecules in the mixture crystallize. This is achieved by _________________.
lowering the reaction temperature
Difference between glucose and galactose
4th carbon hydroxyl group orientation
The most expensive cheese in the world is made from milk from what animal?
What is the major color compound in tomatoes?
Tissues or ingredients that have a binding index lower than 50 are called what?
Which medium is used to detect and enumerate Staphylococcus aureus directly in foods? A. apt agar, B. Baird-Parker agar, C. Potatoe dextrose Agar, D. Violet red bile agar
B. Baird-Parker Agar
Does the FDA extend the provisions of the delaney clause to pesticide chemicals?
Name 1 method of second degree product of rancidity
TBARS, VOCs, sensory evaluation, p-anisidine value, HPLC, GC, mass spectrometry
From what source was Clostridium botulinum first isolated?
Answer: Smoked ham
In beer making when does dry hopping occur?
hops that are added after the wort has cooled.
Legally, cheese must be aged for at least how many days if produced using raw milk?
What pigment reaction causes the greenish sheen during spoilage of cured meat products?
Myoglobin or oxymyoglobin are subjected to reducing reactions from bacteria, acerbate or other reducing agents.
What are the subtractive primaries?
cyan, magenta, and yellow
What is the standard against which all sweeteners are measured in terms of their quality of taste and taste profile?
sucrose (taste sugar)
What is the name of viscous liquid in which legumes have been washed?
What milk protein is a cofactor for the synthesis of lactose?
alpha lactalbumin
What are the Standards of Identity for high, medium, and low fat contents in chocolate/cocoa?
High fat (breakfast cocoa) – not less than 22% cocoa fat, Medium fat - less than 22% cocoa fat and not less than 10%, Low fat - less than 10% cocoa fat
The two chemical components of a triacylglycerol are what?
glycerol and fatty acids
CMC is a subgroup of the society of Dyers and Colorists of great britain. This subgroup is the organization that developed and published in 1988 a more logical, ellipse-based equation based on L*C*h˚ color space for computing DE (see delta E*) values as an alternative to the rectangular coordinates of the CIELAB color space.What does CMC stand for?
Color Measurement Committee
When was the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act enacted?
What is the initiation step in crystal formation?
Describe four aspects of appearance of a sample in sensory evaluation.
Color: hue + saturation + luminance Consistency: stickiness + loose particles Size: diameters + geometry Texture: shine + smoothness + roughness
Why do chelating agents increase the efficiency of antioxidants?
they bind trace minerals that catalyze fat oxidation
Marinades are usually made of 3 components, acid, oil, and herbs. What is the purpose of adding acid?
the acid helps to partially denature the meat’s proteins, opening up “tunnels” in the structure where flavor can seep in
What is the name of propylene polymer stretched in various directions?
What are the 2 main proteins in gluten?
Glutenin and gliadin
Name 2 non-thermal food processing technologies?
UV light, ultrasound, high pressure, pulsed light, pulsed electric field, irradiation
What is the unit of ionizing radiation dose in the International System of Units (SI)?
What does FALCPA stand for and what does it require of the food industry?
Food industry must:list major food allergens on food labels, either in the ingredient statement or as contains _________;FDA must:report back to congress on progress within 18 months; increase inspection with regard to allergen prevention; Develop a final rule within 4 years allowing the use of "gluten free" on food labels; increase inspection with regard to allergen prevention
What chemical name of the water-soluble pigment of the cochineal insect?
carmine or carminic acid
Why do O-H covalent bonds have partial ionic character?
because the oxygen molecule is highly electronegative
Multiple forms of the same enzyme in a given tissue that arise from genetically determined differences in primary amino acid sequences are called what?
How many flowers are in the design stamped on each side of an oreo cookie?
What is a PERT chart and how are they used by food companies?
PERT - Program Evaluation Review Technique Used as an organization tool for food product development
What fruit is used to make 'tarte au sucre'?
None, there is no fruit in tarte au sucre
Which MAP gas has bacteriostatic/bactericidal properties?
carbon dioxide
What is poising capacity?
apparent resistance to change in redox potential
In what movie is the White Russian the cocktail of choice for the main character, the Dude?
The Big Lebowski
Thinking, memory, and learning in the brain are closely linked to what levels in the body?
Why is quality of food better in retort pouches than in conventional cans?
thinner profile means the less time to reach sterilizing treatment at center of pouch, saves money and time
The Fehlings test uses CuO, which reacts with aldehydes. In glucose presence, what is the color of the precipitate formed?
What is the fungus used to ripen Brie?
Penicillium camemberti or geotricum candida
Name the genus and species of bottom fermentation in lager beer.
Sacchromyces pastorianus
In what country did the Jerusalem artichoke originate?
Who pays for USDA meat grading services?
Grading for quality is voluntary, and the service is requested and paid for by meat and poultry producers/processors.
How does ultraviolet light affect fat oxidation?
What muscle hypertrophy condition in sheep, which develops approximately 3 weeks after birth, means "beautiful buttocks"?
What are some of the advantages of a tubular heat exchanger?
few gaskets, low maintenance costs, compact units, no moving parts
What are the names of the two journals published by IFT?
Food Technology and Journal of Food Science
What does SPC stand for in microbiology?
Standard plate count
In September 2020, dried woodear mushroom were recalled because of which Salmonella serovar?
Salmonella stanley
What is the temperature scale that follows Fahrenheit, but gives you absolute temperature?
What is the difference between additive and subtractive primaries?
additives all together produce white light, subtractives all together theoretically produce black light
EPA and DHA number of unsaturation and carbon number and name.
EPA: Ecosapentanoic acid, C20H30O2, DHA: Docosahexanoic acid, C22H32O2, Both are w3
When beta amylase attacks starch what products are formed?
maltose, and limit dextrins
What are the m/o responsible for traveler's diarrhea?
e. coli
Name the principal organic acid in apples?
What is the causative organism for flaccid paralysis?
c. botulinum
What does OFG stand for in a popular food science blog?
Official Food Geek
What is LD50 value?
dose of a substance that will kill 50% of the test subjects
What is the honorary society of food science and who founded it?
Phi Tau Sigma, founded by Dr. Gideon Livingston in 1953 at Umass.
What is an emulsion?
a system containing 2 immiscible liquids
The Embden-Myerhof pathway is also referred to as what?
the glycolytic pathway or glycolysis
Give two ways starch is modified for use in foods.
Cross linking, derivatives e.g. phosphate esters, acid/enzyme thinning, precooking
What three cereal grains contribute more than 50% of all calories consumed by humans worldwide?
Rice wheat and corn
In July 1996, USDA-FSIS made a final ruling that all meat processors must implement what?
When was the "food guide pyramid" unveiled by the secretary of agriculture Edward Madigan?
4/1/1992 12:00:00 AM
Which one of the followin values would give you the most information about the melting properites and mouthfeel of fats? a. oil stability index b. solid fat index c. IV d. cloud point
solid fat content
What is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius?
1 Calorie
How many carbons are in lactose?
Which comprises for 20% calorie intake in world
What flavor attribute does milk that has been UHT processed typically have?
cooked flavor
What is freeze drying?
Process of removing water from a product by sublimation and desorption.
The organism that causes 'flat sours' in canned tomatoes is
bacillus stearothermophilus
In what year were the Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act signed into law by President Theodore Roosevelt?
What two common compounds are used together as an antioxidative systems in foods?
ascorbic acid and citric acid
What is the correct technical name for a jigger of grain alcohol?
A pony
What does HETP stand for in column design?
Height equivalent to theoretical plate
What is the act of intentionally debasing the quality of food offered for sale, either from the addition or substitution that is either from addition or substitution of inferior substances or by the removal of some valuable ingredient.
What Congressional law provides that no food additive may be considered safe if it proves to cause cancer when ingested, at any level, by man or by animals?
The Delaney Clause
How does food irradiation kill pathogens?
Genetic material is disrupted
What are the toxic glycosides present in lima beans and cassava?
cyanogenic glycosides
What scientist won a nobel prize for being the first to deduce the amino acid sequence of insulin and second for being the first to sequence DNA?
frederick sanger
Which food processes is acetaldehyde found in?
Foods that involve yeast fermentation, it is a metabolic byproduct from the yeast.
In brewing, saccharification means
enzymatic hydrolysis of malt starches to simple sugars
What are some characteristics of microwaves?
travels at speed of light, non-ionizing form of radiations, can be focused into beams, can transit through hollow tubes, may be absorbed or reflected by the material depending on its dielectric properties, may also transmit through materials without any absorption (includes glas, ceramics, some thermoplastic plastics)
Name the government organizations responsible for regulating seafood.
What are hemolytic bacteria?
bacteria that can lyse blood cells
What is the primary alkaloid found in cocoa and chocolate?
When two particles merge and don't retain their properties
What country is the world’s largest producer of Vanilla?
How does altitude affect boiling point?
the air pressure decreases so the boiling point lowers.
In which form glucose stored in the liver and in skeletal muscle?
What is the established legal level for reduced cholesterol in food?
25% reduction
What is the German beer style that is brewed with coriander and sea salt?
What type of packaging often has been filled with nitrogen or carbon dioxide gas?
modified atmosphere packaging
What is the acid present in fish oil?
Arachidonic acid
What is the stage of fruit ripening associated with increased ethylene production and a rise in cellular respiration?
What is the lethal rate used to calculate?
converts the thermal death time at temperature T to equivalent thermal death time at a reference temperature in order to destroy the same population of spores
What is the chemical nomenclature for caffeine?
What is accomplished by passing steaks or boneless sub-primals through a bank of needles or through a steak macerator?
Mechanical Tenderization
Why does water have a high dielectric constant?
large network of water molecules extending over several H-bonds, water molecules associate through H-bridges and proton transport takes place along H-bridges
What happens to the properties of a vegetable oil when it is hydrogenated?
increases the melting point
Withering, rolling, fermenting and firing are all processes associated with the production of which beverage?
What is petroleum ether?
Mixture of low molecular weight hydrocarbons
What is the most popular ice cream flavor?
What is the highest designation of wine quality in Italy?
DOCG, Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita
By volume, what is the most consumed dairy product around the world?
What is the name of the muscle enzyme that catalyzes the formation of glucose - 1 - p from glycogen?
Who is the current IFTSA College Bowl Competition Chair and what school are they from?
Abigail Sommer; Ohio State University
Minimum Protein Rating in Canada
What fruit is a berry that ranges in size between a lemon and grapefruit whose Latin name Punica Maranta, roughly translates to apple with many seeds?
What is the maximum ERH considered safe for grain storage?
70% (around 80% ERH moisture grain results in increased respiration and temperature increases)
What is the amount of antibiotics allowed in milk?
What is the full name of MRS agar used for lactobacilli cultures?
De Man, Rogosa and Sharpe agar
WHO stands for what?
World Health Organization
What type of pastry is typically used as the base for tarts, pies, or quiches?
short crust
What is responsible for the trigeminal senses?
free nerve endings present in the oral and nasal cavities which are sensitive to irritants (capsaicin, acetic acid, ammonia, astringents) and act as a protection device against harmful chemicals
What is the phone number for IFT?
Enhancement or suppression involves the interaction of stimuli presented simultaneously as mixtures. Define Synergy in this context.
The effect of the presence of one substance increasing the perceived combined intensity of two substances, such that the perceived intensity of the mixture is greater than the sum of the intensities of the components
What made poultry inspection mandatory for any processor that ships produce?
in interstate commerce
What is the name of a basic glycoprotein found in egg white that has the property of binding biotin?
In mammals, what is the process by which eggs or ova are produced?
Which vitamins can also be used as antioxidants?
vitamins C and E
Name two types of controlled atmosphere packaging.
vacuum packaging and shrink wrapping
Give the significance of the following dates for U.S. food law: 1785, 1850, 1862, 1906
1785-The Massachusetts “Act Against Selling Unwholesome Provisions,” 1906- Pure Food and Drugs Act was signed by President Roosevelt 1862- President Abraham Lincoln founded the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
What is the thermal conductivity of ice?
2.22 - 2.35 W/m K (4 times more than water)
The study of dielectric properties concerns ____ and ____ of electric and magnetic energy in materials
storage and dissipation
What are the two roles of salt in bread making?
changes taste, effects rheological properties by making dough stronger
A double seam consists of how many thicknesses of metal plates?
What is the fish most commonly used for making Surimi?
Alaskan Pollock
What mycotoxin is produced by a mold that can grow on moist peanuts, pecans, corn and other foodstuffs?
Name three functions of nitrate in cured meats.
anti c. bot, stabilize myoglobin, flavor
What is the approximate number of flavorists in the world?
What does DHHS stand for?
Department of Health and Human Services
Loganberry is a cross of what two berries?
raspberry and blackberry
A vitamin that is a 6-carbon compound with a very similar structure to glucose and is found in fruits and vegetables is what?
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
What is an enzyme that catalyzes the reduction of hydrogen peroxide to oxygen and water?
What is kwashiorkor?
protein malnutrition in the presence of adequate calories
For what part of a proximate analysis is the Soxhlet apparatus used for?
crude fat
What organic acids are associated with the following fruits? Apples, grapes and oranges
apples – malic acid, grapes – tartaric acid, oranges – citric acid
What is the address of IFT world headquarters?
525 W Van Buren St., Suite 1000, Chicago, IL 606067
What form of mercury is associated with seafood toxicity?
org Hg or methyl Hg
In food packaging what do the initials LLDPE stand for?
Linear low density polyethylene
Give the temperature and z value for the commonly used/standard F sub zero value that is based on the destruction of a population of C. botulinum.
temperature: 18 F or 10 C, z value: 250 or 121
What part of the plant is the potato tuber derived?
What is the name of long chain plant waxes that are typically composed of odd carbon length?
n-alkanes of the epicuticular leaf wax
What four reagents are generally needed for polymerase chain reaction?
Thermostable Taq DNA polymerase, 5’ and 3’ specific oligonucleotide primers, dNTPs(deoxynucleotides), template DNA
Tannins produce the dry feeling in your mouth after taking a sip of which of the following? Rum, beer, whiskey, red wine
Red wine
What are the two principal sources of juiciness in meat, as detected by consumers?
water and intramuscular fat (marbling)
What is the scientific name of the most tender muscle in a beef carcass?
Psoas Major
What is one of the oldest federal agencies whose primary function is consumer protection?
CFSAN, center for food safety and applied nutrition
Which compound is responsible for umami flavor?
The first digit of an enzyme's EC number assigned by the international union of biochemistry identifies ________________.
General reaction type that they catalyze.
What hydrocolloid is primarily used as a stabilizer in chocolate milk and ice cream?
What two beef wholesale cuts yield "middle meats"?
ribeye roll, lip-on; tenderloin; strip loin; top sirloin butt
A strawberry processor makes a "4+1" product. What do that "4" and "1" stand for?
4 parts strawberries, 1 part refined sugar
When making extra virgin olive oil what is the maximum number of hours required from harvest to processing?
What is the traditional source of rennet?
the fourth stomach (abomasum) of calves
In IR heating, what happens to the wavelength as temperature increases?
wavelength gets shorter
Which gas can be used to ripen many fruits?
Name the enzyme that converts glucose to fructose and vice versa.
glucose isomerase
What is the primary purpose of the FDA?
Enforce the federal food, drug, and cosmetic act
What is a component of garlic that has antioxidant properties?
Solids are __ to thermal radiation.
10 pound of cheese corresponds to how much whey?
90 pounds of whey
What is fuzzy logic in simple terms?
A form of logic which can take many values, as opposed to 1 or 0 or True or False, in conventional Boolean Logic
What is the IMVIC test?
Indole Methyl Red Voges-Proskauer Citrate
What term is given to the organs of the thoracic cavity which include the heart, lungs, and trachea of a sheep?
Who was the first person to claim that electricity made meat uncommonly tender?
Benjamin Franklin
Give the names of the fat soluble vitamin produced by bacteria in the large intestine.
Vitamin K, Biotin
The latin motto of the FAO is "fiat panes." What does the translate to?
"Let there be bread"
In beer making, what is the common name for germinated barley?
BlueNalu, a cell-based/cultured seafood developer, is known for it's unique offering of Bluefin Tuna Toro. What part of tuna does the animal-based tuna toro come from?
Fatty belly cut of tuna.
What is the relationship between dielectric loss factor and penetration depth?
as dielectric loss factor increase, penetration depth decreases
Loganberry is a cross of which two berries?
The loganberry (Rubus × loganobaccus) is a hybrid of the North American blackberry (Rubus ursinus) and the European raspberry (Rubus idaeus).
What is the strongest biochemical bond?
The two polysaccharides that comprise starch are _________ and _______________
amylose and amylopectin
Dark cutting beef is characterized by dark color, firm and dry texture. This problem is associated with meat having: A) low ultimate pH B) high ultimate pH C) rapid pH decline
B) high ultimate pH
Name three leavening agents.
Baking soda, baking powder, whipped egg whites, steam, dry yeast
Name the different components of the food pyramid and the recommended number of servings for each.
1) Fats, oil, sweet (use spraringly) 2) Milk, yogurt, cheese group (2-3 servings) 3) Meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs & nuts group (2-3 servings) 4) Vegetable group (3-5 servings) 5) Fruit group (2-4 servings) 6) Bread, cereal, rice and paste group (6-11 servings)
On what food stuff is the mycotoxin patulin most commonly produced on?
What is the term used to describe storing refrigerated meat to improve tenderness?
Aging or dry aging
An ear of corn has on average 16 rows of corn kernels. How many kernels are in each row?
50 +- 1
In which country's restaurants, 86 is used for item unavailable and 68 for items that are available?
In the US, scampi refers to a dish usually prepared from shrimps. However, in UK, scampi is legally defined as which seafood species?
What is the most common micronutrient deficiency worldwide?
Iron deficiency is the most common and widespread nutritional disorder in the world.
What is Fiske-Subbarow assay?
measure levels of inorganic phosphate in biological samples
What newly-imported substance caused the first major outbreak of tooth decay in Europe in the 1500's?
What is the concern between eating canned white tuna versus canned light tuna?
canned white tuna is made from albacore which has 3 times the amount of mercury than skipjack tuna used in light tuna products.
Name 5 proteins with good foaming properties.
egg white proteins, the globin part of hemoglobin, bovine serum albumin, gelatin, whey proteins, casein micelles, B-casein, wheat proteins, soy proteins
What are the two principal sources of juiciness in meat, as detected by consumers?
Moisture and intramuscular fat (marbling)
Unfermented beer is called:
Why are enrichment techniques used when examining food for the presence of salmonella?
salmonella re usually present in small numbers. Enrichment allows salmonella to grow and outcompete non-salmonella microbes and also allows recovery of injured cells
A physical change in an amorphous material promoted by the addition of heat and the uptake of low molecular weight substances called plasticizers is called what?
glass transition
During postmortem aging of meat, the pH declines from 7.2 to approximately 5.5. Considering the biochemical pathways associated with this observation identify the primary acid that accumulates during this process.
Lactic acid
What is the name of the childhood disease that results from a deficiency in vitamin D?
In kJ per mol, what is the dissociation energy of the H3O+ ion?
In chemistry, what is a mixture of of two liquids with the same constant boiling point and composition throughout distillation called?
What is the name of this Italian cheese that contains live maggots?
Casu Marzu
What acid causes the pH of normal muscle to drop after slaughter?
Lactic acid
What is the time temperature combination required for foodservice operators to safely cool cooked foods?
Answer: food must be cool to 70 degrees Fahrenheit within two hours, and then 41 within four hours, and the total cooling time should not exceed six hours.
What organ converts lactic acid to glucose?
Which chemical bond has functional groups on opposite sides of the chain?
What is the coordination number of stable ice-I?
What is the enzyme responsible for browning apples and lettuce?
Polyphenol oxidase
What is the nutritional claim on a bottle of regular Coca-Cola?
very low sodium 35 mg or less per 240mL
What is the ultimate source of energy for muscle contraction?
The preserving activity of vinegar has been known from ancient time. The active component is
Acetic Acid
Which vitamins are destroyed by alcohol?
B complex vitamins
What is the most commercially significant form of uncooked ham sold in the United States?
country hams (or country shoulder)
Oxygen storage in slow twitch fibers is achieved by what molecule?
What government agency is responsible for the inspection and grading of fish and fishery products?
the national marine fisheries service of the department of commerce?
Define mycosis.
disease resulting from the invasion of living cells by a fungi
Which artery is used when a ham is artery pumped?
Brazil Nuts are rich in what mineral?
Which gas is used to induce ripening in bananas?
Which country banned U.S. poultry imports in march of 2002?
Which branches of the federal government are involved in regulation of the u.s. food supply?
all 3 (FDA,USDA,EPA)
What level of moisture is desirable in cereal grains for safe long term storage?
Lecithins are structurally like fats but contain what?
Phosphoric acid
The safety of seafood is influenced by the presence of the biologically active amine, histamine. How is it formed?
it is formed in spoiling fish by decarboxylation of the amino acid histidine
What is the main function of gluconeogenesis?
synthesis of glucose from smaller precursors to be used by the brain.
In August 2013, Chef Richard McGeown cooked what for the first time?
A hamburger from lab-grown meat
Gel formation in frozen egg can be prevented by
2-10% NaCl 8-10% sucrose
What is an emerging infectious disease (EID)?
an infectious disease whose incidence has increased in the past 20 years and could increase in the near future
What is direct acid set cottage cheese?
cottage cheese made with food grade organic acids rather than bacteria starter cultures.
Soy protein isolates have at least what percent protein?
Current Good Manufacturing Practice
What is an anaerobic bacteria?
a bacteria that does not require oxygen for growth
Halo effect in sensory means?
Subjects rate the same attributes when they appear in a series of questions differently from when they were asked separately.
Improvement in baking quality occurs during storage of flour. What happens to color?
Yellow --> White
What is the rarest most expensive caviar called?
Sterlet- tiny egg
Milk homogenization slows creaming by changing oil droplets radius.
Give 2 ways to measure ethylene.
There are several ways to measure ethylene: 1) gas chromatography (best but expensive); 2) kitagawa tubes, or equivalent; 3) other types of chemical sensors; or 4) another plant that is sensitive to ethylene.
How is the pocket in pita bread formed?
Steam that is created by cooking at a high heat.
What is the 12D process?
the time/temperature process that will reduce the microbe spore population (typically C. bot) by 12 log cycles
What vitamin is produced from cholesterol in the body?
vitamin D
What are the intrinsic and extrinsic factors for microbial growth in food?
intrinsic: pH, water activity, redox potential, biological structure, moisture content,animicrobial component , competitive microflora, nutrient content Extrinsic: temperature and time, relative humidity, gaseous environment, presence of other organisms, processing operations, type of packaging
Lack of proper handwashing is commonly associated with what?
Define "microencapsulation".
Microencapsulation is the science of trapping components (core or active) into a secondary material (encapsulant, wall material, carrier, or cover), producing small solid particles (1–500 μm in size). These particles are able to release their contents at a specified rate or under specific conditions.
Which vit increases Ca absorption?
Vit D
What are the top three states in the value production of cucumbers for pickles?
Michigan, Florida and North Carolina
Toxins produced by molds are called _________?
Black-eyed peas and not peas. What are they?
Which microorganism creates a heat stable toxin?
Staphylococcus aureus
What is the citrus fruit "Pomme" also known as?
Name a salt soluble meat protein.
myosin, actin
What three terms, respectively, are used to describe the ability of microorganisms to grow at cold, ambient and warm temperatures?
psychotrophic (or psychophilic), mesophilic, thermophilic
In the International Union of Biochemistry system of enzyme nomenclature, the first number identifies what?
General reaction type/class of the enzyme
How much energy to you get from a gram of carbohydrates?
4 kilocalories
In 2008, what state ranked first in value of production of sweet corn, fresh market snap beans, fresh market tomatoes, and fresh market cucumbers?
Which wheat protein responsible for celiac disease?
What is Capsaicin and where is it found?
Pungent flavor of hot peppers
What is the "F" value?
Minutes required to destroy a given number of microbes at a given temperature
What is the measure of protein quality using weight gain in experimental animals when fed test item?
protein efficiency ratio(PER)
Identify the name of this sensory test: each subject is presented with two samples, and are asked whether the samples are the same or different.
Same/difference of simple difference tests, may also be paired comparison (lacks predictable null hypothesis)
What is the most commonly used polymer in the food industry?
What is the pigment form that gives cured meat its typical pink color?
What defect in Frankfurter's is causes when there is too much connective tissue?
Gelling out
What is the common name for sodium chloride?
Name the 2 major producers of orange juice concentrate.
florida and brazil
Lists three types of Vanilla as to their source and give their properties.
Madagascar – highly flavorful, spicy. expensive, Mexican Vanilla – woody flavor,Tahitian Vanilla – floral flavor
What is the name given to the propylene polymer produced by being stretched both in and across machine direction?
Bi-axially oriented polypropylene
Who is the father of puffed cereal?
Alexander Anderson
True or False: Flour with a yellow color is more nutritious than white flour because it contains more provitamin A.
False - only one xanthophyll (not in flour) is known to possess pro-vitamin A activity for mammals
In what chemical form is glucose stored in the liver and muscles?
Who governs meat and poultry labeling?
Give the genus and species of the organism that produces xanthan gum
Xanthamonas campestris
List all the different types of thermocouples.
J, K, E, T, N, B, R, S
In a closed vessel, what happens to the density of gas when the temperature changes?
The density of gas stays the same
What amino acids comprise aspartame?
Phenyl alanine and aspartic acid.
Protein A is eluted faster than Protein B on a gel filtration column. Which protein has a higher molecular weight?
Protein A
A family of glycoproteins that are the main constituent of muscle connective tissue are: A) Myosins B) Collagens C) Ligament proteins
B) Collagens
Marsh Ruby, Ruby Red, Melogold, Oro Blanco (White Golden) and Star Ruby are varieties of what?
Grapefruit(citrus fruit)
What region cultivated the first potato on ca. 200 BC?
South America
Essential amino acids.
histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine
Why does water have a high specific heat?
Stabilizing effect of hydrogen bonding
Name the common method used to detoxify aflatoxin in corn.
treatment with ammonia
What are soluble polymers of anhydro-galacturonic acid and its esters called?
What are the major pigments in yellow peppers?
What year was a recipe for the modern, chocolate brownie first published?
What is the maximum ERH considered safe for grain storage?
70% (around 80% ERH moisture grain results in increased respiration and temperature increases)
What is the single most important phase of a sterile canning operation?
Name of the food derived from dried maize that has undergone nixtamalization)
Cornmeal that has been soaked in an alkaline solution, e.g., limewater (a process known as nixtamalization), it is called masa harina (or masa flour),
What fruit has a fat content of 20% which is about 20 x the average of other fruits?
What is commercial under counter refrigerator known as
Low Boy
How is a café latte made?
espresso shot in glass, add steamed milk then a layer of foamed milk
What are the four most utilized cereal grains in the world?
Wheat, rice, maize, barley & sorghum
Why add K(ALSO4)2 to a pickle mix?
To keep the pickles firm (the AL3+acts as a cross linker between pectin polymers)
In 1946, BBC aired the first-ever cooking show, called "Cookery". What was the first dish ever cooked on television?
Lobster vol-au-vents
What organ stores bile for release?
Integration of lethality will determine which value?
F- value
What does the Karl Fischer test measure?
Moisture content (usually when present in trace amounts)
What is the state fruit of Texas?
Texas Red Grapefruit
In US Standrd of butter nad margarine, what is min fat content
80% for both
What is the largest national trade association representing the meat packing and processing industry and has the initials NAMI?
North American Meat Institute
What is sushi traditionally wrapped in?
What is the unit of expansion of transmittance of spectrophotometry?
% T (percent Transmittence)
What is the shelf life of UHT processed milk?
six to nine months
What is the carcinogen found in mushrooms?
The INQ or "index of nutritional quality" for a nutrient in a food is ...
a ratio between the amount of nutrient in food/calorie and the human need or allowance for that nutrient/calorie
Why is stannous chloride added to canned tomatoes?
People are used to the tin taste from the good old days when cans were made of tin
Why would it be beneficial to modify the atmosphere of a package that contains a food with polyunsaturated fatty acids with nitrogen?
Reduce oxidative rancidity/ Reduce lipid oxidation
What microorganism was responsible for the potato famin in the mid-19th century?
Phytophthora infestans
What experimental design should be used in consumer testing when there are too many samples to serve to each panelist? A. completely randomized design, B. randomized block design, C. balanced and complete block design, D. factorial design
C. balanced and complete block design
What are the four core sciences of IFT?
Food Chemistry, Food Engineering, Food Microbiology, Sensory Science
What is the name of the mascot for Frosted Flakes cereal?
Tony the Tiger
What is another name for the Carnauba wax?
Brazil wax, palm wax, "queen of waxes"
What are some viruses that cause foodborne human illness?
hepatitis, rotavirus, norovirus virus
Which of the following flavors can be felt at the tip of the tongue: sweet, salty, sour, bitter, umami?
All of them
Which fruit is known as the king of fruits?
What is the name of the cocktail made of cognac, orange liqueur, and lemon juice that was invented around the end of World War I and is named for a motorcycle attachment?
The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 g of water 1 degree Celsius is called what?
What is another name for a single banana?
What enzyme inhibits calpains during the cooler aging process?
What is the enzyme from pineapple that has medicinal uses?
Who comprises the executive committee of the IFTSA?
Elected Officers (Voting), Area Meeting Chairs, Competitions Chairs
Why should you store olive oil in a dark environment?
light oxidation
In 2018, what was the launch date for the release of Starbuck’s seasonal Pumpkin Spice latte?
8/1/2028 12:00:00 AM
Peppercorns and bay leaf are commonly used spices that give which beef product its distinctive flavor?
corned beef
Which two states produce almost all of the domestic lemon crop?
California and Arizona
Which food company sponsored FIFA soccer?
Coca Cola
What does HPLC stand for?
High-performance (or high-pressure) liquid chromatography
How many ribs are in a beef forequarter?
Beta cyclodextrin is a cyclic malto oligo saccharide that forms inclusion complexes with various organic compounds. How many glucose units comprise one molecule of beta cyclodextrin?
Stuffing frankfurters too tightly could cause what defect?
ruptured casings
From inside to outside, list the components of the four layers found in a “tin” can.
Enamel, tin, tin-iron alloy, steel
The process of placing an egg in front of a light source to reveal its physical condition is called ____________
What is the most heat resistant pathogen found in milk?
Coxiella burnetii
What percentage of the water on Earth is potable and accessible for consumption?
What amino acid has the greatest molecular weight?
In cheese production, why is rennet added after the pH has been reduced by the starter cultures?
The enzyme activity of rennet is higher in an acid media
Name two fermentation sources of chymosin
kluyveromyces marxianus variety lactis and e. coli
Which US state, the leading producer of potatoes, celebrates Spud Day every year?
4 cups: ? pint
The only artificial sweetener made from sugar (sucrose)
sucralose (splenda)
What is the process by which the passage of an electric current through a conductor produces heat
Joule Heating
t/f an oil in water emulsion is best achieved with an emulsifier having a low HLB value.
At what temperature is sugar syrup considered to be in a soft, cracked stage?
270-290 deg F
In what year was the color additives amendment added to the Delaney Clause?
What general type of foods must go through either retort or pressure cooking under anaerobic conditions?
low acid, high pH foods
Saanen, Alpine, Nigerian Dwarf and Fainting are all breeds of what?
What meat processing procedure is used to obtain pork with high pH and high water holding capacity?
The main lipid class in lean or low fat fish is ____________?
What has the least number of calories: raw potatoes or potatoes boiled in their skin?
raw potatoes
Name the 3 positively charged amino acids.
lysine, arginine, and histidine
According to the Codex Alimentarius, what is the minimum percentage fat that required for cream and prepare creams
What are the deficiency and toxicity symptoms of vitamin D?
deficiency: rickets, abdominal protrusion; toxicity: soft tissue calcification, renal damage
When was the dietary supplement health and education act enacted?
What is food intolerance?
a person has difficulty digesting a particular food.
Name the three main ingredients of a “turducken”.
Turkey, Duck, Chicken
Products of corn wet milling:
protein, starch , oil and fiber
Explain 'Ghost peaks' in chromatography.
Ghost peaks are unknown or unwanted peaks that may interfere with the chromatogram and become a concern in qualitative and quantitative analysis. These peaks may appear at the same retention time as that of the analyte of interest, or there may be very less resolution between the analyte and these peaks, due to which the quantitative analysis is adversely affected. The ghost peaks can also be termed extraneous peaks, artifact peaks, system peaks, pseudo peaks, vacancy peaks, eigen peaks, induced peaks, and spurious peaks. These peaks may arise from unknown impurities or artifacts within the system, such as contaminants from a dirty injector, carrier phase, extractable contaminant, autosampler vials, and caps, or from a contaminant carried over from a previous injection.
What are PCB and BCB?
polychlorobiphenyls, and dichloro-biphenyl
Historically, which fruit has been the symbol of American hospitality?
Name 2 straight chain polyhydric alcohols used as food additives
sorbitol - modifying agent, humectant, flavor, and crystal modifier; mannitol - flavor modifier, inert base
What nut is in honey nut cheerios?
What is the name of a 18 carbon unsaturated fatty acid with the double bond at the 12-13 position?
Oleic acid
Baking powder is a combination of what?
acid and sodium bicarbonate
On 9/30/85, IFT OSPA became a functioning entity to establish IFT as the authoritative source of info on food science and technology. What does the acronym OSPA stand for?
office of scientific public affairs
G protein couple receptors detect what three tastes?
Bitter, sweet, umami
What is the date mandated by the FDA for food companies to comply with the new Nutrition Facts Label Format?
July 26 2018, additional year for companies with annual sales < $ 10 Million
What does power dissipation measure and what are the units?
conversion of microwave energy to heat, and W/cm^2
Name two methods for irradiation of foods.
Cobalt 60, x-rays, or E-beam
What is the name of a flexible container made from polyolefin laminated to aluminum foil of 0.00035 to 0.00050 inch thickness?
retort pouch or retortable pouch
The sterilization value, also known as F sub zero describes what?
the integrated impact of time and temperature on the microbial population, expressed as time at the reference temperature, calculated by using the lethal rate times heating time
What are the four primary classes of plant pigments and give a food example for each class?
Anthocynain – grapes, berries, Caratonids – carrots, tomatoes, Chlorophyll – anything green, beta lymphs – beets
What vertebra is found in a T bone steak?
lumbar vertebra
The bitter glucoside in olives is called ______________
What happens to lipids in deep frying?
Hydrolytic oxidation and color change
Name the microbial gum used in salad dressings.
Xanthan gum
The first FDA approved use of recycled plastic in food packaging was a program to use 25% recycled plastics in bottles that contained what product?
Coca cola
What organizations or agencies publish the following reference texts? A)bacteriological analytical manual; b) compendium of methods in the microbiological examination of foods; c) standard methods for the examination of dairy products
a) Food and Drug Administration (FDA), b&c) American Public Health Association (APHA)
The flavor profile has become a standard approach to the sensory measurement of aromas and flavors. What company developed this method in 1948?
arthur d. little inc.
What is the most widely grown red wine grape variety in the world?
What is the incubation period for Listeria monocytes?
3-70 days
2 ketogenic amino acids
lysine, leucine
What is required of the food industry under the public health security and bioterrorism preparedness and response act (aka the Bioterrorism act) of 2002?
1) Food facilities register with FDA, and 2) FDA be given advance notice on shipments of imported food.
Another name for thermal resistance constant is
In the US, a food additive derived by biotechnology, a- must be declared and identified as such in the ingredient statement, b - are subject to the same regulatory approval process as other food additives, c - must be declared and identified as such in the principal display panel, d - all of the above
What does PER stand for?
Protein efficiency ratio
An enzyme family called ________ catalyzes the phosphorylation of hexoses in the body.
Too much iron can cause:
86 Used to describe an item that is no longer available. What number is used when an item becomes available again
Answer: 68
Promortion of which food product in Africa won 2016 world food prize?
Orange fleshed sweet potato
In 1989, the pork industry began a national eradication program for what virus, which is nearing completion?
How does a bimetallic thermometer work?
there is a bimetallic strip that converts a temperature change into a mechanical displacement. There is a mechanical displacement because the strip is formed from two different metals that expand at different rates when heated
Guillain-barre syndrome caused by?
camphylobacter jejuni: ascending paralysis
Typical mutton carcasses always have ___ joints on their front shanks.
Aspartame contains which 2 amino acids?
Phenylalanine and aspartic acid
Tapioca starch comes from?
How many millions of bubbles are in a champagne bottle?
49 million bubbles (if they are remotely close give it to them!)
What is the purpose of catabolic processes?
break down complex compounds to release energy
What is the difference between a nanoparticle and a colloid?
Size, nano particles are smaller than colloids. Nanoparticles are 1-100nm, colloids range from a nanometer to micrometers.
What class of pigments has 2 cyclic aromatic rings, one with oxygen included?
What is activation energy?
energy required to start a chemical/enzymatic reaction
What is all purpose cake flour protein content?
In 1963 the FDA approval for a new processing method was given, only to be revoked in 1968. What was the product and the process?
bacon and irradiation
During typical food heating, what is the starting size of gap that microwaves cannot pass through?
0.122 m to 0.328 m
What is the most effective way of inactivating botulism toxin?
If the temperature of a solution is -40 F, what will it temperature be in degrees Celsius?
-40 deg C (-40 is the equivalence point for the 2 temp scales)
Which is an mg determinant of cellulose fermentation in gut? a. ratio of cellulose:hemicellulose, b. ratio of lignan:cellulose, c. ratio of cellulose:resistant, d. ratio of mixing on inoculation
b. ratio of lignan:cellulose
What is defined as the ability of meat to retain its water during application of external forces such as cutting, heating, grinding, or pressing?
water holding capacity
What type of lettuce was called crisphead until the 1920's?
Iceberg lettuce
A nutrient which is needed by the body but is not produced by the body is called what?
An essential nutrient
Who created the first successful formula for commercial bubble gum, called Dubble Bubble, in 1928?
Walter Diemer
What is the main difference between the yeast used for ales and lagers?
The yeasts used for ales are top-fermenting and work at 10-25 C, while those used for lager are bottom fermenting and work lower temperatures around 7-15 C.
Beef is high in what kind of vitamins?
B (B12)
When the coordination number decreases during the transition from water to ice, what happens to the density?
density decreases
What is the main disadvantage of commercial sterilization of a food?
significant changes in nutritive and sensory characteristics
Name 2 major types of seafood intoxications.
ciguatera poisoning, scromboid fish poisoning, paralytic shellfish poisoning
Depot fats and related animal fats are characterized by their high content of which fatty acids?
primarily C16 – C18 saturated, and C18:1 and C18:2
What enzyme catalyses the conversion of acetaldehyde to ethanol in fermentation?
alcohol dehydrogenase
Ingestion of high levels of mercury (or mercury intoxication) interferes with the function of which essential mineral in the brain?
What type of temperature sensor is made from certain metal oxides whose resistance decreases with increasing temperature?
In sensory analysis what is the term for when the brain allows very specific positive traits to influence overall evaluation?
Halo effect
Shortening is defined as any ______ used in baked products.
fat or oil
Name one edible fruit-bearing tree that is an evergreen.
Citrus (lemon, orange, grapefruit, lime, tangerines, clementines, and more), olive, avocado, lychee, and mango trees
In Mohr’s method what is silver nitrate used as?
An indicator, used to measure salt content
How many coffee beans are present in a cherry?
Which fruit was called the "pommes d'amour," or love apple, during 18th century France?
The tomato
What constituent or property of food does the iodine value measure
degree of unsaturation of fats or oils
Who developed cocoa butter, cocoa powder, and the Dutching process?
Coenraad Johannes van Houten
What type of bacteria love high heat?
What is the process of placing meat products into casings?
What process is done prior to freezing or dehydration to inactivate enzymes?
blanching, chemical inactivation
What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of radio frequency heating?
advatanges: longer wavelength, deeper penetration depth, shorter treatment time, less equipment space requirement, volumetric heating; being a continuous process disadvantages: non-uniform heating,
Rank these sweeteners from highest to lowest sweetening power. Sucrose maltose, aspartame, sucralose, stevioside.
Sucralose, Stevioside, Aspartame, Sucrose, Maltose
How is banana oil made?
Synthetically using isoamyl acetate
listeria monocytogenes
most dangerous for pregnant women, not allowed in RTE products
How long is the average lactation cycle of a cow?
The cycle is split into four phases, the early, mid and late lactation (each of about 120 days, or d) and the dry period (which should last as long as 65 d). In an ideal world, cows calve every 12 months
What is the term for brewing yeast aerobically as opposed to the TCA cycle?
the Crab Tree Effect
What does DE stand for in corn syrup?
dextrose equivalent
Who was the first commission of the US Food and Drug Administration?
Harvey Washington Wiley
Nutritionist refer to beta – carotene as ...
Pro – vitamin A
Is apple juice sweeter when it is colder?
Where was the "Pina Colada" invented?
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Name 2 types of dielectric heating.
radio frequency and microwave heating
What is the so called "trigeminal senses"?
Free nerve endings (of the trigeminal nerve) present in the oral and ansl cavities which are sensitive to irritants (capsaisin, acetic acid, ammonia, astringents) and act as protection device against harmful chemicals, also detect texture and most other food characteristics
Which bacteria must be tested for under the final rule for pathogen reduction and HACCP? And which bacteria should meet performance standards?
generic E. coli, Salmonella
Name the fatty acid that contains 18 carbons and three double bonds?
Linolenic acid
What type of sugar is cotton candy made up of?
Granulated sugar
In addition to protein, casein micelles contain 6-8%: A) lactose B) calcium phosphate C) lactoglobulin
B) calcium phosphate
Replacement for sourdough
A cup of milk and 1 tsp lemon juice (correct)
The packaging material used to make plastic soft drink bottles?
PET (polyethylene terephthalate)
What are de-headed, de-veined and sorted by size in a laitram machine?
According to WHO Food and agriculture organization, most commonly consumed meat in world? Chicken, goat/sheep, beef, pork
What are sweetbreads?
(1) stomach sweetbreads (also known as heart or belly sweetbreads), which are an animal’s pancreas. (2) neck (throat or gullet) sweetbreads, an animal’s thymus gland.
What compound is generally used as the standard for bitterness in sensory evaluation?
caffeine or quinine solution
Why was the McDonalds cherry pie discontinued?
too few cherries per pie.
What is the major difference between soy flour and soya flour?
soy flour is from raw soybeans and soya flour from lighty toasted soy beans
What is the slogan of IFT?
Feeding the minds that feed the world
What is the botanical term for certain plants belonging to the mustard family, such as broccoli and cauliflower, so-called because of the cross-like leaf markings?
Why was Schwan’s ice cream recalled from the marketplace in October of 1994?
presence of Salmonella
What is the range of BCU used in baking applications?
The BCU range will be from 0.00 (darkest) – 5.25 (lightest) BCU.
In the 1920s, which company developed the method for the use of refrigeration to reduce the temperature of the food below the point of ice crystallization?
What is the food-borne illness associated with “red tide”?
paralytic shellfish poisoning
The main salt soluble protein of meat is:
myosin (actomyosin post rigor)
What amino acids, with an aromatic side chain, have hydrophilic properties?
What instrument is a recording dough mixer that measures and records the torque developed by the action of the blades on Joe during mixing?
Farinographs measure and record the resistance to deformation of a flour/water dough against the mixing action of blades over time and at a specific speed (rpm) and temperature.
True or False: "Patent Flour" is lighter in color and lower in ash than "straight flour" and is made from purified endosperm middlings
How does ionic polarization contribute to heating?
ions in solution move in response to applied electric field component of the microwave, and the collisions with other molecules convert kinetic energy into heat
Waxes are composed of what 2 basic chemical entities?
Fatty acid and fatty alcohol
What is the wavelength range of UV-Vis spectroscopy?
200-700 nm
What is a psychrometric chart?
A psychrometric chart is a graphical representation of the psychrometric processes of air. Psychrometric processes include physical and thermodynamic properties such as dry bulb temperature, wet bulb temperature, humidity, enthalpy, and air density.
What are three types of food containers commonly used in retorting?
metal containers (cans), glass containers, retort pouches
What is the difference between plate heat exchanger and tubular heat exchanger in regards to the heating/cooling medium flow?
plate heat exchangers have concurrent flow while the tubular heat exchanger have countercurrent flow
According to Codex Al, min fat % in creams?
What is the most valuable by-product of cattle?
The hide
What is the microorganism used to make miso and sake?
Aspergillus orzae
The dispersion of one liquid in another immiscible liquid is called what?
What is the main disadvantage of commercial sterilization of a food?
significant changes in nutritive and sensory characteristics
What is the common name of Hylocereus undatus?
Dragon fruit
What is the term that refers to a person’s inability to taste?
Who had the 1st patent on the metal can?
Peter Durand of England
Describe the mechanism by which CaCl2 firms plant tissues.
divalent Ca++ binds the carboxyl groups of adjacent pectin polymers forming bridges and tightening the structure
What is the difference between direct and indirect ELISA?
-direct ELISA- only one antibody used, indirect ELISA-2 antibodies used for detection
What is the nonprotein portion of myoglobin?
heme ring
What name is given to the small circular DNA molecules that carry genetic information independently of the main bacterial chromosome?
What is the scientific name of the honeybee?
Apis mellifera
In restaurants, 86 is used when an item on the menu is no longer available. What number is used when the item is available again?
Name 2 food ingredients that are used as flavor enhancers
MSG, inosine phosphate, guava nectar, maltitol, neotame, yeast extract, etc.
Glass is composed of what 3 materials?
Sand (SiO2), soda ash ( Na2CO3), and Limestone (CaCO3)
What sweeteners are used in Coke Zero?
Asparatame and acesulfame potassium
What dessert was invented by Franz Sacher in 1832?
the sachertorte
What fat soluble vitamin has a well-known role as an antioxidant?
Vitamin E
When wine is said to be completely dry it is lacking in what?
In Planck Distribution, At a given wavelength, what happens to the emissive power as the temperature increases?
emissive power also increases
What are substances that are incorporated into food products in low quantities from processing or packaging perspective?
indirect additives
The HLB value is a number from 1 to 18 used to describe the solubility of effectiveness of what?
An emulsifying agent
What is the process in which beer is matured at colder temperatures for many weeks, even up to a year?
What enzyme is used to tenderize meat?
At what university was IFT chartered?
MIT in 1939
What reaction does the enzyme “reverse transcriptase” catalyze?
RNA transcribed to DNA (not DNA to RNA)
What was the first ever breakfast cereal?
shredded wheat
The desirable bright red color of cured meats is due to the pigment
Which mycotoxin is associated with liver cancer? a. aflatoxin b. ochratoxin c. patulin
a. aflatoxin
What protein is universally considered to be nutritionally complete?
What is the name of the reaction when an acid and base react to give water?
What is the temperature and time range for commercial sterilization?
116-121 C (240-250 F) for 50-90 min
Phosphorylation is a post translational modification of protein essential for their function. Name three aas that can be phosphorylated.
Serine, threonine, tyrosine
What is the name of the membrane that directly surrounds the egg yolk?
vitelline membrane
In ice cream what components or additives reduce ice crystal formation?
fat, corn syrup or protein
What is the difference between food spoilage and food poisoning?
spoilage = inedible food but not unsafe(judgmental to what is not acceptable); poisoning = causes illness through infections(detrimental effect to system)
In cheese production, why is rennet added after pH has been slightly reduced by the starter culture?
the activity of rennets higher in an acid media
What is ohmic heating?
it is where an electrical current is passed through a suitable conducting product causing it to heat
What US federal agency is responsible for the safety of drinking water?
What compound is generally used as the standard for sweetness in sensory evaluation?
Sucrose or a sucrose solution.
In which year was the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act enacted?
Guinness stout beer is a product of this country: England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland
What is the meaning of Mai Tai in Tahitian language?
Out of this world
What is the general packaging material that prevents the entry of microbes and gas?
What organism can cause symptoms similar to appendicitis?
yersinia enterocolitica
Please name a common detector specifically used to measure volatile sulfur compounds such as dimethyl sulfide.
PFD – pules flame photometric detection ( other acceptable answers PFD, pulse flame detection or SCD – sulfur chemiluminescence detector)
Name the fatty acid commonly associated with butter?
Butyric acid
The IFT individual award with the highest monetary value is the ____.
Nicholas Appert Award ($5,000)
According to the USDA National Organic Standards, ingredients derived by biotechnology or GMOs: a- are not allowed in organic products, b - are only allowed in first generation organic products, c- are allowed in organic products, d - are only allowed if declared and identified as such on the label
Not allowed
What is a catalase?
Enzyme that converts hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen
Which general class of tannins contain catechin or epicatechin as its monomeric units?
hydrolyzable tannins, condensed tannins, Non condensed tannins, phytotannins
What percentage of US food sales are organic foods?
Define the percent overrun in ice cream.
the volume of frozen, finished ice cream in excess of the volume of the liquid mix.
What do sec, demi sec and brut describe?
The sweetness of champagne or wine
What happens to French fries that are made from potatoes stored in the refrigerator?
they will brown unevenly due to sugar content
What herb is considered a key component of a traditional American turkey stuffing?
Which of these crops is not listed for product development competition in the NASA space program: A) peanuts B) spinach C) watermelon D) tomato?
What pasta dish went viral on TikTok in 2021?
Baked feta pasta
Name two conditions under which yeasts and molds will outcompete most bacteria.
low Aw (0.6-0.7) and pH <4 or >9
Claviceps purpurea causes what type of food poisoning?
What is the condition caused by dehydration and oxidation from the frozen surface of a food product?
freezer burn
What property does Aspergillus glaucus have that allows it to grow on dried fruit?
It is xerophilic, and grows where there is a low availability of water
To be classified as Champagne a sparkling wine must have 90psi or 6 atm of pressure. What is the concentration of sugar added, known as the liqueur de triage, to achieve this pressure during the 2nd fermentation?
24 g/L
Describe the process of forming an hermetic seal.
the can end and body are interlocked during two rolling actions, first action curls the edge of the can end up and under the flange of the can body, and the second action roll flattens and tightens the seam
Kielbasa is a polish sausage made primarily of coarsely ground pork with some amount of beef blended in. What is the typical seasoning used in Kielbasa?
What is the name of structural carbohydrate found in lobsters, crab, shellfish and insects?
waxes are composed of what two basic chemical entities?
fatty acid (ester linked) to fatty alcohol
Another term for Black Spots in Shrimps
What are 3 folic acid rich foods?
leafy green vegetables, citrus fruits and juices, beans lentils, fortified breakfast cereals, broccoli
Emulsifying proteins are called what because of their ability to harden during the cooking cycle?
heat-coagulable proteins
Cyanogenic glycosides are compounds that when treated with an acid or appropriate hydrolytic enzyme yield what compound?
What food components are measured by the following. 1. Karl fisher itration, 2. Nekson’s reagent, 3. Anthrone method
1. Water, 2. Protein, 3. Carbohydrate
How much heat is needed to raise 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius?
1 Kelvin
Pernicious anemia is the Vitamin _____ deficiency disease and results from a lack of _________
b12; intrinsic factor
What city became immortalized as "hog butcher of the world" by poet Carl Sandburg?
What are the 3 primary colors?
Red, Blue, and Green
How many different amino acids are there?
What organization publishes standards for the design and manufacture of milk processing equipment?
3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc.
What type of pump is preferable and why in an aseptic processing system and?
PD pump (positive displacement pump), it is less sensitive to pressure drop than centrifugal pumps
What is the commercially available electronic instrument used in the food industry which has a relationship to the olfactory response of humans?
Electronic Nose
What does E. stand for in E. coli?
What is the most abundant cytoskeletal protein in muscle?
Which of the statements about dietary fast is NOT true? A. consumption of fat should be <30% of daily calories. B. the healthiest diet contains no meat. C. moderate amounts of fat are essential for fat-soluble vitamin absorption or D. Fat adds flavor
B. Healthiest diet contains no meat.
What preservative is added to wine?
Who is the publisher of Food Technology magazine?
Christie Tarantino-Dean
Shear modulus is represented by which letter?
In what year and by which president what the Food Drug and Cosmetic Act enacted?
FDR in 1938
How many new food and drink products are launched worldwide each year?
Falling number measures the activity of which enzyme in cereals?
Which descriptive sensory analysis technique uses consumers instead of trained judges?
free choice profiling
What is the maximum amount of fat per RACC (reference amount customarily consumed) allowed in a product labeled "fat free"?
0.5 g
What are the five types of bonds found in proteins?
Peptide, Ionic, disulfide, Hydrogen, hydrophobic interactions
Name the major connective tissue protein in meat.
Name 2 wet methods for determination of fat content in milk.
gerber and babcock
What does IMPS stand for?
Institutional Meat Purchase Specifications
The door of a microwave is often glass with a metal mesh imbedded, why is that so?
while microwaves can go through glass, they cannot go through metal, and so the mesh has holes small enough that microwaves cannot pass through but allows for the person to view the food inside
What is the name of the process used by winemakers to create young highly colored and fruity wines?
carbonic maceration
Name the year that astronauts first ate food that had been successfully grown in space.
What is the standard texture scale used in sensory analysis?
general foods texture profile method
What are the large fat particles that coalesce at the ends of sausages during heating?
Fat caps
What is the name given to the flavor developed due to rancidity of fat in meat?
warmed over flavor
What is a transformation in terms of biotechnology?
Genetic alteration of a cell resulting from the direct uptake and incorporation of exogenous genetic material from its surroundings through the cell membrane(s).
Which fruit bearing trees are evergreen?
Citrus (or any one of orange, lemon, grapefruit, lime, etc.)
What are the 3 major physiological stages of fruits and vegetables?
growth, maturation, and senescence
How do you make baking powder at home?
combine baking soda and cream of tartar
On what binomial probability is the triangle test based
1/3rd or 33%
What is an indicator organism in food microbiology?
an indicator of sanitary conditions
This substance is formed from gliadins, glutenins and glycolipids when water is mixed with wheat flour.
From a chemical reaction standpoint why are eggs used to glaze cakes?
They provide the protein needed for Maillard reactions.
Which muscle protein must bind calcium for muscle contraction?
What are some of the disadvantages of a liquid-in-glass thermometer?
large sensing element, not possible for continuous or automatic readout, long time constant
SAP is used as a buffer, leavening agent, and emulsifier. What is SAP?
sodium acid pyrophosphate
What does FSIS stand for?
Food safety and inspection service
Which lipoprotein transports triacylglycerols and cholesterol from the intestine to other parts of the body?
What does the AACC stand for?
American association of cereal chemists
What is the brand of seasonings/spices most often used in the US?
What is the most effective synthetic antioxidant?
In what year was the first Nicolas Appert award awarded?
True or false? Milk homogenization slows creaming by changing oil droplets radius
What country recently became the top producer of vanilla in the world?
Which fruit has its seeds on the outside?
The strawberry
Identify the name of this sensory test: each subject is presented with two samples and is asked whether the samples are the same or different.
Discrimination testing
What isomer is less expensive than Vitamin C?
Erythorbic acid
What is the disease caused by a deficiency of thiamin, and is common where polished rice is a major dietary item?
What is "unsaponifiable matter"?
Fat soluble matter remaining after saponification
How many regional sections does IFT have?
What is hydrogen swell?
when a canned high-acid food product attacks the metal lining of the can and releases hydrogen gas.
In what year was there a patent registered for use of a commercial refrigeration process for fish?
The fifth taste response, whose substance are often called flavor potentiators like MSG is called
What is the main sugar found in milk?
What is the FDA's definition of "safe and suitable ingredients" for use in food products?
d) Safe and suitable means that the ingredient: (1) Performs an appropriate function in the food in which it is used. (2) Is used at a level no higher than necessary to achieve its intended purpose in that food. (3) Is not a food additive or color additive as defined in section 201 (s) or (t) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act as used in that food, or is a food additive or color additive as so defined and is used in conformity with regulations established pursuant to section 409 or 721 of the act.
What is another name for Carambola?
The protein efficiency ratio (PER) is the ratio of weight gained by rats fed test protein to those fed what protein?
What food will never rot and has been recorded to last 3,000 years?
What are the three types of junctions in a thermocouple?
Exposed, ungrounded, grounded.
What is the minimum pH of growth for most Gram negative aerobic bacteria?
According for the US standard of identity for butter and margarine, what is the minimum fat %?
What is the purpose of having a back pressure device for the hold tube?
to prevent flashing or boiling
In what U.S. city was the first meat packing plant started in 1818?
What happens to the physical property of egg when stored below 6 degrees celsius?
the yolk viscosity rises irreversibly giving it a gel like consistency
What is the genus and species of the fungus that caused the Irish famine?
Phytophora infestans
What % fat in bovine milk exists as TAGs? a. 83% b. 88% c. 93% d. 98%
d. 98%
Goat stench or goaty flavor is due to which fatty acids (give name and number of carbons)?
Caproic (hexanoic 6:0); Caprylic (octanoic 8:0); capric (Decanoic 10:0)
What are the harmful compounds formed during hydrogenation of fatty acids
trans fatty acids
Sensory evaluation methods that are devised to measure the acceptance of a product are called Affective Tests. Give an example.
A paired preference test, A preference ranking test, and The hedonic test method
What does the process of blanching do?
used to inactivate enzymes and set color
What are the precursors of apocarotenoids?
What is the term for investigation and quantification of how physical stimuli evoke sensations and perceptions?
What is MAP and CAP?
Modified atmosphere packaging and controlled atmosphere packaging
List the following olive oil grades from most pure to least pure. US virgin olive oil not fit for human consumption without further processing, US extra virgin, US virgin, US olive oil, US refined olive oil
US extra virgin, US virgin, US virgin not fit for human consumption without further processing, US olive oil, US refined olive oil
Difference between gelato and ice cream.
Gelato is the Italian word for ice cream. It starts out with a similar custard base as ice cream, but has a higher proportion of milk and a lower proportion of cream and eggs (or no eggs at all). It is churned at a much slower rate, incorporating less air and leaving the gelato denser than ice cream.
The caloric content of a large egg is A- 50, B-70, C - 100, D - 125
b. 70
Polymorphic forms of lipids in chocolate?
What is the name of the spice mix used in Ethiopian and interesting culture that contains ingredients like chili peppers, garlic, ginger, and fennel.
Berbere Seasoning
What company produces and markets sterling silver beef and pork and cattleman's selection beef?
Excel (Cargill)
How many molecules are in a mole?
6.022 x 10^23
Botrytis cinerea is a mold found on grapes. What 2 wine styles require botrytis during growing or processing?
Sauternes and Tokaji
What is the relationship between temperature and penetration depth?
as temperature increases, penetration depth decreases
Food radiation is capable of destroying all the following in foods except, A. microrganisms, B. bacteria, C. viruses, D. insects, E. prion
If a food label states it is a rich source of calcium, what does that mean?
20% or more of the daily value
You are starting to feel nauseous and remember possibly eating some undercooked chicken a few days ago. What type of bacteria is most likely making you sick?
campylobacter (2-5 incubation days)
A wheat class that is used to make stiff doughs for pasta products is: A) soft B) hard C) durum
C) durum
Lysine, an essential amino acid is commercially produced by which genus of bacterium for use as a food additive?
What is the difference between accuracy and precision?
Accuracy refers to how close a measurement is to the true or accepted value. Precision refers to how close measurements of the same item are to each other.
What type of bacteria besides Staphylococci aureous can survive on cows utters?
Who publishes food chemicals, Codex
United States Pharmacopeia
When testing for c. perfringens, what is the only test result that is negative suggesting a positive confirmation of c. perfringens?
What is the term for the use of heat to eliminate a desired number of microorganisms from a food product?
thermal processing
What family of glycoproteins is the main constituent of muscle connective tissue?
What is SCP?
single cell protein
Which Opera singer is immortalized in the name of a fruit and ice cream dessert?
Nelli Melba
What is the term that describes food placed in a plastic pouch and then cooked for a long time in a water bath or steam at a low temperature?
sous vide (poaching is different and at higher temperatures)
What is a unit operation?
a basic step in operation
What causes the yellow – green pigment of skim milk and whey?
Riboflavin (vitamin B2)
At what pH can a food be called an acid food?
a pH less than 4.6
Name 3 types of conventional heating.
conduction, convection, and radiation
Why are PVPP, gelatin added to beverages?
What vitamin can be synthesized from tryptophan, and what disease does its deficiency cause?
niacin, pellagra
How many significant figures are in the number 0.000401?
What is the original name for the kiwi fruit?
Chinese gooseberry
The lamb shoulder is correctly separated from the lamb rack between what ribs?
4th & 5th
At what temperature does water have its maximum density?
3.92 or 4°C
Which single bacteriocin is approved for food preservation in the US? Which product is it used in?
Nisin, for pasteurized cheese product.
Name three classes of flavonoids.
anthocyanidins, isoflavones, flavonols, catechins, etc
Mexican sauce with chillies, nuts and various ingredients
What is the base of profiteroles?
Choux pastry
Which Mass spec technique relied on large protein fingerprint for bacteria?
What amino acid is most responsible for off-flavor development in milk?
The stable, bright pink-red color of cured meats is caused by the reaction of what two compounds?
nitrite and myoglobin (nitrosomyoglobin)
The principle lipid component in milk is the class called which of the following: A) steroids B) phospholipids C) triacylglycerides
C) triacylglycerides
Chuck comes from which part of beef?
Beef shoulder
Cooked flavor of milk after thermal processing is because of?
release of sulfur compounds
What is the main acid in lemon juice?
Citric acid
Which detection method can not be used with gradient elution in HPLC? a. RID b. DAD c. FLD
a. RID
What is the most important characteristic used to determine the maturity of a veal carcass?
lean color
Beef was traditionally suspended using which tendon, which was also a cause of muscle shortening?
Why is raw soybean meal not as good a source of essential proteins as cooked or heat processed soybean meal?
soybeans contain trypsin inhibitors which reduce digestibility of soy protein; heating denatures the inhibitors
How many years has the IFT Fellows designation been used to honor members of IFT?
48 years
A difference of ___ BCU is estimated to be a visual difference in a product
What are the three steps of fat autoxidation?
Initiation, Propagation, termination
What effect does ascorbate have on curing with sodium nitrite?
Faster curing action by reducing nitrate to nitrite
In 1994, Title 21 section 104.20a of CFR was amended by FDA, commonly referred to as jellybean rule. How does it affect food companies?
It prevents companies from fortifying junk or snack food and marketing it as healthy.
What color is myoglobin when iron is in the ferrous state and water is bound to the pigment?
What is chill proofing of beer?
Addition of papain to prevent haze due to interaction between protein and tannins
In a multiple effect evaporator what term is used to calculate efficiency?
SE (steam economy)
What kind of emulsion system is butter?
This word means "sausage poisoning". It is caused by a powerful toxin that affects the nervous system.
What type of oxygen impermeable packaging is typically used in red meat fabrication facilities?
vacuum packaging
The thermal conductivity of ice is approximately how many times greater than that water?
four times
A muffle furnace is used in which constituent of proximate analysis?
What viral disease in cloven-hoofed animals causes fluid-filled blisters on their mouth, tongue, teats, muzzle, and skin between their hooves?
Hoof (foot) and mouth disease
What is the purpose of adding extenders, binders and fillers ot meat? Give three examples.
Extenders were originally used to reduce costs but they were later used to make meat products more healthy by adding dietary fiber, or to improve the texture
What fat soluble vitamin has antioxidant properties?
Vit E
What protein structure refers to the spatial arrangement obtained when a linear protein chain with a secondary structure folds further into a compact three dimensional form?
Tertiary structure
Which act requires inspection of all meat if it is moved within or between states?
wholesome meat act of 1967
Bacon is obtained from the belly of the pork. From which part of pork is Canadian bacon obtained?
Back/ loin of the pork
Kopi Luwa is the world’s most expensive coffee. What is the cost of 1 lb of this coffee?
$700 per pound (USD)
Swiss style yogurt is what?
Yogurt with fruits mixed
What is the difference between traditional thermal processing and aseptic processing?
traditional: food is packaged then sterilized, ex canning. aseptic: food is sterilized and packaged in a sterile container and is only practical for liquid or fluid products
Term used to describe a compound causing defects in growing featus?
What are the HTST conditions?
72.8 C, 15 sec
Steady state mass balance equation
Mass in - mass out = mass acumulation
Who is the Editor of the Journal of Food Science?
Amanda Fergusun
Name the two researchers who developed the most widely used and accepted machine to measure meat tenderness.
Kenneth Warner (developed in 1920) and Lyman Bratzler (developed in 1932)
Prior to dehydration, many fruits are exposed to sulfur gas in order to prevent microbial growth and browning.
What is Allose?
D-Allose is a rare monosaccharide, which rarely appears in the natural environment. D-Allose has an 80% sweetness relative to table sugar but is ultra-low calorie and non-toxic and is thus an ideal candidate to take the place of table sugar in food products.
Which USDA agency inspects red meat products at slaughter?
Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS)
What is the name of the controversial hormone given to dairy cows to increase milk production?
Bovine somatotropin or bovine growth hormone
What two words guarantee the origin of French wine?
Appellation Controlee
What is a dielectric material and give an example?
dielectric materials are an electrical insulator that can be polarized by an applied electric field. examples include: porcelain/ceramic, mica, glass, plastics, various metal oxides
The odor of spoilt fish is due to :
TMA (trimethylamine) (TMAO is acceptable)
Anions form hydration shells in water by what type of interaction?
What are the two main overall hop categories used in brewing?
aromatic hops and bittering hops
What common paste is made from the seeds of the Arachis hypogaea, a legume, after they are roasted?
Peanut butter
What salts can be used to promote coagulation when making tofu?
Calcium sulfate or magnesium chloride
What are the four main products of the corn wet-milling proces?
protein, starch, oil, fiber
Name two types of heat exchangers used to process particulate foods?
Scraped surface and tubular
What is the pH range of the indicator phenolphthalein?
Name the toxin present in Tonka beans.
Coumarin (1-3%)
What time and temperature combo for food service operators to safely cool cooked foods?
7°C in 2 hours, 41°C in 4 hours
In kJ per mol, what is the bond dissociation energy of the O-H bond in a water molecule?
Name three artificial sweeteners that are approved for use in the U.S.
Aspartame, Saccharin, Acesulfame K + others
What does the AOAC stand for?
Association of Official Analytical Chemists
The desirable color of cured meats is due to the pigment ____________
This compound is a polymer of glucose. The adult human body usually contains less than a pound. Most of it is found in the liver and muscle.
What law of filtration rate to change in presse drop across a filter bed?
Dary's law
What unstable intermediate of monosaccharides mutarotate?
Name the compound responsible for the characteristic buttery flavor of fermented dairy foods.
How does fat have "shortening power"?
It interlaces between protein and starch structures and makes them tear apart easily and 'short' rather than allowing them to stretch long. This is a tenderizing effect for meat and baked goods.
What is the bond angle of the H-O-H bond?
105 degrees
What causes ergotism (st. anthony's fire)?
caused by eating toxic alkaloids produced by the fungus Claviceps purpurea. On wheat, barley, rye, oats, and wild grasses. Max. level of ergot allowed 0.1% dry weight in barley, oats, 0.3% dry weight in wheat and rye
The layer of connective tissue surrounding individual muscle fibers is called the what?
What is the spontaneous loss of fluid from a food gel is called?
Different types of difference tests in sensory.
Descriptive, affective, effective
What is a savory, usually acidic, sauce in which meat is soaked to enrich its flavor or to tenderize it?
How many divisions are currently part of IFT?
What is the color associated with fast twitch muscles?
Until a few decades ago, Freon-12 was commonly used in what food processing operation?
Postmortem pH change in meat
7.2 to 5.5, lactic acid formation
What fat substitute was recently confirmed as GRAS when used in frozen desserts?
What is the name given to a mixture of flour and water that are used for manufacture of extruded pasta products ?
Alimentary pastes (do not accept batters)
How many amino acids are in one alpha helix rotation?
The milling of rice involves a process called what?
What are yield grades used to estimate?
In Italy, a 'quattro formaggi' pizza contains what?
Four cheeses
Higher alcohols esterified with fatty acids are called?
Which of the following are not nuts? Cashews, almonds, brazil nuts, peanuts
peanuts (legumes), cashews (drupes)
Which section of the gastrointestinal tract is the major area of adsorption of nutrients?
small intestine
Enzymes that catalyze transphosphorylation are called:
In unsteady state heat transfer, what is the dimensionless number used to evaluate the importance of internal and external resistance to heat transfer?
the biot number
Name three methods for the calculation of lethality.
general, formula (ball) method, and numerical
What is the minimal water activity for most molds?
If 2 M NaOH solution contains 80 g of NaOH, how much NaOH does a 1 M solution contain?
40 g
What are the 3 main components of a microwave heating system?
magnetron, waveguide, and cavity
What enzyme activity is most commonly used to determine the adequacy of blanching vegetables for freezing to ensure stability during storage?
Name three materials used for edible films.
Proteins, cellulose, starches, dextrins, plant hydrocolloids, waxes, other fatty materials
Name one major muscle found in a beef round.
Biceps femoris, semimembranosus, and semitendinosus
Why are fruits or vegetables often heated prior to maceration for juice production?
to speed up the process or to infuse flavors prior to maceration, to increase extract yield and to inactivate the enzymes
St. Anthony's Fire outbreaks are now very rare. It is caused by a toxin on rye or wheat produced by what ?
claviceps purpurea
An enzyme the removes methanol from pectin is called what?
Pectin methylesterase
Which gas often removed from packaging in thermal processes?
What was the original inspiration for the Margherita pizza using basil, tomatoes, and mozzarella?
the Italian flag (green, white, and red)
What animal do we eat before it’s born and also after it’s dead?
State Hook's law.
F = -kx (k = spring constant, x = spring elongation, F = force)
What color is observed when red, green, and blue pigments are mixed in equal amounts?
What is the irreversible first product produced during Maillard Browning?
Amadori rearrangement product
To which of the following filament protein does Ca++ bind, and regulate actin myosin interaction during muscle contraction : a) myosin, b) actin, c) troponin
The oxidation of the iron in myoglobin to the ferric state results in the brown pigment called...
metmyoglobin (before cooking in fresh; if it is after cooking, its called dentaured metmyoglobin)
What causes the pH to drop during the aging of eggs?
loss of carbon dioxide through the egg shell
Which airline was the first to have in-flight kitchen in 1937?
United Airlines
There are only two herbs with names that contain 3 letters. Name one.
Bay, rue
A bacteria, yeast or filamentous fungi in which the genetic material has been changed through in vitro nucleic acid techniques or fusion of cells is referred to as what by the FAO-WHO?
genetically modified microorganisms
How does ultraviolet light effect fat oxidation?
it speeds it up.
What does CFR stand for?
Code of Federal Regulations
In horseradish what compound is responsible for the spicy or irritating flavor?
Allyl isothiocyanate (breakdown product of singirin)
Which 2 vitamins are required for cell division?
folacin (folic acid) and B12 (cobalamin)
Name one of the three amino acids that can not be cleaved by carboxylpeptidase A at the free carboxyl end.
lysine, arginine, proline
What is the main components causing browning in bananas?
enzyme (ppo) and phenols
What vitamin contains cobalt?
Answer: vitamin B 12
The Christie—Atkins—Munch-Peterson (CAMP) test is used to identify what foodborne pathogen?
Listeria monocytogenes
What was the first year for IFTSA?
What type of water can be used as a substitute for blood plasma?
Coconut water
Botulism was given its Latin-derived name because it was associated with what food?
What is required for a product to bear the label "organic"?
Products labeled “organic” must contain at least 95 percent organically produced ingredients (excluding water and salt). Any remaining ingredients must consist of non-agricultural substances that appear on the NOP National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances.
What sweeteners are used in Coca Cola zero sugar?
Aspartame and acesulfame K
What temperature (F) should water in sterilizers at meat processing facilities be kept?
Where is 25 hydroxycholecalciferol hydroxylated to produce the active form of vitamin D?
What is the number of combinations that can be used in a triangle test?
What compounds found in many brassicas can be both cancer-protective and goitrogenic?
Thermal destruction of microorganisms obeys zero order, first order, or second order kinetics?
first order
Polyvinylpolypyrrolidone, gelatin, egg albumin and Icing glass are commonly added to beverages direct processing, why?
To clarify because they form complexes with tannins and polyphenols which then precipitate out.
Bitter compounds in coffee after roasting?
Chlorogenic acid, phenyl indane
What plant contributes bitter flavor and pleasant aroma to beer?
What is the name of the black spot defect in shrimp?
The R-index is a sensory difference test which is based upon what theory?
signal detection theory
Name the monomeric unit of amylose and amylopectin and give the linkages for each type.
amylose: glucose; a 1-->4 linkage ; amylopectin: glucose, a 1-->4 and 1 -->6 linkages
The small deposits of fat within meat muscle generally characteristic of higher grades of meat is known by what name?
The D-value as a function of temperature has what type of relationship?
Role of nitrous oxide in color protection
Food packaging may include a claim supported with some scientific study but does not meet a standard scientific study. What is it called?
Qualified health claim
Alcohol insoluble solids content in vegetables is indicator of
Maturity and ripeness
What is ageusia?
The inability to taste
What is the definition of an oligosaccharide?
Correct answer is a carbohydrate containing between three and 10 or more than two and less than 10 monosaccharides
PSE pork is an important problem that occurs in certain breeds of hog. PSE stands for what?
Pale, Soft, Exudative
What is invert sugar?
hydrolysis of sucrose to glucose and fructose
Which country produces over 70% of the world's maple syrup?
Combustion of 10 g of food in a bomb calorimeter increases the temperature of 1 kg of water by 5°C. How many calories are present in 100 g of this food?
50 (kcal)
What is the term given to inspection of animals prior to slaughter?
Antemortem inspection
In the brewing industry what physio chemical process is saccharification referred to?
refers to the enzymatic hydrolysis of malt starches into simple sugars, that can be part of yeast fermentation.
What is the only meat wholesale cut traded on the chicago mercantile exchange?
pork bellies
What is the Henderson-Hasselbach equation?
pH = pKa + log [salt]/[acid]
Name two PUFA commonly in foods.
Linoleic, Linolenic
Mad cow disease is also known as BSE, what does that stand for?
bovine spongiform encephalopathy
What compound in chocolate stimulates the central nervous system and makes dogs sick?
What is a food additive?
substances added to food to preserve flavor or enhance its taste, appearance, or other qualities
Sauerkraut results from what type of fermentation process?
lactic acid
Where did Kvass originate?
What are the units for basal metabolic rate?
J/hkg bodymass
What is the alkaloid in irish potatoes?
What is the active ingredient in sichuan pepper that induces a tingling sensation?
What is the average lifespan of a taste bud?
7 days
Which nutrient enhances iron absorption from the intestinal tract?
Vitamin C
What is spice is very dangerous if it is injected intravenously?
What food characteristics influence microwave heating?
dielectric properties, thermal properties (specific heat), size and shape of food, food orientation in microwave, physical state of water (ice and water), moisture content, salt content, oil content
What characteristic of fruit is described by the Brix to acid ratio?
Tartness or sweetness
What is more saturated, pork, beef or chicken fat?
Which sarcoplasmic muscle protein is primarily responsible for meat color?
What vitamin naturally occurs only in animal materials such as meat, milk, eggs, and the like?
Vit A
What makes milk white in color?
the casein micelles that scatter light.
What is the desired crystallization type for tempering chocolate?
Type 5
What two metal wires compose a T-type thermocouple?
copper and constantan
In packaging, the joining of two or more films with adhesive is called?
Quality assurance employees in beef packing plants routinely perform AQL tests. What does the acronym AQL represent?
Acceptable quality limits
What causes the yellow-green pigment of skim milk and whey?
What is the difference between a high-methoxyl pectin and low methoxyl pectin?
High-methoxyl pectin requires a significant amount of sugar to gel properly, but low-methoxyl pectin requires less.
What is the capacity of a US beer barrel?
31 gallons
What is the food colorant added to curacao to make blue curacao?
E133 Brilliant Blue
What is the definition of essential amino acids?
amino acids that cannot be synthesized by the body and must be present in the diet
What are the ingredients of TGY agar?
trypton, glucose and yeast extract
What is the main pigment found in beets?
Who has the prime responsibility for the safety, wholesomeness, and nutritional quality of food?
- Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) of the USDA seeks to ensure that meat and poultry products for human consumption are safe, wholesome, and correctly marked, labeled, and packaged if they move into interstate or international commerce. FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) seeks to ensure that all other foods are safe, sanitary, nutritious, wholesome, and honestly and adequately labeled
What is the nutritional claim on a bottle of regular Coca-Cola?
very low sodium 35 mg or less per 240mL
The science of the deformation and flow of matter is known as
What is the function of erythromycin?
Nutmeg is indigenous to which island country?
What kind of milk is Roquefort cheese made from?
Sheep’s milk
Why is nitrite used in the manufacture of many processed meat items?
it limits or retards lipid oxidation, imparts cur color to products and inhibits growth of C. Botulirum.
What is an intermediate moisture food?
contains 10-50% water with an Aw of 0.60 - 0.90
What scientific group is thought to have started the Industrial Revolution?
Lunar Society of Birmingham
Cow's milk is considered to be an ideal food for human health being rich in vitamins and minerals such as calcium and phosphorus however milk lacks one very important mineral. Which one is that?
What is the process of cell–cell communication that allows bacteria to share information about cell density and adjust gene expression accordingly?
quorum sensing
Who was the 1st athelte to appear on a box of Wheaties?
Lew Gehrig
What type of flowers produce vanilla pods?
In beer making, during the boiling process, roughly 25-35% of the alpha acids in the bitter hops are converted to what compound?
iso-alpha acids
What red meat has been marketed as "the other white meat"?
Reserva Cava is a sparkling wine. What is the age difference between Reserve Cava compared to NV Champagne?
915 months on lees, the same as NV champagne
What is the flavor that is created from the two chemicals of S – (1- propenyl) – L – cysteine sulfoxide and thiopropanol – S oxide ?
Unleavened flatbread in the Jewish cuisine is called?
What drink was developed in 1767 to help mariners stay healthy on long sea voyages?
Tonic water/ carbonated water
What is meant by the "signature line" on a package?
the name and address of manufacturer, distributor or importer
The interaction of glutenin and gliadin forms a class of proteins called
With regard to protein gelation, define thermally irreversible gel and thermally reversible gel. Give the predominant type of inter protein bonding and an example of food gels in each classification
A thermally reversible gel forms upon cooling after heating; hydrogen bonding is primary; gelatin is an example. A thermally irreversible gel forms during heating; covalent (disulfides) is primary bonding; examples include egg white, whey protein, soy protein, etc.
In thermoprocessing, what is the difference between "sterility" and "commercial sterility"?
Sterility: free from microorganism Commercial Sterility: Free from pathogenic microorganisms and reduced levels of spoilage microorganisms that does not affect quality of a product
A positive catalase test shows the formation of _______ when hydrogen peroxide is added.
Effervescence due to the in vitro Oxygen production
Certified food colorants can be divided into 2 types. What are they?
Dyes (water soluble) and lakes (water and oil soluble)
Sanitation and inspection recommendations for adoption by state and local regulatory agencies for inspection of food retail and food service facilities are in the ________
FDA Food Code
Peptide bond formation results in the formation of what secondary compound?
What does MSG stand for?
monosodium glutamate
Who was the first athlete on Wheaties box?
Lou gerrick
How is cultured butter made?
The cream is treated with cultures (like yogurt), allowed to ferment and then churned into butter.
What salt causes coagulation in tofu?
Ca sulphate or MgCl2
Please define water activity.
the ratio between the vapor pressure of the food itself and the vapor pressure of distilled water under identical conditions.
What is the name of the sweet syrup added to sparkling wines for secondary fermentation?
Which 2 indegineous groups cultivated peanuts?
Incas and Aztecs
What bacteria is found in foods that produce harmful toxins, is heat resistant but won’t grow in acidic foods?
Clostridium Botulinum
Balancing cost speed and ease of use, which rapid quality control for syrup measuerment was used by industry?
Hygrometer ©, NIR, Reflux distillation, Force drop oven
The wheat type having the lowest protein and weak gluten is
soft white winter wheat
Vitamin B6 supplement contain the chemical form of which vitamin?
Steam table disease is caused by consumption of meat dishes adequately cooked but held at 50-55 degrees C for several hours. the causative agent is _____________.
Clostridium perfringens
Original gummy bear was made in 1922 in which country?
What is a cornmeal based suspension of head meat and/or pork sausage originating from the pennsylvania dutch?
What is the maximum amount of aflatoxin allowed in food by FDA?
20 ppb, .5 ppb for milk, aflatoxin 61 is the most potent known naturally-occurring liver carcinogen
What popular canned sausages, similar to frankfurters, although more bland in flavor and smaller?
vienna sausages
What was the impact of the FDA Modernization Act (FDAMA) of 1997 on food additive evaluation and approval?
As a result of FDAMA, certain indirect food additives (those that meet the definition of food contact substances) are approved by a premarket notification process rather than the traditional petition process.
Name one method of cholesterol removal.
What is the main difference between a triangle test and a 2 or 3-AFC test?
triangle tests the difference is unknown, 2-AFC the subjects are specified to what characteristic is different.
How many carbon atoms are in one molecule of beta-carotene?
40 (most carotenoids are made up of 8 isoprene units)
What protein exhibits little or no emulsifying properties due to its unique triple helical structure, which is extremely stable and not readily solubilized?
What is the most common way to avoid a foodborne illness?
Wash hands
What is the process of adding salt, sugar and sodium nitrate for the purpose of color developments over enhancement preservation and safety?
What is the term for lightly frying food and then stewing it slowly in a closed container?
Where is commercial lecithin (food additive) obtained?
What is required for a product to bear the label "made with organic ingredients"?
Processed products that contain at least 70 percent organic ingredients can use the phrase “made with organic ingredients” and list up to three of the organic ingredients or food groups on the principal display panel.
Who won the calvert wiley award for distinguished service to IFT in 2017?
V.M. Balasubramaniam
What is a process where an electric current is passed through the food with the main purpose of heating it?
ohmic heating
In food chemistry what does the TBA stands for and what is it used to measure?
Thiobarbituric acid, measures oxidation of fatty acids with three or more double bonds
What does GMP stand for?
Good manufacturing practices
The chlorophyll reaction in food processing whereby the magnesium is lost by replacement with hydrogen results in the formation of what pigment and what is the color?
Pheophytin – dull olive – brown
Why is beer frequently used for deep fried foods?
the protein in beer helps with browning
What is the polysaccharide that is the main storage form of carbohydrate, largely stored in the liver, with lesser amounts in muscle tissue?
What sweeters are used in Coke zero sugar in the US?
aspartame and acesulfame K
The presence of beta-giucuronidase signifies the presence of what microorganism?
Escherichia coli
What is the definition of calorie?
The quantity of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water by 1°C.
What are the two types of certified food colorants?
lakes (water and oil soluble) and dyes (water soluble)
What is another name for cilantro?
What is zoonosis?
disease spread to humans from vertebrate animals
What is the acid in onions that results in tears when the onion is cut?
sulfenic acid
What is the shape of the federal inspection stamp for exotic meat?
A triangle
Name genus and species of most common mango fruit.
Mangifera indica
What is the name for the Maillard reaction intermediate containing an C=N bond between a sugar and an amine?
Schiff Base or glycosylamine
What is the percentage acid, by weight, in a typical cola?
Ten percent (accept 8 – 12%)
What are isotonic solutions?
solutions that have the same osmotic pressure at the same temperature
When drying/storing sesame seeds what is the maximum percent moisture allowed?
What is the distillation method used to measure moisture called?
Name two anti-microbial factors found in raw milk.
Lactoperoxidase, lactoferrin, lysozyme
Name 5 dietery fibres.
cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin, lignin, guar gum
Surstroming', the swedish dish so smelly it's usually opened outdooors, is the fermented product of what seafood?
Fermented sea herring
Fermented food of Mexico?
Who was the first "celebrity chef", cooking on a show called "Chez Bon Viveur"?
Fanny Cradock
Cherries, pears, and apples belong to what botanical family?
What is the scale for water activity?
0 – 1.0
As of 2016, what is the state vegetable of Vermont?
Gilfeather turnip
Which muscle type is under involuntary control and striated?
Muscle cells are multinucleated, cylindrical cells surrounded by an outer member called what?
What government agency is responsible for the inspection and grading of fish and fishery products?
the national marine fisheries service of the department of commerce?
What does it mean for data to be accurate?
that data is close to the true value of measurement
What plant is actually the world’s largest herb?
the banana plant (it doesn’t actually have boughs or a woody trunk!)
What is the flavor/antimicrobial compound associated with Thyme?
What is the term for the fear of cooking?
The acidulant responsible for the "flat" sourness in cola drinks is what?
phosphoric acid
The principal sugar formed by the action of B-amylase on starch is _____________.
What is a technique used to inject pickle simultaneously and automatically through a series of hollow needles, the shafts of which have numerous, evenly spaced holes along their lengths?
multiple injection pumping (stitch)
Name the piece of milk processing equipment used to remove some bacteria and sediment originating from the cow's udder.
What is the difference between a "dextrin" and a "dextran"?
Both are intermediate length carbohydrate chains composed of glucose units. Dextrins are formed by acid or enzymatic hydrolysis of starch; dextrans are synthesized by microorganisms
For the fluorescent analysis of vitamin C, dehydroascorbic acid is allowed to react with what compound to form a fluorescent derivative?
O-phenylenediamine (or dimethyl-O-phenylenediamine)
What color are anothcyanins at acidic pH?
What is the highest designation of wine quality in Italy?
SI unit for Power & dimensions
W (J/s)
The Boston butt cut comes from what body region?
Upper shoulder
What is the most popular spice in the world?
Black pepper
A product may be considered _________ if marketed under the name of a product covered by a standard of identity, if the requirements of the standard are not met.
Describe logical error.
When two or more characteristics of the samples are associated in the minds of the assessors. Knowledge that a darker beer tends to be more flavorful, or that darker mayonnaise tends to be stale, causes the observer to modify his verdict, thus disregarding his own perceptions
The percentage of fiber is how many times higher in whole grain bread than in white bread?
Who won the Nicholas Appert Award in 2018?
Dennis R. Heldman
In which country was margarine invented?
Define food infection.
ingestion of organism which then produces toxin or infects cells causes illness
What continent does Macadamian nuts originate?
The USDA-FSIS currently (2008) recognizes high-pressure processing as an acceptable food safety intervention for eliminating which food pathogen from processed meat products
Listeria monocytogenes
Most carbohydrates, exist in their D form in nature, which carbohydrate is primarily found in L form.
What is the major assumption made when dealing with CFU in microbiology?
Each individual colony is originated from one original bacterial cell All the cells within each colony forming unit is homogenous
What are some of the disadvantages of a liquid-in-glass thermometer?
large sensing element, not possible for continuous or automatic readout, long time constant
What is the minimum recommended doneness (F) for a whole chicken?
What beverage is caramel color most used for?
coloring beer
How is fungi differentiated from algae and other higher plants?
It lacks chlorophyll
The food drug and cosmetic act contains guidelines requiring what foods to require lot coding?
Low acid canned foods, acidified foods, bottled drinking water, infant formula, bottled water
What is the term used to describe the ratio of the viscous portion to the elastic portion?
Tan delta or loss factor
What is the first degree breed of dairy cattle in the US?
The process in which sugar is added to adjust grape juice before alcoholic fermentation.
Your oatmeal may taste soapy due to the oats having a high content of what?
Describe electrical stimulation and the purpose it serves in meat tenderness/toughness.
Electrical stimulation prevents severe cold shortening by accelerating the rate of the processing leading up to rigor mortis by depleting ATP. The goal is to prevent the carcass from being chilled while pre rigor or while undergoing rigor mortis. This action reduces toughness and muscle shortening.
In what year did IFT celebrate its 50th anniversary?
What are three genera of fungi commonly used in food production?
Aspergillus, Penicillium, Fusarium, Saccharomyces
What are the units for the following: pressure, force, and energy?
pressure: pascal, force: newton, energy: joule
Marasmus is a type of PEM disease. What does PEM stand for?
Protein Energy Malnutrition
What award is IFT's highest honor?
Nicolas Appert Award
What are two types of enzymatic spoilage caused by Pseudomonas fluorescens refrigerated foods?
proteolysis and lipolysis
Which form of mercury is associated with sea food toxicity?
Methyl or organic mercury
Who is the president of the Washington DC IFT?
Sarah Levy
One sulfur containing amino acid?
methionine, cysteine
Spider cheese is made by fermenting quartz with rye flour and what arthropod?
Dust mites
What carbon to carbon number bonds are present, most commonly, in the straight and branched chains of starch?
straight: alpha 1-4, branch: alpha 1-6
Top 3 microbial causes of foodborne illnesses.
Norovirus, salmonella, clostridium perfringes
What does Phenol sulfuric acid value tell you?
total carbohydrate
What chemical compound is determined as an indicator of maillard browning?
A microbial population has been decreased by what percentage when it undergoes a one-log reduction?
True or false: An oil in water emulsion is best achieved with an emulsifier having a low HLB value.
False. those are for w/o emulsions
Which of the following are emulsifying salts for use in the processing cheese? A - sodium tartrate, B - sodium chloride, C - Potassium chloride, D - all of the above
a. sodium tartrate
What microbe is used to make vinegar?
Which bacteria, typically found on raw chicken, is the leading cause of bacterial diarrhea in the united states?
Campylobacter jejuni
Botanical name of wheat.
A can seam defect call “cut over” is also known as what?
Sharp seam
What component of carbonated beverages is responsible for the "sparkle" and "zest" (or the bubbles)?
Carbon dioxide gas
If freezing point of milk is close to 0°C, what has happened?
It is adulterated with water
What does the acronym EDTA stand for?
What is the cooking loss percentage of a roast that had a raw weight of 20 lbs and a cooked weight of 15 lbs?
What are the dispersed and continuous phases of each of the following: Foam, aerosol, emulsion?
Dispersed: gas, liquid or solid, liquid;Continuous:liquid or solid, gas, liquid
Mageirocophobia is a fear of what?
In what year was the poultry products inspection act passed, and what did it do?
1957, made poultry inspection mandatory for any processor that ships products in interstate commerce
What is polarography and how is it used in food analysis?
voltage is scanned on a dropping mercury or pulsed electrode surface. At the redox potential of the analyte, diffusion current is established as analytes diffuse to the electrode which is directly related to the concentration. It is used for many food components that exhibit oxidation-reduction behavior
What beef hide defect costs the industry millions of dollars, but is a law some states ?
What study was conducted in 1991, 1995, and 2000 to establish baselines for beef quality shortfalls and identify targets for desired quality levels?
National Beef Quality Audit
What country produces 2/3rds the of the worlds vanilla?
What is the cutoff Reynold's number for laminar flow?
Cleavage of K-casein gives
para kappa casein, glycomacropeptide
Which of the following do not require pre-market approval?
structure function claims
What is the web address for IFT?
Name the only fruit or vegetable that is never sold frozen, canned, processed, cooked or in any other from except fresh.
What is the protein content of straight (hard wheat) flour used for making white bread?
12-14% protein
A “Hard Cheese” must contain no more than what percent moisture?
What is the graph of water activity vs. water content called?
moisture sorption isotherm (MSI)
Define “defect action level”.
the level of contamination that calls for seizing a product.
When does the maximum buffering capacity occur in a food product?
at the pKa, the point where equal amounts of the undissociated acid and weak base (salt) exist in the food matrix
Give the name and type of food borne illness where the pathogens are consumed, take up residence in the intestinal walls and produce a toxin inside the body, and give an example
food toxicoinfection.. E. coli O157: H7
Work done between 1895 and 1898 by Underwood and Prescott.
Time-temperature combinations for various canned foods to remove spoilage microorganisms. Thermal processing for canning.
What is the difference in a pudding made with an egg substitute instead of a whole egg?
the coagulation temperature is lower
What 2 amino acids are aspartame derived from?
aspartic acid and phenylalanine
On what binomial probability is triangle-test based?
In cheese making, the "cheddar" process involves: A) adding lactic acid to milk B) adding rennet C) turning and piling the curds D) chopping the curds and adding salt
C) turning and piling the curds
Mouthfeel of fat is most influenced by
solid fat content
BHA, BHT, and propyl gallate can be classified as what?
Name 2 ways lactose is commonly isolated from whey.
crystallization or nanofiltration
What vitamin, when fed to cattle, has increased retail case-life of fresh beef?
Vitamin E
A bacteria, yeast, fungi, or filamentous genetic material has been changed in nucleic aicd modification by FAO/WHO is termed what?
Genetically modified
You are determining how much a consumer uses a specific product. This is generally considered what type of sensory test?
acceptance test (acceptance is used of usage and preference for liking)
Which act established Land grant universities in 1862?
Land-Grant College Act
What pH distinguishes the difference between low acid and high acid foods?
pH 4.6
What is the benefit of HTST pasteurization?
less change in nutrient composition and sensory attributes, less change in overall food quality, continuous throughput, lower utility costs, longer shelf life
What is the Codex Alimentarious Commission?
a group of 144 countries that develop standards for food commodities internationally
What are the three most commonly used additives?
sugar, salt, corn syrup
In which cities will IFT annual meeting event First be hosted for the following years: 2022 2023 2024 and 2025
Chicago for a while.
What is the name of the cocktail that contains white rum, mint, soda water, lime juice and sugar?
What are surfactants?
Surfactants are compounds that lower the surface tension (or interfacial tension) between two liquids, between a gas and a liquid, or between a liquid and a solid. Surfactants may act as detergents, wetting agents, emulsifiers, foaming agents, and dispersants.
What is the ‘best if used by/best before’ date used for?
a guide to the quality or flavor profile of a food product
What is the product of a reverse transcriptase?
Two bacteriocides allowed in foods.
xanthan gum, gellan gum
What are beef or lamb carcasses with a thin layer of fat covering that are chilled rapidly susceptible to?
Cold shortening
What type of analysis estimates the "moisture", "crude fat", "crude protein", "ash" and "carbohydrate by difference" in a food product?
Proximate analysis
How many flowers does it take to produce 1 lb of dried saffron?
What is the compound in rhubarb, spinach and beets that result in kidney stone formation?
Calcium oxalate
Anti nutritional factor in rhubarb and spinach that prohibits calcium absorption?
Oxalic acid
Define suppression in the context of the interaction of stimuli presented simultaneously as mixtures.
The effect created when one substance decrease the perceived intensity of a mixture of two or more substances
Why can microwaves go through glass but not metal?
glass is dielectric
Name the body of FAO WHO concern refreshed standards including additives and pesticides. In foods allowable limits micronutrient supplementation.
Codex Alimentarius Commission
What is gingerol and where is it found?
Characteristic ginger flavor from the ginger root
What pathogenic bacteria can grow at aw=0.86 ?
Staph Aureus
what was the previous name of the FDA?
Food drug and insecticide administration (renamed 1931)
What are the two main varieties of oranges grown in Florida for orange juice production?
Valencia and Hamlin
Name two components of the SNF portion of milk
lactose, casein, and whey
How much sucrose and lactose are in condensed milk?
42% sucrose and 12% lactose
Which vitamin contains cobalt?
vitamin B12 or cyanocobalamin
What are the 3 common forms that orange juice is found in?
Frozen concentrate, reconstituted liquid, single straight, unconcentrated *not from concentrate
Even though bread has sucrose, a non-reducing sugar, how does it brown?
sucrose breaks down into glucose and fructose
Name food made from dried maize undergone alkali treatment
What is AAS and what is the principle of its use?
atomic absorption spectroscopy; it is an analytical method for determination of elements based on absorption of radiation from a light source by the free atoms
What is the name of the viscous liquid in which legumes have been cooked?
It's called aquafaba
Hydrogenation of glucose yields what compound?
Which common food borne bacterial pathogen is microaerophilic and requires temperatures above 32 degrees C for growth?
Campylobacter jejuni
In indirect heating, what is heat regeneration?
using sterilized product to heat sterilized product and thereby cooling the sterilized product
Why is 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid, also called ethephon, sprayed on tomato fields?
it forms ethylene which causes uniform ripening prior to harvest
What british desert shares a name with an early atomic model?
plum pudding
Name two refrigerants that are not CFCs.
NH3 and SO2
What tree do prunes come from?
The plum tree.
Name a fermented milk that contains alcohol.
Kefir or koumiss
What is the color of carmine cochneal extract?
What pigment imparts green color to lettuce and peas?
What are the 2 classes of food colorants?
certified and noncertified
What is the term for electromagnetic radiation generated by the thermal motion of charged particles in matter?
thermal radiation
From what amino acid is serotonin derived?
Why is sucrose added to dough when making bread?
it increases viscosity & increases foam stability
What is defined as any substance or agent present in food in an amount that renders the food unacceptable or potentially harmful to consumers?
contaminant or adulterant
The Delvo test is a commonly used rapid method for detection of antibiotic residue in milk. What organism is used in this test?
Bacillus Stearothermophilus
Which tannins can tan? hydrolysable, condensed tannins, phyto, non-condensed
Condensed tannins
What is the typical color of fast twitch muscles?
Amino acids absorb light at 190-240 nm because of which bond?
Which was the first civilization to make marshmallows?
Ancient Egypt
What does a conductivity meter measure?
The ability of a solution to conduct electric current
What quantitative analysis method is based on the oxidation of reducing sugars by copper ions under alkaline conditions?
Fehling's test
What kind of an emulsion is mayonnaise?
oil in water (o/w)
What method used for protein analysis aids the researcher in determining relative percentage of alpha helix and beta sheets in a single protein?
IR spectroscopy, circular dichroism, Xray crystallography
What is the conversion of protein to glucose called?
The force required to bite through something describes which sensory attribute?
What are the major antibodies present in the primary and secondary antibody responses?
for primary response that is IgM and for secondary response that is IgG
Regular orange extract contains 250 flavor compounds. How many are found in artificial orange?
Why can birds eat chili peppers and not be bothered?
They can’t taste capsaicin
What does GDA stand for on nutrient labels?
Guideline Daily Amount
Which equation describes the relationship between temperature and water activity?
Clausius Clapeyron Equation
Give the genus/species of the organism used in processing Brie and Camambert cheeses what forms a white crust.
Penecillium Camambertii
Milk: Micelles contain protein and 6 – 8% of this salt.
Calcium phosphate
What process is used to set color and inactivate enzymes?
What is the term used to describe the least energy capable of producing a sensation?
absolute threshold
What are English hops?
Hops typically used for english style ales, such as fuggles, goldings and northdown
What is the main advantage of an agitating retort over a still retort?
increase in heat transfer, decrease time for geometric center to reach desired temperature
What is the process of sterilizing the product and package separately called?
aseptic or ultra high temperature (UHT) processing
The marionberry is a cross between which two blackberry varieties?
Chehalem and Olallie
The irreversible interaction of actin and myosin that is caused by the depletion of ATP in postmortem muscle is:
Rigor mortis
Which U.S. President signed the Wholesome Meat Act into law?
Lyndon B. Johnson
This recently approved (1996) non-caloric fat substitute is a mixture of hexa, hepta, and octa esters formed from the reaction of sucrose with long chain fatty acids
The HLB value is a number from 1 to 18 used to describe effectiveness of what?
emulsifying agents
What 2 compounds are most commonly used as standards for bitterness in sensory evaluation?
quinine and caffeine
What compound is responsible for the fishy smell?
TMA/ trimethyl amine
The temperature at which water condenses is called what?
Dew point
What is the difference in a wild and controlled fermentation?
Controlled adds microorganism and wild uses those already present
State Stoke's law.
F = 6(pi)r(eta)v; Drag force = 6(pi)sphere radius.fluid viscosity.velocity of the sphere
What is the name of the Vitamin B1?
Name a class 2b carcinogen found in corn.
What is the name of a vitamin B2 deficiency?
The generally accepted oldest food law is the 'Reinheitsgebot' law aka German Purity Law which defines beer can contain what three ingredients?
Barley or malt as well as water but the third ingredient is hops.
What two factors largely determine the degree of thermal processing required?
pH of foods and rate of heat penetration into canned products
Name 2 nonenzymatic browning reactions.
Caramelization and Maillard
What is a theoretical plate in simple distillation?
A theoretical plate is an area in the column where the recondensing liquid and the rising vapor come into equilibrium with one another
When making fudge how do you decrease the formation of sugar crystals?
by beating it during cooling
Why do you have to blanch fruits and vegetables before canning?
soften texture, remove oxygen, inactivate enzymes, cleans surface (removes dirt and organisms), brightens color, helps reduce loss of vitamins
Who is the president of IFT?
Cindy Stewart
In Southeast Asia a type of echinoderm is in danger of being overharvested as it is considered a delicacy. What is the name of this echinoderm?
Sea cucumber
What 3 monosaccharides make up raffinose?
glucose, galactose, fructose
What inorganic compound in red meat is needed for the manufacture of many enzymes and hormones in the human body?
What is the smoke point temperature for fat?
442 deg F
When cysteine in wine breaks down, what happens to the sensory quality?
The wine develops a sulfurous odor
How did pound cake get its name?
One pound quantities of the key ingredients (sugar, butter, eggs and flour in the original recipe)
Cherokee Purple, Brandywine, Ferris Wheel, Lucky Cross and Rosella purple are all types of which fruit or vegetable?
tomatoes (they are all heirloom varieties)
How many polypeptide chains make up an antibody?
Recommended storage temperature for potatoes is more than 25 degrees C, why?
lower temperatures result in more reducing sugar formation creating the potential for browning when fried, also if stored at a temperature too hot they can form spores
What genera of gram negative, facultative anaerobe are catalase positive, oxidase negative, ubiquitous and cause foodborne illness?
When/where was the feeding tomorrow fun run held 1st time?
New Orleans, 2001
What type of ANOVA should be used when the means being compared are based on multiple observations from the same group of individuals?
Repeated measures ANOVA
What is a food infestation?
the consumption of a food containing a parasite
What substance is used in meat curing to counteract the harsh flavor of salt?
What 2 chemicals are generally used to prevent browning in fruit?
sulfur dioxide and ascorbic acid
Name of material from ground recycled glass use to make glass material
Culinary term for split opening the bird carcass and flattening?
Spatch cocking (also accepted butterflying)
Which brand tells you 'You're not you when you're hungry'?
In intelligent packaging, what is TTI?
Time temperature indicator
What are the coenzyme forms of niacin?
What innovation in beef marketing did IBP perfect in 1967 that dramatically changed the beef industry?
boxed beef
What class of compounds causes bitterness and astringency in red wines?
phenols, polyphenols or phenolic compounds
Trans fatty acids occur in what animal?
Ruminant animals like cow
What is the principle flavor compound in hazelnuts?
Why do bubbles form in boiling but not during evaporation?
in evaporation bubbles do not form because the vapor pressure is less than the atmospheric pressure. Bubbles form in boiling because the vapor pressure overcomes atmospheric pressure
What is a nonsolvent wet extraction method used to measure fat in foods?
Babcock or Gerber extractions
Which of the following are not part of a can double seam? A - cover hook, B - body hook, C - overlap, D - cover slip
d – cover slip
What purpose Na pyrophosphate serve in foods?
alkaline cleaners
Which approved sweetener has the greatest sweetness relative to sugar?
Neotame (8000x ave.)
Which to indigenous groups made peanut butter by first grinding roasted peanuts into a paste?
Ancient Incas and the Aztecs
What is zoonosis?
transmittance of disease from vertebrates to humans
Name two types of insoluble fiber and a dietary source for each.
Lignin- flax, rye and some vegetables; Cellulose- whole wheat, bran, seeds
What pepper is named as the "state native pepper" of Texas and is sometimes called Indian pepper, turkey, bird’s eye, or simply bird peppers?
chiltepin, chiltepe, or chile tepin
What is the microorganism used to make miso and sake?
Aspergillus orzae
What value is the time required to have 1 log reduction in microorganisms or spores in a sample at a specific temperature?
The levels of intake of essential nutrient considered adequate for meeting the known nutritional needs of practically all healthy persons is called what?
What is the primary protein in the thin filament of a muscle?
What pigment is a precursor to vitamin A?
Why are fats neutralized during processing and manufacture and how is it done?
oil breakdowns to Free fatty acid & other simple compounds, lead to off flavor & off odors, Soap is formed from the fatty acids by addition of alkali to remove these undesirables.
How does HPLC differ from FLPC?
HPLC has higher pressure than FPLC.
What is the main ingredient in the Southern dish, the potlikker?
Collard Greens
Which taste qualities are NOT mediated by G-protein coupled receptors?
Sour, salty
What is a humectant?
Humectants control water activity in foods, thus enhancing stability and viscosity, maintaining texture and reducing microbial activity. Humectants chemically bind water and reduce water activity.
What is the first hamburger chain in the US?
White castle
What is a detrimental effect of phytic acid?
It chelates minerals, preventing absorption of minerals such as iron and zinc.
Naturally occurring and synthetic agents that are used in food processing for production and stabilization of dispersions are called what?
surface active agents (surfactants)
What are the typical organisms used in the production of cottage cheese?
lactococcus lactis subsp lactis, lactococcus lactis subsp. Cremoris; homofermentative fast acid producing
What liquor is made from the blue agave plant?
What three parameters determine hold tube length?
residence time, system flow rate, hold tube internal diameter
What structures do bacteria such as e. coli use for movement?
Vitamin D increases the absorption ___________ and ____________ from the intestinal tract and is necessary for their efficient utilization.
Calcium and Phosphorous
What is reverse osmosis filtration?
only water can pass through the membrane, filters out un-disassociated acids and monovalent species, pressure is 200-300psig
Chickens that are beyond their production capacity for egg-laying and are no longer usable in human food are called what?
Spent hens
Botrytis cinerea is a mold found on grapes. What 2 wines styles require botrytis during growing or processing?
Sauternes and Tokaji
Most commonly consumed single cell food.
Chicken egg
What is the time between ribbing and grading of beef carcasses called that allows oxygenation of the ribeye pigments?
Bloom Time
In SDS-PAGE, what is the use of SDS?
the use of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS, also known as sodium lauryl sulfate) and polyacrylamide gel largely eliminates the influence of the structure and charge, and proteins are separated solely based on polypeptide chain length.
What compound can be smelled on a person's breath during ketosis?
What are mohr's titration and volhard titration used for?
determining salt concentration
Using the USDA approved calculation; determine the percent of added water in a cooked sausage having a proximate composition of 64% moisture, 22% protein, and 19% fat?
20% added water, {64 – 4(11)} * 100 = 20
How many seconds should you wash your hands as stated by the CDC?
20 seconds in the US and 15 in Canada
What are the three vegetables in mirepoix?
Onions carrots and celery
What amino acid has the greatest molecular weight?
Polyvinylidene chloride was the original name for this product that was created in 1942.
Saran wrap
The following are all types of which fruit? Comiuce, Forelle, seckel, Concorde and red Bartlett?
Name a solvent extraction method used to measure fat in foods?
Soxhlet, Goldfish or Mojonnier
If you order your food 'a la carte', you order it from: Drive-through window, daily specials, over the phone, menu
The Menu
What is the boiling point of water in Fahrenheit, Celsius and Kelvin?
212 F, 100 C, 373 K
Name 2 conditions under which yeasts and molds will out compete most bacteria
1) low Aw (0.6-0.7) 2) 2 > pH > 9
Inulin is a polysaccharide found in some plants. What is the monosaccharide that makes up this polymer?
Bromate is added to flour for what purpose?
oxidizing agent. potassium bromate is a powerful oxidizing agent that chemically ages flour much faster than open air
What is the geometric configuration of double bonds in most natural fatty acids?
From a microbial point of view, what is the main purpose of fermentation?
Free up NAD to keep glycolysis running
What is common chemical intermediate in fat, protein, and carbohydrate metabolism?
Acetyl CoA
What is "straight flour"
The total amount of flour milled from the wheat with all the flour streams combined. Straight flour corresponds to 100% of extraction or about 72% of the wheat
If you have 8 panelists who will try all 4 samples, what type of experimental design would you use and how many degrees of variance would you have?
randomized complete block design; degrees of variance 8-4 = 4
Who is the NFPA?
National Food Producers Association
Name two plastic forming techniques.
injection molding, extrusion blow molding, compression forming, vacuum forming
Amino acid found exclusively in animal based protein and milk is considered essential to cats and infants?
Primary product of fat oxidation?
Acetyl CoA
Silver nitrate is used as a titrant in food analysis to determine what food component?
Salt (sodium chloride). The silver reacts with the chloride to precipitate silver chloride in the mohr titration
What is one of the most bitter natural compounds known?
What graphs the relationship betwee water content and water activity?
sorption isotherm
What science deals with the harmful effects of chemicals on humans?
What is condensing plastic?
a plastic that can be reduced to its monomeric form, cleaned, and polymerized to be used again
The amount of alcohol in beers sold or created and sold in the United States is measured by using what method?
ABV- alcohol by volume
What genus and species is used in the manufacture of blue cheese?
Penicillium roqueforti
What is the difference between hard and soft wheat?
hard has a higher protein content (12-15%) and soft has a lower protein content (7-10%).
Why is "Japanese" or "short grain" rice more sticky than "indian" or "long grain" rice after cooking?
waxy variety (high amylopectin). Long grain rice has more amylose, and gives off less starch than short grain, high amylopectin rice.
tests for which two bacteria must be conducted under the final rule on pathogen reduction and HACCP?
generic E. coli and salmonella
What are the 3 most common types of human botulism?
Type A, B, E, F (rare)
Why is listeria monocytogenes of greater concern in refrigerated foods than in foods stored at ambient temperatures?
listeria monocytogenes is a psychrotroph that selectively grows at low temperatures
Potassium sorbate can be applied to sausage casings before or after stuffing to retard what?
mold growth
To what temperature should chicken be cooked?
165 deg F
The International Association of Milk, Food and Environmental Sanitarians (IAMFES) have recently undergone a name change. What is the new name for this organization?
International Association for Food Protection (IAFP)
Anthocyanins belong to what general class of chemical compounds (or structures)?
What is the difference between single acting and double acting baking powder?
it has one acid whereas double acting has two acids; In a single action product, such as baking soda, once exposed to moisture, it reacts once. In a double action product, such as baking powder, the products reacts once when it is exposed to moisture and then again when exposed to heat
What is the enzyme that reacts with phospholipids?
Name 2 glycosidic linkages in mixed-linked glucans in oats and barley.
B-1-3 and B-1-4
The deficiency of what mineral results in a goiter?
In packaging what does WVTR stand for?
Water vapor transmission rate
What beverage is made by having 2 yeast fermentations?
beer (1 in the vat and 1 in the bottle) or champagne
The components of cow's milk that do not vary much with the age of the cow, diet, breed, and stage of lactation are which of the following? A) water and protein B) minerals and carbohydrate C) lipids and carotenoids
A) water and protein
What are two non thermal methods that are currently under investigation
pulsed electric field, and high hydrostatic pressure
Name three metabolic products of heterofermentative microorganisms.
acetic acid, ethanol, formic acid, and CO2
Foods are fortified with iodine and to prevent which disease
What part of the beef steer does the porterhouse steak come from?
the loin (short loin or back are also acceptable)
What is the protein coat of a virus call?
What is "double acting" baking powder?
The first acid reacts by creating gases when mixed with the liquid in the recipe. The second type reacts by creating gases when the batter is exposed to oven heat.
What would you do to change a temperature reading from Farenheit to degree Rankine?
add 459.67
Which food has more zinc per gram? a. beef, b. chickpeas, c. pork chops, d. oysters
d. oyster
What are the 2 types of direct heating?
steam injection and steam infusion
A plant hormone that is sometimes called the "ripening hormone" is ...
What is the food dye carmine made from?
What two organizations developed the Marion blackberry (or marionberry)?
USDA-ARS and Oregon State University
Top graded red and white wine
Judgement of Paris
How do refrigeration and freezing affect staling? a. both slow staling b. fridge slows staling, freezing aids staling c. fridge aids staling and freezing slows staling d. both aid staling
c. fridge aids staling, freezing slows staling
Reduced fat ice cream has how much less fat than regular ice cream?
At least 25%
What property of a liquid provides resistance to flow?
The theoretical expression describing the force which must be applied before a substance will flow freely is called ...
yield stress
What does each of the following IFT awards recognize? Nicolas Appert, William Cruess, Samuel Prescott
Nicolas Appert – preeminence and contributions to food technology, William Cruess – excellence in teaching, Samuel Prescott – outstanding ability in research
What happens to both the coordination number and distance between nearest neighbor molecules during the transtion from ice to water?
both increase
Why was the Animal Crackers box designed with a string handle?
The animal shaped cookie treats were introduced in 1902 as a Christmas novelty, and packaged so they would be hung from the Christmas trees.
Describe the halo effect.
When more than one attribute of a sample is evaluated the ratings will tend to influence each other. Simultaneous scoring of various flavor aspects along with overall acceptability can produce different results than if each characteristic is evaluated separately
What are 5 fatty acids found in vegetable oil?
stearic, linoleic, oleic, palmitic, and __________
Ingles coming procedure is used for what assay?
Fiber Assay
In material/energy balance for continuous processes, what must also be considered?
Definition of pH ?
If the freezing point of milk is closer to zero degrees C, what could be the cause?
Adulteration with water
What is the scientific name of the beef tri-tip muscle?
tensor fasciae latae
What are the Standards of Identity for high, medium, and low fat contents in chocolate/cocoa?
High fat (breakfast cocoa) – not less than 22% cocoa fat, Medium fat - less than 22% cocoa fat and not less than 10%, Low fat - less than 10% cocoa fat
What U.S. governmental agency sets the standards of identity of meat products?
What are 2 ways milk is dried into powder form?
Spray drying and roller drying
At what pH can a food be called an acid food?
a pH less than 4.6
What candy bar allegedly was named in honor of the daughter of President Grover Cleveland?
Baby Ruth
The acetic acid in vinegar is derived from the bacteria oxidation of what substance?
Do resistance thermometers or thermocouples have a higher upper limit temperature?
What type of bacteria is used to produce the blue veins in blue cheese?
Penicilium roqueforti and pennicillium glaucum
What is sensory adaptation?
A decrease in or change in sensitivity to a given stimulus as a result of continued exposure to that stimulus or a similar one
What is the act of debasing food using food additives?
A deficiency in what vitamin can result in hypochromic, microcytic anemia?
Azo compounds such as Red No.40 contain this bond.
N=N (Nitrogen double bond)
3 cereal grains most consumed:
Wheat, rice, corn
Which is not Protected cheeses by EU?: cheddar, feta, roquefortii, camamberti
What is the term associated with the oxidation of unsaturated oils?
In sterilization and pasteurization, what is the purpose of the hold tube?
make sure the product has the correct residence time (aka the time necessary to sterilize/pasteurize at a certain temperature)
What is sodium silicoaluminate used for?
An anticaking agent
What enzyme is measured when the Falling number test is used on cereal-based products?
What is the function of erythromycin?
Besides extending shelf life and preventing microbial growth, what is another benefit of reducing the water activity of a food?
a lower water content means a lower product volume, making the product easier and cheaper to transport
Is the osmotic pressure higher or lower inside a growing cell as compared to the external environment?
Higher, Cell elongation during growth is followed by influx of water into the vacuole
What is the meaning of the term "organoleptic testing"?
evaluation involving use of the sense organs
Titles of CFR pertaining to food.
Title 7, 9, 21, 27, 50
In a HACCP plan, an undeclared allergen contamination is considered as what type of hazard?
Name the first genetically modified produce allowed by the FDA to hit the market?
Flavr-Savr tomatoes
How many monomers are in stachycose?
4 – 2 galactose, glucose and fructose
The modern name “Walnut” comes from the German word Walnuss, What does Walnuss mean?
Foreign nut
The Reinheitsgebot law from 1516 AD in Germany identified what?
three ingredients that can be used to brew beer.
How does Food irradiation kill pathogens?
The ionizing radiation sends enough energy into the bacterial or mold cells in the food to break chemical bonds.
Edible sausage casings used for many sausages are made from which layer of the beef hide?
Which test is used to check if the dough is properly kneaded or not? Describe it.
Window pane test (Take a small ball of the dough and stretch it into a square. Keep on stretching until it becomes a thin film in the middle without breaking. The dough must be thin enough to pass light through it. If it is obtained without any tear, then your dough is properly kneaded.)
The original root used in root beer is no longer used as it is toxic. What is the name of this root?
Sassafras (compound that is toxic is safrole)
What is the difference between dried food and dehydrated food?
dehydrated food as no more than 2.5% water on a dry basis and dried food can be more than 2.5%
Which compound is the sealing layer in brik package?
What country has the world’s lowest meat consumption per person?
Eureka and Lisbon are the two most common varieties of what fruit?
The USDA FSIS requires that the internal muscle temperature of poultry be decreased to what temperature © or lower within 8 hours of slaughter?
40 F
How many infections of C. Botulism is required to be considered an outbreak?
Less starch granule damage occurs during milling of soft wheats because?
The softer wheats have a less compact starch–protein complex which results in less starch damage and lower water absorption.
What is the difference between single and double acting baking powder?
Single has 1 acid whereas double has 2 acids; single acting reacts once it is exposed to moisture, double acting reacts when it is exposed to moisture and reacts again when it is exposed to heat
What is the genus of jalapeno and other peppers?
What activates the muscle to contract?
What food product is B-lactoglobulin and alpha-lactalbumin found in?
Name the compound responsible for pungency in mustard, horse radish, wasabi, radish.
What is the most well-known USDA Certified Program and is identified with carcass specification G1?
Certified Angus Beef
Which protein is 80% of milk protein?
Beriberi is caused by a deficiency of what vitamin?
Egg yolks are one of the few food that naturally contain which vitamin?
Vit D
What does TQM stand for?
total quality management
What insoluble constituent makes up approximately 12% of an egg’s total weight?
the shell
What was the first food eaten on the moon by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin Jr?
Hot dogs
What is the main cause of astringency in tea and wine?
In 2016 which country became the first to ban supermarkets from throwing away food? Instead, they have to donate it.
What are the end products of scission and dismutation?
Aldehydes and ketones
A pink color in sauerkraut indicates the presence of what?
A noncoding section of DNA in a gene from eukaryotes is called what?
Which of the following are reducing sugars and which are not : sucrose, trehalose, maltose, fructose, glucose
sucrose, trehalose are non reducing
What is the predominant component of the Gram (+) cell wall?
What is the pungent compound in mustard seed, cabbage and horseradish?
At what frequency are microwaves typically at?
300 MHz to 300 GHz
What does LD50 mean?
The average amount of a drug, toxin, chemical substance/mixture or microorganism capable of killing 1/2 of the test animals exposed under specific test conditions. Median lethal dose (LD50) is commonly expressed in mg/kg, by oral intake or skin exposure.
Explain what beer's law equation is used for, state the equation, and explain what each variable is.
Beer's law is used in calculations dealing with spectrophotmetric analyses. Absorbance = elc. E is the molar absorbtivity constant, L is the length of the cell holder/cuvette and c is the concentration of the solution
What type of enzymes are commonly added to fruit prior to juice production?
pectic enzymes (specifically polygalacturonase, pectinesterase, and cellulases, and other enzymes)
Which food product from Africa won the 2016 World Food Prize?
The orange-fleshed sweet potato
Which digestive organ has the highest concentration of lactase enzyme?
Small intestine
What is the nonprotein portion of myoglobin?
Why is the recommended storage temperature for potatoes greater than 25 degrees C?
Lower temperatures result in more reducing sugar formation creating the potential for browning (called Cold-Induced Sweetening)
Where is amygdalin found?
Pits/seeds of apricots, bitter almonds and black cherries
Nitrites in meat products may form what carcinogenic compounds?
What are 3 functions of phosphorus in the human body?
bone deposition, membrane components, atp
What are the top 2 selling spices in the world?
Black pepper and mustard
How many incisors does a cow have in its upper mouth?
Measurement of protein content of food uses specific factors based on the type of food, to convert nitrogen to protein content. What is the name of these specific factors?
Jones factor
What is a strecker degradation?
part of a browning reaction, where an amino acid and a dicarbonyl produce CO2 and flavorful aldehydes
When does buffering occur in foods?
when a weak acid and a salt (its conjugate base) are present in the same food
What are the minimum reactant requirements for Maillard browning?
amino-bearing compound (usually a protein) and a reducing sugar water
Which book brought attention to the effects of widespread use of pesticide?
Silent Spring
If you take 20 mL of a 0.1M NaOH salutation to titrate 40 mL of an HCL solution to the phenolphthalein end point. What is the molarity of the HCL solution?
0.05M HCL
What food color requires mandatory labeling?
All of them
In the enzyme Taq polymerase what does Taq stand for?
Thermus Aquaticus
Made with different cheeses around the world, the New York style of this dessert uses cream cheese.
List one of the three safe methods to defrost food.
refrigerator thawing, cold water thawing, microwave thawing or (cooking without thawing)
What does the % overrun measure in whipping cream and ice cream?
The amount of incorporated air into the product.
What is the most predominant component in milk?
If you had 10 ml of Kool-Aid with 10% sucrose, how much water should you add to make the drink 0.1% sucrose?
990 ml water
Which mycotoxin is included in a Hazard Analysis for apple juice or apple cider?
What is the percent of non-fat solids found in whole milk?
What gas is produced by ripening fruit that also causes bitterness in carrots?
Carotenoids are formed from multiple units of what five carbon compound?
What causes the pH to drop during the aging of eggs?
loss of carbon dioxide through the egg shell
How much fat does skim milk have?
0.5% or less
Name the three tests for packaging materials.
Tensile strength, moisture transmission, Oxygen transmission
What is the building block structural component of carotenoids called?
Isoprene or isoprenoid units
What is the term that best describes fruits showing a temporary rise in respiration rate after harvest?
What are some advantages of indirect heating?
easier to control food temperatures, process viscous products without causing food to burn, conserves energy by heat regeneration
How many essential amino acids are required by adults?
Which vegetable is the immature flower bud thistle found in sunflower family?
How many percentage of sugar is in semi-bitter chocolate? a. 15%, b. 30%, c. 45%, d. 70%
b. 30%
What is the name of the robotic tool for assessing Beer sensory attributes?
What is a sporf?
a utensil that combines characteristics of a spoon, fork and knife.
What does the iodine value measure?
Unsaturated bonds in fats
In dairy processing, what do the initials CIP stand for?
Clean in place
When evaluating baking and frying conditions, what unit is used to quantify the lightness of the baked crust or crumb?
Baking Contrast Units, or BCU
What is the toluene distillation used for?
moisture content determination
An enzyme that catalyzes formation of hydroperoxide from fatty acids is what?
Turbulent flow is characterized by NRE = _______________
pvD (p = density, v = flow velocity, D = orifice diameter)
The magnification of a microscope with an eye piece of 10X and an objective of 97 X is what?
How old is IFT?
As of 2018 IFT is 79 years old
What is required for a product to bear the label "100% organic"?
Products labeled as “100% organic” must contain only organically produced ingredients and processing aids, excluding water and salt. No other ingredients or additives are permitted.
Arthur D Little attributed with
Development of flavor profile
What is the most common source of foodborne illness in Japan?
vibrio from seafood.
On average how many pounds of food does a family of four in the US waste each year?
1565 pounds
Linamarin is found in lima beans. When exposed to gastric hydrochloric acid what compound is produced?
hydrogen cyanide
In 2008, the author of Modern Food Microbiology, currently in its 7 revision, passed away. Who is this author?
James Jay
What is the simplest and cheapest method for food drying?
Sun drying
What is the main flavor of Earl Grey Tea?
Bergamot orange
What was the original flavor of the filling of Twinkies?
Banana Cream
Name the 2 types of milling used for corn?
dry and wet
Given in the proper order, what are the four steps in cleaning and sanitizing food equipment?
Cleaning, rinsing, sanitizing, air drying
What is carboxy-methyl-cellulose often used for?
Name the fungus responsible for Ergot.
claviceps purpurea
In food what method is used to measure heavy minerals?
atomic adsorption
Of the following which is a fermented product: bologna, summer sausage, brausweiger or bratwurst?
summer sausage
A container that is absolutely impermeable to gases and vapors throughout its entirety is called what?
What city has hosted the most IFT annual meetings?
What is the main assumption made when dealing with CFUs in microbiology?
every colony is separate and founded by a single viable microbial cell.
What causes wrinkled casings of beef sticks?
There could be several reasons for these results. The temperature may have risen too high. The sausage may not have been showered with cold water immediately after it was finished smoking. The sausage casings may not have been stuffed to their full capacity.
What state is the pretzel making capital of the U.S.?
What is the most widely eaten fish in the world?
In meat processing, what does the acronym STPP stand for and what is its primary function?
Sodium Tripolyphosphate - increases yields - increases pH --> more water holding capacity of meat proteins
Bromelain from pineapple, ficin from figs, papain from papaya, trypsin from pancreas may all be added to meat to serve as what type of agent?
What is the scale on which liking or disliking of a stimulus is evaluated?
Hedonic scale
What is a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy that has been identified in free-ranging and captive mule deer, white tailed deer, and elk?
Chronic wasting disease
What is the cheapest thickener in the U.S. and what is the most expensive?
Cheapest - unmodified corn starch ($0.18/gk) expensive - agar ($26-31/kg)
Mathematical model, d prime, in sensory descriptive determination test
Thrustonian model
What percentage of the Daily Value must a product contain for it to claim that it is a "good source" of a vitamin?
10-19% of the Daily Value
What do you have to correct for after total dietary fiber
nitrogen in ash fro protein
At what frequency are radio waves typically at?
less than 300 MHz
The standard identity for yogurt in the US requires the presence of what 2 organisms?
Lactobacillus bulgaricus, and streptococcus thermophilius
Who developed the flavor profile method?
Arthur D. Little
Additional component in mass and energy balance equation in food processing
- Time sucrose +heat + acid --> Hydrolysis/inversion
When ingredients are described on baker’s percentage, how are the amounts of all ingredients determined?
Weight percentage of flour
Which state leads the US in mushroom production? Producing 45% of the fresh crop in 1999?
On average how much casein is in sheep’s milk?
What term is a measure of ability to store electrical energy?
dielectric constant
What are the 3 elements found in carbohydrates?
carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
What is the sensory effect that results from the interaction of calcium and pectin
Texture (firming)
What are descriptions of routine tasks in a food processing operation?
Standard operating procedures
What equipment is preferred to sterilize canned soups?
Rotary retort
Starvation due to a lack of food is called:
Name the ingredients of pound cake.
flour, sugar, egg, butter
What is the name of the toxin family responsible for the majority of seafood illnesses?
What is the compound responsible for the pink color of cured meats?
What three taste qualities share a common signaling pathway?
Bitter, sweet, umami
What is the isoelectric point?
The pH where the sum of charges (+ and -) is equal to zero for an amino acid/protein
What is the meaning of the term "organoleptic testing"?
Measuring of attributes of food that individuals sense via sight, sound, taste, smell, etc.
The main salt soluble protein of meat is the molecule ______?
What protein structure is formed by linear proteins folding into complex?
What is the name of the Fruit Loops mascot?
Toucan Sam
How do sodium chloride and sucrose affect foam stability?
sodium chloride reduces foam stability and sucrose improves foam stability
Give the order of sweetness for sucrose, maltose, trehalose, and fructose.
What company was the first soft drink manufacturer?
Schwepps in 1783
What nation produces 40% of the world's vanilla?
When was the College Bowl competition first held?
What does TBHQ stand for and what is its function in food?
Tertiary butylhydroquinone, it is used as an antioxidant in fats and oils
What happened when there is a white coating on the surface of choclate?
Fat/sugar bloom
Skirt steak is fabricated from which beef primal?
Short plate
With regards to dairy products, RBSA stands for?
Recombinant bovine serum albumin
What is another name for industrial evaporation?
A soxhlet extractor was originally designed to extract what from solid foods?
What is the normal pH of milk? a. 6.2-6.4 b. 6.5-6.8 c. 7.0-7.3 d. 7.4-7.6
b. 6.5-6.8
A wine lacking in sweetness is referred to as what?
For retail food display lights, what scale is used for the color temperature?
What are the 2 distinct syndromes of B. cereus gastroenteritis?
vomiting (emetic) type, diarrhea type
What are the 3 basic meat curing ingredients?
salt, sugar, and nitrite (or nitrate)
What vitamin is a necessary cofactor for transamination reactions?
pyridoxine (vitamine b6)
What AA comprises aspartame?
Aspartic acid and phenylalanine
In 1908 what new taste was discovered?
What technology is commonly used to decrease heat ring and cold shortening of beef?
Electrical Stimulation
What spoilage organisms are most likely to be found vacuum packed, refrigerated meats held for several weeks?
clostridium perfringens
What is the artificial sweetener that was recently removed in 2000 from the carcinogen list?
What is the subunit of pectin?
D-galacturonic acid
What are the usual components of baking powder?
A carbonate (usually sodium bicarbonate) and an acid.
Wheat that is sown or planted in late autumn is called?
Winter wheat
What does “GRAS” stand for?
generally recognized as safe
What type of heat exchanger is preferable for high viscosity sauces/foods in an aseptic process system?
The two twisted rope-like cords in eggs that serve to keep the yolk in the center are:
What is Pasteur effect?
the rate of glycolysis under anaerobic conditions is higher than the rate under aerobic conditions. Aerobic: citric acid cycle follows glycolysis; anaerobic: fermentation occurs
What is the definition of a gel?
a liquid dispersed in a solid.
Which protein in milk micellar structure is not affected by Ca+?
Atomic absorption spectroscopy is typically used to measure what in foods?
Which of the following words means 'Food expert'? A. Matoman B. Gastronome C. Bistrolog D. Aromist
B. Gastronome
In 1990, Hershey's sent 144,000 heat-resistant candy bars to GIs in which operation?
Desert Storm
In genetics, what is transduction?
Transduction is the process by which a virus transfers genetic material from one bacterium to another. Viruses called bacteriophages are able to infect bacterial cells and use them as hosts (living cell) to make more viruses.
What state did Colby cheese originate in?
What is the hormone released by cows that allow milk to be released?
Imported to Europe for the first time by Dutch traders around 1610. It was sold for the first time in England around 1660. What is it?
What is a peptide bond?
covalent bond between 2 amino acid molecules.
What are mycoses?
When molds and fungi colonize body surfaces. There are various types, categorized based on how deep into tissues they inhabit.
What is a monosaccharide. A) polyalcohol b) poly acid c) polyether d) all of the above
Why do bubbles form in boiling and not evaporation?
because the vapor pressure can overcome the atmospheric pressure
What term refers to the physical location of a gene on a strand of DNA?
Locus, plural is loci.
What is the only essential vitamin not found in the white potato?
Vit A
What breed of cattle produces the most beef in the United States?
Black Angus
What is the most common pathogen found in cheese outbreaks?
Phytic acid has what detrimental effect?
Chelates minerals
According to recent federal regulations, a warning label must be on fruit juice products, which have not been so processed or treated to achieve what performance standard?
5 log (100,000 or 99.999%) reductions in significant pathogens
What is the most common psychotropic bacteria associated with milk spoilage?
Pseudomonas species
The first rDNA food additive sold in the USA was?
recombinant chymosin
A gritty texture in ice cream is due to what?
Lactose crystallization
What is the embryonic development of muscle tissues?
When was the Federal Meat Inspection Act passed?
Name in microbial reduction process for spices and seasonings.
Answer: irradiation
In 1928, the first automatic bread slicer, developed by Otto Rohwedder was put into service at Frank Bench’s Chillicothe Baking Company. What state did this take place in?
What is the more common name for (alpha-D-gal;actopyranosyl-(1_6)-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-(1-2)-beta-D-fructofuranoside?
Which bacteria must be tested for under the final rule for pathogen reduction and HACCP? And which bacteria should meet performance standards?
generic E. coli, Salmonella
What class of chemical compounds are responsible for the brilliant red color in paprika?
FDA has recently approved a Western Center for Food Safety. At which University is this center located?
University of California - Davis
Does 1 cup of spinach have more, the same or less calcium than 1 cup of ice cream?
more (spinach = 244 mg, ice cream = 176mg)
What are the bonds in mixed glucans?
β-1->3 and β-1->4
What company first created condensed soup in 1897?
The mash obtained in the fermentation of soy to produce soy sauce is called
Haagen Dazs is : a- the new last name of Sonja haagen after she married frank Dazs, b - a century old Dutch ice cream company that started marketing in the US in 1957, c- the name of an ice cream company originally founded by US entrepreneur Reuben Mattus, who thought up the name while taking a shower, d - an ice cream company founded by pillsbury company
A retort temperature of 250 F is achieved with how many pounds of pressure?
What is the major nutraceutical compound found in red wine and grape skins?
What type of packaging controls involves actively or passively controlling the masses surrounding a product?
Humans taste with their tongues, what do butterflies taste with?
their feet
Name an enzyme involved in fruit softening.
pectin esterase, polygalacturonase, pectin lyase
IFT is celebrating an anniversary of CFS certification. What anniversary of CFS is taking place in 2018, and what milestone is being reached with the number of certified food scientists?
5 year anniversary, 2000 CFSs
The enumeration technique for microorganisms which uses 3 sets of tubes with, 3, 5, or 10 tubes per set is called what?
most probable number
What foodborne parasite is found in cat litter?
Toxoplasma gondii
What term describes the state of chemical and metabolic equilibrium?
In cheese making, what terms describe the solid mass and the liquid phases?
solid; curd; liquid:whey
Name 3 uses for corn syrup solids and/or maltodextrin?
bulking agents, flow aids, flavor carriers, and encapsulation
Stability of egg foam is promoted by all the following except
concentration of protein, pH of the system, the addition of water, presence of sugar
What are some disadvantages of using the formula (ball) method to calculate lethality?
only can use at a constant retort process temperature, the cooling portion modeling is empirical and may over/under estimate lethality
What is triple sec?
Orange-flavored liqueur, originated in France, 20-40%
What color is observed when red, green, and blue pigments are mixed in equal amounts?
Conalbumin is a protein found in what?
Egg white
What are the six classes of IFT membership?
Premier, premier early carrier, networking and engagement, international joint membership, emeritus, student
Define endotoxin.
Endotoxin is a complex lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a toxic substance found in the outer membrane of most gram-negative bacteria
At what temperature are bacterial spores destroyed?
250 F
Who is the past president of IFT?
John Coupland
What is the common name of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy, a neurological disease found in sheep?
Which protein in eggs has antimicrobial properties?
What are the two general types of adulteration of foods?
economic adulteration; addition of foreign material
What color of light is absorbed for maximum photosynthesis?
Who disproved the theory of spontaneous generation?
Louis Pasteur
What test is used to measure the viability of starter culture during the fermentation of cottage cheese?
Ta, TTA, or titratable acidity
An object that absorbs light in the red and the blue regions of the visible spectra will appear what hue?
What does CFU stand for?
colony forming units
Name two major types of seafood intoxication.
ciguatera poisoning, scombroid poisoning, and various shellfish poisonings. shellfish poisoning. The most well-known types are paralytic shellfish poisoning, neurotoxic shellfish poisoning, and amnesic shellfish poisoning Two major groups of marine phytoplankton, diatoms and dinoflagellates, produce HAB toxins
Soft wheat is preferable for flours used in making cake because
development of weak gluten (soft crumb etc.)
What month is National Pasta Month?
The viscosity of egg white decreases with shearing force. In rheology this is called:
pseudoplastic or shear thinning
The Lane-Eynon method is a titration that measures what in a food sample?
Reducing sugars
MC: A monosaccharide is defined as: a. polyalcohol b. polyether c. acid d. all of the above
a. polyalcohol
What grain has been cultivated for more than 8,000 years?
Which soft drink was the first to be offered in a 2 Liter bottle?
What pigment reaction causes the greenish sheen during spoilage of cured meat products?
Myoglobin or oxymyoglobin are subjected to reducing reactions from bacteria, acerbate or other reducing agents.
What term refers to very low Coronary heart diseases despite a diet high in solid fat?
French paradox
Sneeze guards are placed on salad bars to protect food from which of the following; campylobacter jejuni, escherichia coli, salmonella, staphylococcus aureus?
Staph aureus
What are the main stages of canning?
heating phase (removal of air, come-up time, holding time at processing temperature), cooling phase
What is the main difference between bulls and bullocks?
Bulls have older skeletal maturity, in the B or older class, while bullocks have younger skeletal maturity, in the A class
What is a catalase?
An enzyme that converts hydrogen peroxide to water plus oxygen.
What are the 3 USDA quality grades of rabbits?
US Grade A, US Grade B, and US Grade C
Which county first produced the croissant?
What culture was the first to make a marshmallow-based candy?
Name two unripened cheeses?
Cottage, cream, ricotta, farmers Neufchatel, mozzarella, queso blanco, quark, camorra, bakers
What 1967 act specifies that all meat sold must have been slaughtered and processed at a facility that was federally inspected or inspected in a state whose meat inspection laws were as strict as federal standards?
Wholesome Meat Act
IFT has several annual awards for excellence. For what is the William V. Cruess Award given?
Excellence in Teaching
Name the French liqueur made from elderflowers.
Saint Germain
What is the word that means “to the tooth” when referring to cooking pasta?
Al dente
What are the compounds in hops that provide the bitter component and that affect the taste of beer the most?
This word means "sausage poisoning". It is caused by a powerful toxin that affects the nervous system.
The muscle that makes up most of our meat is best classified as which of the following: A) Involuntary, smooth B) Voluntary, cross-striated C) Double obliquely striated
B) Voluntary, cross-striated
Which of the 5 basic tastes are humans most sensitive?
What is the name for the French dish of thin pancakes?
Name the microorganism associated with Ergot poisoning.
Claviceps purpurea
Choke berries are high in polyphenols, procyanidins, anthocyanins, and other antioxidants. What are choke berries also known as?
Aronia berries
What is the interior temperature of a block of dry ice?
How does high moisture content of foods affect browning?
causes browning to happen more slowly
Bacteria overgrowth on fish can result in the production of scombrotoxins. Name one food process that Scrombotoxins are resistant to.
smoking, cooking and canning
What type of carotenoid predominates in wheat flour?
xanthophyll and its esters (no vit. A activity)
Give two examples of an emulsifier.
Lecithins, Mono and diglycerides, Monoglyceride derivatives, fatty acid derivatives. Examples include: Soy lecithin, Tween, Potassium stearate
Who is the current IFTSA president and what school are they from?
Elizabeth Clark, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
How many FDA regions are there in the U.S.?
Explain IR radiation.
it is transmitted as a wave and gets converted into heat when it impinges on the food surface
What polysacc from crustacean shells help lower cholesterol level?
Chitin, chitosan
Why do bacteriologists incubate pathogens at 37 deg C?
it is the human body temperature
What preserving process loses the most vitamins and minerals?
CRISPR stands for?
Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (enzyme used is cas9)
Trans fatty acids occur naturally in what type of animal?
Ruminant animals
What is the purpose of thermal processing?
ensure food safety and extend the shelf life of food (by killing bacteria)
What is kefir?
milk fermentation product from yeast and lactic acid bacteria (saccharomyces kefir)
What is the name of the frog mascot for honey smacks?
Dig 'em
What is the name of the holes in swiss cheese?
What is the isoelectric point?
the pH where the sum of the charges (+ and -) is equal to zero for an amino acid/protein
Who is the current president of IFT?
Michele Perchonok
What does a BCU of 0.00 indicate?
The BCU (baking contrast units) range from 0.00 (darkest) – 5.25 (lightest) BCU.
An element found in proteins but not in carbohydrates is what?
What is another name for levulose?
In the Chinese melamine incident, what protein apporximation method was used that couldn't differentiate between protein and melamine?
The Kjeldahl method
In 2020, the FDA removed the standard of identity in which pie?
cherry pie
What is the state mushroom of Oregon?
Pacific Golden Chanterelle
The uncurling of tea leaves when hot water is poured on is called?
The agony of leaves
Milk is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals expect for what 2 items?
Vitamin C and Iron
Given a closed vessel of an ideal gas at room temperature, what happens to the density of the gas when the temperature of the vessel is raised to 100 C?
the density remains the same.
What year were red m&ms discontinued due to concern over red dye no.2?
1976, they were brought back in 1987
Explain what is meant by aseptic processing.
The food and container are sterilized separately and are filled in a sterile environment
What are three applications of lactase?
hydrolyzes lactose to glucose and galactose, prevent sandiness in ice cream, lactose intolerance
What is the number of equivalent minutes at 121 C delivered to a container of product calculated using a z value of 10 C known as?
F or sterilization process equivalent time
According to the Codex Alimentarius. What is the difference between extra virgin olive oil and virgin olive oil?
the main differences the oleic acid content so extra virgin must be less than point eight grams per 100 grams and Virgin must be less than two grams per 100 grams.
Name 3 blood plasma lipid classes
Which foodborne pathogen also causes necrotic enteritis in poultry and gas gangrene in humans?
Clostridium perfringens
What is Swiss-style yogurt?
fruit is pre-mixed into the yogurt
How old is a sheep if its meat is considered mutton?
2 years
What general class of packaging materials is used in aseptic brick packs and pringle cans?
What is syneresis?
the contraction of a gel when the liquid separates out.
Name three bacteria commonly associated with food poisoning. (Does not need to be full scientific name.)
Salmonella, Norovirus, Campylobacter, E. coli, Listeria, Clostridium perfringens
What region of the protein molecule is attracted by fat in a sausage batter?
Complete the term: First in
first out, aka FIFO
What is the rendered form of beef and mutton fat called?
FAO Mg supplement should have what % of RDA minimum?
What law describes the theoretical spectral distribution for the emissive power of a black body?
Planck law
What type of HACCP hazard would jewelry be considered?
Name any three enzymes that are inactivated during blanching.
PME, PPO, lipoxygenase, polygalacturonase,chlorophyllase
What type of flask is used for the flotation, separation and analysis of extraneous matter?
wildman trap flask
What is the acid present in fish oil?
Arachidonic acid
Potassium sorbate can be applied to sausage casings before or after stuffing to retard what?
Yeast, Molds, and select bacteria
What is the maximum percentage of Viognier that can be blended with Syrah to make the wines of the Cote-Rotie?
Why can goats eat grass and paper while humans cannot?
Bacteria present in their stomachs break down the cellulose
What are the 3 main types of indirect heating?
PHE, THE, SSHE (plate heat exchanger, tubular heat exchanger, and scraped surface heat exchanger)
What is the typical shelf life of pasteurized milk held under refrigeration?
12-16 days
The organism that causes 'flat sours' in canned tomatoes is
bacillus stearothermophilus
What is the SI unit for power and what are the respective dimensions?
Watts, joules per second
Name two journals published by IFT and how often they are published.
food technology- monthly, and journal of food science - bimonthly
Name 2 natural surfactants.
lecithin, whey protein
In what year were the official United States standards for grades of carcass beef promulgated?
What is the likely source of the hemorrhagic e. coli that contaminates hamburger?
cow's cut during slaughter
Who conducts the voluntary seafood inspection program on a fee-for-service basis?
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
What does "ETEC" stand for in microbiology?
Enterotoxigenic E. coli
What is the difference between direct and indirect heating systems?
direct: having steam condense into a product (directly contacts product). indirect: the use of equipment to exchange heat between the surface that is heated and the product
Which regulatory agency is responsible for bottled water and which agency for piped water?
FDA for bottled and EPA for piped water
What is the term the FDA uses to describe the maximum amount or natural or unavoidable decfects in a products?
defect action levels
Give 3 methods for assessing protein quality.
BV, per, net protein utilization, amino acid score, net protein ratio, relative protein value, PDCAAS
Sensory tests may be divided into 3 groups on the basis of the type of information that they provide. What are the three types?
Discrimination, descriptive, affective (preference)
What is the scale to measure percent sugar?
What British dessert shares name with atomic model?
Plum pudding
Name four functions of edible film.
inhibit mass transfer, carry ingredients, improve mechanical integrity, improve appearance
Which vitamin increases calcium and phosphorus absorption and promotes healthy bones?
Vitamin D
What are designer foods?
foods fortified with health promoting ingredients
Name the body of FAO-WHO that deals with food standards including pesticides.
Codex Alimentarius commission
What is the state appetizer of Rhode Island?
Fresh lime juice to protein solubility.
increase or decrease solubility
What would be acceleration of a 2 kg mass when 60 N force is applied?
Accl: 30 m/s2
How do the roles of consumers and trained, expert panels differ in sensory testing?
consumers tell you if a food is acceptable or not and trained panels identify and describe the product attributes.
What is the difference between recombinant vs. natural bovine growth hormone?
Recombinant has extra methionine
What is the most commonly used proteolytic enzyme, an extract from the papaya plant?
What are 3 reasons for piling blocks of curd during the cheddaring process?
Acid development, texture development, uniform heating
What is characterized by extensive fat infiltration into muscle fibers, often caused by denervation of muscles?
What is another name for yellow #5?
EDTA and citric acid are examples of what group of additives used in foods?
metal chelators - prevent oxidation
What is the common name for 4-amino-2-methyl-1-napthol?
Vitamin K (other names include menadiol acetate, menadiol sodium phosphate, and phylloquinone)
What salt is traditionally used to coagulate tofu?
Calcium sulfate
What 1 bacteriocin is approved for food preservation in the US and in what product may it be used?
Nisin - pasteurized process cheese spread
What are the 3 regions of IR radiation?
near-IR, mid-IR, and far-IR
Dielectric heating is also called what, and why?
volumetric heating, and because heat is generated throughout the food volume
What happens to the cartilaginous ends of vertebrae as animals age?
Ossification; They ossify
What does the acronym ISO stand for?
ISO means equal under International Organization for Standards
What is the name of a recent book that is being compared with Upton Sinclair's The Jungle Of the early 1900s because of its critical evaluation of the meat industry as well as fast food chains?
Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser
What bacterial form can survive boiling at 100 deg C for 30 minutes?
the spores
Who is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of IFT?
Christie Tarantino-Dean
State veg of oklahoma?
Who is hosting the 2019 Food Disruption Challenge Pitch?
Daymon John
Name an enzyme involved in fruit softening.
pectin esterase, polygalacturonase, pectin layase
What is the mechanism of action for the microbial destruction by High Hydrostatic Pressure and Pulsed Electric Fields?
PEF: electroporation (the formation of pores in cell membranes by the action of high voltage electric fields). PEF inactivation via electroporation is believed to be associated with the migration and accumulation of charge across the cell membrane under the action of applied electric field; HHP: Rupture or damage to cell membrane
What does HTST stand for?
High temperature short time
Which agency is responsible for carrying out the Title III of the Bioterrorism Act?
What is the compound in red food coloring that is extracted from insects?
What is a mycotoxin?
Secondary metabolites produced by microfungi that can cause disease and death in humans and animals.
Another name for decimal reduction time is?
What are the 2 most common statistical measures of dispersion for a sampled population?
Variance & standard deviation
Which of the following is a major determinant of the fermentation of cellulose in the gut?
ratio of lignin to cellulose
What is the only essential vitamin not found in the white potato?
Vitamin E
How much water is typically in butter?
What is the term for a complete set of genetic material in an organism?
Name the plastic used in McDonalds’ clamshells before the company stopped using them.
How many flowers do honeybees visit to make 1 pound of honey?
~2 mil
Caffeine belongs to what class of compounds?
Potassium sorbate is primarily used as a food preservative. Why is it used more than its acid form, sorbic acid?
Because the salt is more soluble in foods than the acid.
Which food is made by fermenting soaked and cooked soybeans with a mold, usually rhizopus?
How long does a patent last?
20 years from the date filed. Note: the patent holder is required to pay maintenance fees to keep his patent valid
What is the function of erythromycin?
Answer: Antibiotic
What is a Kilojoule?
The SI unit of energy.
Name two types of rancidity.
Hydrolytic and oxidative
Mezcal is an alternate name of which popular alcoholic beverage?
Taquila when cannot be called tequila
What is distilled wine known as?
In a solution with a pH of 5, what is the charge of chitosan?
positive (pKa at 6.5)
Name a commonly available food source of the isoflavones genistein and daidzein.
Launched in Dec 2022, the Del Monte zero pineapple is now available in certain markets of US and Europe. What makes it unique?
Certified carbon neutral with zero emission
Despite its name what cookie was invented in the early 1900s in San Francisco?
Fortune cookie
The Cory cycle transports what compound from muscles to liver?
Lactate (from muscles to liver, converted to glucose and returned to the cells)
Name one bacterium that is in the nodules of roots of leguminous plants.
How much (%) water is there in muscle?
Name one chemical compound that is used to sanitize food processing equipment.
NaOCL and quats
What are the X and Y axis on a lineWeaver Burk plot?
X=1/[S] (substrate concentration) and Y=1/v (velocity (reaction speed)
Which regulatory agency has the prime responsibility for the safety, wholesomeness, and nutritional quality of food in the U.S.?
Under aerobic conditions, pyruvate from glycolysis goes to what cycle in the mitochondria?
Citric Acid Cycle/ Krebs Cycle/ TCA
What are the substrates for soy sauce?
soybean, water, salt, wheat
The 17th century case of ergotism is popularly known as?
Salem witch trials
Which 2 elements increase Vitamin D adsorption?
Ca and Phosphorous
What are pink-hued wines, sometimes called white zinfandel in the US, commonly known as?
In University, TA is typically understood to mean teaching assistant. However, this initalism also refers to what type of spoilage in canned food?
Thermophilic, anaerobic spoilage
Cleave of K-casein by rennet gives which 2 peptides?
para-kappa casein and glycomacropeptide
Beers that are made out of grains other than barley, oats, rye, or wheat are known as what type of beer?
gluten-free beer
What is an incipient contaminant?
naturally present on the food product
What are some positive effects of precooling of fruit and vegetables?
slow degradation, reduce wilting, slow rotting
Which of the following foods should a sulfite-sensitive individual avoid?
wine, frozen hash brown potatoes, fruit cocktail with maraschino cherries, sauerkraut (ALL)
What meat protein is primarily responsible for the color in meat?
Carbohydrates of soy.
Raffinose, Stachyose, Rubascose
Which of the following oils can be used as a lubricant?
rapeseed oil
What is the NLEA?
Nutrition Labeling and Education Act (in 1990)
Eugenol is the active and pungent component of what spice?
In general, red meat is a good source of what three minerals?
iron, phosphorus, and zinc
In Canada, what is the minimum protein rating as a source of protein?
What syndrome in swine brings an increased susceptibility to PSE (pale, soft, exudative) lean?
Porcine stress syndrome
What is the term used for the weight animals lose while being hauled and held off feed before slaughter?
shrink (drift)
In 1998, the FDA prepared a document that lead to the development of Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs). What is the name of this document?
Guide to minimize microbial food safety hazards for fresh fruits and vegetables
What are the target microorganisms for milk pasteurization?
Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Coxiella brunetti (brucellosis)
Define the concept of thermal death time.
the time to kill a given number of organisms at a given temperature under specific conditions
Who is the current director of the FDA?
Dr. Stephen M. Hahn was sworn in as the 24th Commissioner of Food and Drugs on December 17, 2019.
What is the term used to describe pork meat that has undergone a sudden decrease in pH after slaughter?
Pale, Soft, and Exudative Meat
What is the common name of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy, a neurological disease found in sheep?
Sanitation and inspection recommendations for adoption by state and local regulatory agencies for inspection of food retail and food service facilities are in the ________
FDA Food Code
With regard to chemical structure, what do seed gums (locust bean, guar, arabic, mesquite) all have in common?
They are galactomannans
What is the term for a place where fresh healthy food is unaffordable or inaccessible?
food desert
What type of microorganisms can grow in oxygen but prefer to grow in oxygen reduced environments?
In 2013, Wisconsin declared a new state pastry. This pastry is hand-rolled from Danish pastry dough (wienerbrød dough) that has been rested overnight before shaping, filling, and baking. Many sheets of the flaky dough are layered, then shaped into an oval. After filling with fruit, nut, or other flavor combinations, the pastry is baked and iced. What is the name of this pastry?
What is the leading U.S. beef export item?
short plate
Name a tree fruit that is referred to as a vegetable.
Cucumber, pepper, corn, tomato
Name three types of freezers.
air blast freezer, contact or plate freezer, spray or imersion freezer
What is the slowest freezing method?
Sharp freezing
What is the main source of vibrio cholerae?
Are coffee beans decaffeinated before or after roasting and why?
Before, to prevent loss of flavor
Food Chemistry codex publisher is:
US Pharmacoepia
What are chylomicrons and what do they do?
A type of lipoprotein that delivers triacylglycerol to cells in the body
In enzymology, what is turnover number?
moles of substate converted to product by an enzyme molecule (activation site) in a given time period
In the US the legal processing for low-acid foods requires what?
exposure to temps for a period equal to 12 D values fo C. botulism
Which fruit can be added without destroying the gel: pineapple, papaya, kiwi, strawberry, fig
Strawberry (no proteolytic enzyme)
True or False: Yeast contains glutamic acid.
True, 8-10% of whole yeast
In areas where corn was introduced as a staple crop a new disease soon developed. What is the disease and what causes it?
Pellagra, Niacin deficiency (50-80% of corn's niacin is unavailable)
What are the 2 main starting products of the Maillard reaction?
reducing sugars, free amino acids
Which USDA agency inspects red meat products at slaughter?
Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS)
In what year was the IFT student member classification established?
What is the difference between recombinant bovine growth hormone and natural bovine growth hormone?
Recombinant version has an additional Methionine
In which country fresh smoked kielbasa originated?
In regard to sensory evaluation, differentiate between "triangle test" and "duo-trio test".
Both are classified as difference tests. A triangle test consists of three samples, two are the same and one is different. The participant is asked to identify the different sample. A duo-trio test consists of three samples in which two are the same and one is different. One of the samples is presented as the reference sample and the participant is asked to identify the matching sample.
What does IUPAC stand for?
Int union of pure and applied chemists
What is thermal conductivity?
a measure of a material's ability to transfer thermal energy
Below what pH can Clostridium botulinum spores no longer germinate?
below pH 4.6
Name 2 carotenoid pigments.
beta carotene, xanthophylls
Define the molecular biology term "transformation".
The process of genetic transfer of foreign DNA
A force of 60 kg m/s^2 is applied to a body with a mass of 2 kg. What is the acceleration?
30 m/s^2 (F = mass x acceleration)
Pomegranate peel can be used as a natural dye. What color does it produce?
What is the following phobia, arachibutyrophobia?
fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth
What is the general term applied to any ingredient added to improve or modify flavor in processed meat products?
Who is the current president-elect of IFT?
Michele Perchonok
What food is made by specially fattening the liver of a duck or goose?
Foi Gras
Name the ingredients of mayonnaise.
Eggs, vegetable oil, acid (lemon juice, vinegar, citric acid)
What is the name of the heat resistant enzyme in Thermos aquaticus used for modern PCR?
TAG DNA polymerase
What does ELISA stand for?
Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay
What is reverse osmosis?
Reverse osmosis is a process that removes foreign contaminants, solid substances, large molecules and minerals from water by using pressure to push it through specialized membranes. It is a water purification system used to improve water for drinking, cooking and other important uses.
What is a Soxhlet analyzer used to measure?
Why is AL layer used in retort pouches?
keep out light and for gas impermeability
Why is short-grain rice more sticky than long-grain rice after cooking?
Higher amylopectin
Provide the common name for mahi mahi fish.
dolphin or Dorado
What is the single most important phase of a sterile canning operation?
What toxin-producing Gram-positive cocci can cause illness within 30 minutes of eating contaminated food?
Staphylococcus aureus
A 6D process reduces the population of the target organism by what percent?
What is the definition of an oligosaccharide?
Contains 3 to 10 monosaccharides (more than 2 less than 11)
What act of 1999 requires timely reporting of livestock market data?
Livestock mandatory reporting
What is the limiting amino acid of most cereal grains?
What is the name of compounds that can act as either an acid or a base?
What type of heating arises from the direct conversion of electrical energy in the form of microwaves to heat within the volume of the food itself?
microwave heating
What are the holes in Swiss cheese caused by and what are they called?
Carbon dioxide and they are called eyes.
What is responsible for warmed-over flavor?
fat oxidation
What is the name of the food substitute that supplies all daily nutritional needs?
Dark cutting beef is characterized by dark color, firm and dry texture. The problem is associated with meat having: a) low ultimate pH, b)high ultimate pH, c) rapid pH decline
What are the 3 types of still retorts?
vertical, horizontal, and hydrostatic
What sweetener did ira remsen discover in 1879?
What is the major difference between all-purpose flour and cake flour
Protein content
An example of a "saturated" fatty acid is the 16 carbon molecule called ____________?
palmitic acid
What is a functional food?
a typical food that has had specific nutrients added to it.
Which describes a class 2 recall? a. minor violations not subjecto FDA action b. exposure but no health consequences c. exposure may cause health consequences d. reasonable use or exposure will causes serious health consequences
c. exposure may cause medically reversible health consequences
Name the 4Ps of food marketing.
product, price, place, promotion
What are facultative anaerobes?
microorganisms that can grown and survive with or without oxygen
What are the three spore-forming foodborne pathogens?
bacillus cereus, clostridium perfringens, clostridium botulinum
What are the holes in Swiss cheese caused by and what are they called?
Carbon dioxide and they are called eyes.
What is the term for when electrons occupy free orbitals of cations in a salt/water solution?
aqua complex
What does CAFO stand for?
concentrated animal feeding operation
What are the units of basal metabolic rate?
Answer: Joule/hour/kilogram body mass or watt (joule/second) to ml O2/min
What is the defect in ice cream that is caused by the formation of lactose crystals?
What is the pigment responsible for the bright red color of ground beef?
What two reagents test for the presence of reducing sugars?
benedicts and fehlings
What metal can cause an abnormal green color in vegetables?
What is another name for Sodium Lauryl Sulfate?
Sodium dodecyl sulfate
What is the first alteration observed in ultrastructural integrity of postmortem muscle fibers?
Z disk degradation
What 2 chemicals are generally used to prevent browning in fruit?
sulfur dioxide and ascorbic acid
While dough is being mixed, yeast produces which two compounds by anaerobic respiration?
Carbon dioxide and ethanol
What compound is commonly used to color cheese?
Annatto extract
What is term used when the difference threshold is What is determined by changing the variable stimulus by small amounts above and below the standard until the subject notices a difference
Just noticeable difference
Chiffon, marble, and bundt are types of what?
What common enzyme can be used to modify lipids from their original triacylglycerol form?
Give two amino acids which contain two ammonium and related groups.
arginine, lysine, asparagine, glutamine
What is the Molish test used for?
Paper can be aligned in two different ways when fed into forming machines, what are the two ways?
machine direction and the cross direction.
Name the two major meat proteins that are salt soluble.
myosin and actin
What is the difference between accuracy and precision
accuracy is how close the experimental value is to the true value, precision is how close experimental values are to themselves
How are processed cheeses made?
processed cheese are made either with the trimmings that are left over from the manufacture of other cheeses, or from dried milk powder
The water content of lean beef muscle normally ranges from A) 40-50% B) 70-75% C) 90-95%
B) 70-75%
What is a farinograph used for?
shear and viscosity (or properties is acceptable) of dough
What is a batter-like meat product produced by forcing bones with attached edible meat under high pressure through a sieve or similar device to separate the bone from the edible meat tissue?
Mechanically Separated (deboned) meat
According to FDA, what is the only fish that produces real caviar?
Name food borne pathogen that grows below 10 C.
Listeria Monocytogenes
What is a winter banana?
A variety of apple
What is the most shopliftedfood product in the world?
What is the common name of a 16:0 saturated fatty acid?
What is the boiling point definition?
the temperature at which the vapor pressure becomes equal to the atmospheric pressure (760 nm)
Falling film is a type of which equipment in food processing?
What is the cause of the stale flavor in milk?
What words does the acronym VPP represent in meat processing?
a Verified Premium Plus
What are enantiomers?
compounds that have the same molecular formula but different structures. They are mirror images of each other and refract light differently
Rank the following in order of their tolerance to low water activity (highest resistance to least): yeasts, bacteria, molds
molds, yeasts, bacteria
How many radians are there in 360 degrees?
2 pi
Which extra component makes a martini a dirty martini?
Olive brine
In what year was food technology first published?
JIT in sensory stands for?
Just In Time
Which of the following food has a highest amount of zinc, per gram?
a ground beef b. chickpeas., c. oysters
What does URP stand for?
unique radiolytic product
What is used to rephosphorylate ADP to ATP during the onset phase of rigor?
Creatine phosphate or Phosphocreatine
Which fatty acid has the longest hydrocarbon chain?
Hexadecanoic acid, tetracosinoic acid, octadecanoic acid, Triacontanoic acid (30C)
How is orange juice defined by the US code of federal regulations?
unfermented juice obtained from mature oranges of the species Citrus sinensis or of the citrus hybrid commonly called Ambersweet
Name the sulfur containing essential amino acids.
At which frequency, 915 or 2450 MHz will the penetration depth be larger?
915 MHz
What is the measurement of oxygen utilized in the stabilization of organic matter by microorganisms over a 5 day period at 20 C called?
biological oxygen demand
Type of food spoilage organisms depend on food composition and intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Give 3 each of intrinsic and extrinsic factors
intrinsic: physical structure, Moisture content, pH. Extrinsic: temperature, relative humidity, gas atmosphere, light
What is the difference between commercial sterilization and pasteurization?
sterilization: processed at temps higher than 100 C, mainly for canning (retorting), destroys all microbes that may cause spoilage (may contain heat resistant bacteria spores such as endospores or thermophiles or flat sour bacteria), shelf life of 2+ years at room temperature, pasteurization: processed at temps lover than 100 C, typically high temperature for short time (HTST), destroys pathogenic microbes, reduces spoilage microbes, inactivates enzymes
What are psychrophiles?
Bacteria or archae that grow over the range of sub zero to 20 C with an optimum around 15 C
What does the acronym IFIS stand for?
International food information service
Name, a species of Aspergillus. capable of producing aflatoxins.
Aspergillus flavus
A chlorophyll molecule reacting with hydrogen exhibits what shade of green?
What is the amount of energy to raise the temperature of 2 grams of water from 14.5 deg C to 15.5 deg C?
2 cal
What is Krausening (used in beer production)?
natural carbonation, the CO2 from fermentation collected and added back into the beer later
What are 2 types of microbiological testing used to identify and verify microorganisms in foods?
culture media, immunoassay, or polymerase chain reaction.
What is the term that describes food where an ingredient, such as a vitamin or mineral, has been added for dietary purposes only?
What fruit has the highest fat content?
What food may get its name from the German word for stirrup?
Palatability of beef refers to what three main attributes?
Tenderness, Juiciness, & Flavor
Term for %age increase in volume of ice cream after incorporation of air
What is the definition of pH?
PH stands for Hydrogen potentials. It refers to the concentration of the hydrogen ions in a solution in logarithmic scale
In general, microbial survival curves follow what type relationship?
first-order exponential
Which of the following food categories is NOT approved for treatment with irradiation: A. fruits, B. milk and dairy, C. animal and pet foods, or D. none of the above?
B. Milk and dairy
What is the Schreiber melt test?
used melt test for cheese where sample discs of known dimensions are heated in an oven and the final diameter of the melted disc is measured.
What is the general nitrogen to protein conversion factor used in food analysis?
6.25, kjeldahl method
Chocolate prevents dental caries.
Define and differentiate between the terms “thermoset” (thermally reversible) and “thermoplastic” (thermally irreversible) with regard to protein gel formation and give an example of each.
Thermoset gels form irreversible cross-links and cannot revert back to initial state like muscle proteins(myosin), egg white proteins (ovalbumin). Thermoplastic gels form gels on cooling after heating, and can revert fully or partially back to solution upon reheating like collagen (gelatin)
What are isotonic solutions?
solutions which have the same osmotic pressure at the same temperature
The farmer’s share of the retail food dollar varies greatly among foods. Can you guess the share for eggs? A. 15 %, B. 29%, c 50% and d 65%
D 65%
Which lipoprotein transports triglycerides from the liver to adipose tissue?
Where in the US are C. botulinum type A, B, and type E generally found?
type B toxin causes most cases of botulism in horses in the midwestern and mid-Atlantic states of the U.S., while type A is usually responsible for equine cases in the western states. . Type E-producing C. botulinum strains tend to occur in coastal areas and other aquatic environments
Which city was the birthplace of kool-aid?
Hastings, Nebraska, Kool-Aid is an American brand of flavored drink mix owned by Kraft Heinz based in Chicago, Illinois.
2 piece cans for low acid foods are made in what? a. impact exit b. draw + iron c. draw redraw(?) d. welding
c. draw-redraw
What is the frequency range for infrared radiation?
430 THz down to 300 GHz
What does the 1913 Gould Amendment require of food products marketed in the U.S.?
It requires that contents be plainly marked on the outside of the food package
In canning, what is come-up time?
the time it takes to reach the thermal processing temperature
Give an example of a component of unsaponifiable matter
Sterols, cholesterol
What color is the USDA inspection legend, or inspection seal, on horse meat?
What is a bacteriophage?
A virus that infects bacteria.
What is the most widely used microbe for wine fermentation?
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
What relies on abrasion of meat against stainless steel rotating paddles to accomplish diffusion and binding of curing ingredients with meat?
What does the acronym NADA stand for
new animal drug application
The pigment found in some plants which is characterized by the ligand structure known as a porphyrin with magnesium at the center is
An exoenzyme that catalyzes hydrolysis of maltose units from the non-reducing end of starch is what?
2 cups: ? Pint
one pint
What are the class of food pigments which have similar structure and properties to anthocyanins, but are yellow in color called?
Stability of eggs not dependent on: Protein conc, pH, H2O addition, presence of sugar
H2O addition
Alcohol-insoluble solids content in vegetables is an indicator of what?
maturity or ripeness
To be called Cheddar Cheese, the product must contain at least what % of milk fat?
50% by weight of the solids
What is the % fat in whole milk?
3.25 (by law)
The name for a mixture of fat and flour that is used to thicken sauces?
Who won the william cruess award?
Soo-Yeun Lee
What is deglutition?
the act or process of swallowing food
What are chitterlings made from?
pork intestine
What is the most advantageous type of IR and why?
far-IR, most food components absorb radiative energy in this region
Which of the following is a tall cocktail glass that holds up to 12 oz of liquid? A. Old fashioned B. Highroller C. Snifter D. Highball
D. Highball
Why is mozzarella cheese "stringy" compared to other cheeses?
Kneading and stretching the curds help to elongate this protein chain, which causes the stringiness of mozzarella.
What are the four categories of food additives established by the FDA?
GRAS, prior sanctioned, regulated, banned
What is the term for the ratio of carbon dioxide evolved to oxygen consumed?
respiratory quotient
What specific vitamins and minerals are added to enrich macaroni and noodle products?
Thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, iron
What national IFT award recognizes excellence in university teaching?
william v. cruess award
When the double bonds of carotenoids change from trans to cis forms, what happens to the carotenoid color?
trans is orange/red and cis is lemon yellow
What two myofibrillar proteins form cross-bridges during muscle contraction?
actin and myosin
What is reverse osmosis?
applying pressure to exceed the osmotic pressure of the solution
Hyperuricemia or the buildup of excessive uric acid results in what?
By volume which country is number one in butter and ghee?
What is the flavor enhancer manufactured from glutamic acid?
MSG- Monosodium Glutamate
How can paper be loaded in laminating/packaging machine?
along the grain or perpendicular to the grain
True or False: Canned foods are sterile.
False, they are commercially sterile
Traditionally what day is the wine Beaujolais nouveau available for sale?
the 3rd Thursday of November each year.
Why are the seven principle cereal grains?
Rice, corn, wheat, barley, sorghum, rye and oats
What is another name for Vitamin E?
Messenger RNA is synthesized by what process?
How many coffee beans does each coffee cherry normally contain?
What are the major antioxidants found in Rosemary extract?
Rosmarinic acid, carnosol and carnosic acid
What is an indicator organism?
An organism used to test changes in water quality conditions or food microbiological analysis by detecting for the presence of harmful pathogens .
How many molecules of oxygen are in glucose?
What is the name of the protein responsible for oxygen transport in the body?
The partially denatured product of collagen, used as a food ingredient, is called ______________?
Why was Alum added to a pickle mix?
It was added for crispiness but no longer recommended
What is the enzyme responsible for browning in lettuce?
Polyphenol oxidase
What is the % by weight of water in a watermelon?
What is the pH range of the indicator, phenolphthalein?
Which food is caramel coloring added to in Southeast Asian cuisine?
soy sauce
What are the 2 metals used in drink or beverage cans?
aluminum and steel (tin-plated steel is also acceptable)
What is the nutritional claim that can be made when a product serving is less than 140 mg of sodium?
Low sodium
Why is glucose oxidase sometimes added to egg whites before dehydration?
removes glucose and reduces browning
Who is the current treasurer of IFT?
Scott Lineback
In the MUG test, what enzyme from E. coli is being tested?
The polysaccharides in oats that provide viscosity and filtration problems in the brewing industry are called
beta glucans
What does the hunter color scale measure?
chroma, hue and value
Describe stimulus error.
This occurs when panelists notice otherwise irrelevent factors regarding samples or their presentation which modifies their perception.
What is the temperature and time range for commercial sterilization?
116-121 C (240-250 F) for 50-90 min
What is the Weissenberg effect?
the tendency of some viscoelastic fluids to climb up a rod that is rotating in them. (fluid flows in a right angle to the direction of shear stress)
Meat is regulated by?
The Codex general standards for labeling, what is the only situation that ingredient list is not needed?
if it is single ingredient
What is the typical shelf life of pasteurized milk held under refrigeration?
12-16 days
What are the 2 main methods of plate counting?
Spread and pour plating
The muscle tissue from bone flesh of fish contain the same amount of connective tissue as that from beef.
What is the second most predominant fatty acid in beef and pork?
palmitic acid
How many amino acids are found in one turn of an alpha helix in DNA?
Why are fruits or vegetables often heated prior to maceration for juice production?
to inactivate native enzymes, reduce microbial load and affect an increase in juice yield
What are psychrotrophs?
Psychrotrophs are cold-tolerant bacteria or archaea that have the ability to grow at low temperatures, but have optimal and maximal growth temperatures above 15 and 20°C, respectively.
To slow the deterioration process of fruits what gas is added to the storage environment?
The primary yeast used in baking is what?
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
What month is designated as National Meat Month?
What is the most common preservative in processed meats?
Belgian waffles were invented in which country?
When can a regional section be established?
when 25 or more members live within the same geographical area
On average in the US how many tons of food will a person eat in their lifetime?
35 tons
How do microbial inhibitors work?
By acting on the whole cell, cell wall, or cell membrane in order to interfere with the genetic mechanism of the cell, interfering with the enzyme systems of the cell, or by binding to essential nutrients to kill the cell or stop reproduction.
Why are chelating agents used in dairy products?
de-aggregate casein complexes
Animal used for truffles traditionally?
What company does Starbucks donate 100% of its leftover food?
Feeding America
Describe the meaning of 150-grade pectin.
A 150 grade pectin is one that will form a satisfactory gel at a ratio of 1 kg (or unit) pectin to 150 kg (or unit) sugar.
Which of the following does not have an official regulatory definition under FDA regulations?Dietary supplement, food, functional food, all of the above
functional food
What is the minimum weight of a gallon of ice cream?
4.5 pounds (2 kg)
What is the nutritional claim made on a regular bottle of Coca-Cola?
very low sodium 35 mg or less per 240 mL (8 fl oz)
Name the two synthetic antioxidants and two natural antioxidants.
synthetic: BHA, BHT, PG, TBHQ; natural:alpha-tocopherol, ascorbic acid, ferulic? Acid, sesamol
Which vegetable is known as a ripening anomaly, ripen after it has been picked from the tree?
What is the name of the structural carbohydrate found in lobsters and insects?
How does frequency affect dielectric properties of foods?
it changes the dielectric constant, higher frequency lower dielectric constant
What are some of the disadvantages of using a thermistor?
limited temperature range, low accuracy at higher temperatures, non-linearity at higher temperatures (resistance over temperature decreases exponentially)
HLB values for oil in water emulsion.
High value (8 to 16)
What sausage manufacturing process involves grinding and mixing meat ingredients with cure to permit protein solubilization and chemical analysis before final mixing in sausage manufacture?
Name two diamines responsible for the odor in meats (spoiled)?
cadaverine, putrescine
For a refrigeration cycle, what term is used to describe efficiency?
COP, the coefficient of performance
What are the three major genera of mycotoxin producing fungi?
aspergillus, penicillium, fusarium
Name three drying methods used.
spray drying, freeze drying, bed, drum, convection, sunlight, dehydration
What is the full name of the founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken?
Colonel Harland Sanders
The ester of which 2 compounds compose chlorogenic acid?
quinic acid and caffeic acid
How many water molcules can one water molecule bind to?
Beef is 50% protein, what insect is higher in protein than beef?
Crickets (65%)
A high molecular weight polyester deposited in the waxy cuticle of some plant epidermal cells is called what?
What part of pig is Boston butt?
What compounds impart bitterness or astringency to a wine?
Tannins, phenolic compounds
What are the 2 main functions of the pancreas?
exocrine function: aids in digestion, endocrine function: regulates blood sugar levels
What federal agency controls meat processing quality?
What does the Ninhydrin assay measure?
amino acids
How many glucose units in beta cyclodextrin?
IGTC stands for?
International global traceability center
What does aerogenic bacteria produce?
What US state has the greatest number of farms?
What day in August is National Rice Pudding Day?
August 9th
Name the two primary fatty acids within coffee beans.
linoleic and palmitic acid
How many taste buds does the average adult have?
Which of the following do not require pre-market approval by the FDA? a. structure-function claims b. health claim c. drugs d. food additives
a. structure-function claims
What causes the pH drop of meat?
anaerobic metabolism post mortem leads to latic acid build up
What is the main component of the thick filaments in muscle cells?
Besides extending shelf life and preventing microbial growth, what is another benefit of reducing the water activity of a food?
a lower water content means a lower product volume, making the product easier and cheaper to transport
Lactose is composed of
glucose and galactose
What is used to pasteurize spices?
ethylene oxide or gamma radiation
The FDA action level for mercury in shark and swordfish is: A) zero B) 20 ppb C) 1 ppm D) 10 ppm
C) 1 ppm
What is the area under a lethal rate curve defined as?
Ruhemann's purple is formed by what reaction used in food analysis?
Reaction of Ninhydrin with amine group of amino acids.
What makes milk white?
Casein micelles that scatter light
What does FSIS recommend as the minimum degree of doneness (F) for ground beef?
S – (1- propenyl) – L – cysteine sulfoxide and thiopropanol – S oxide – are associated with the flavor of
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