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Wills formulae

Multiple Choice Karten
Normale Karten
Total Karten

debitis meis plenarie solutis

– “once my debts have been paid in full”

quod expedit rationi

– “what is necessary”

ego et volo quod omnia debita mea de bonis meis persolvantur

– “I bequeath and desire that all my debts be paid from my goods”

ubicunque inventi fuerint

– “wherever they may be found”

ad haec fideliter exequenda et adimplenda

– “so that these things may be faithfully performed and executed”

in primis

– “firstly” 

compos mentis licet eger in corpore

– “sound in mind though sick in body”

any phrases ending in quod could be followed instead by

accusative + infinitive phrase

totum residuum bonorum meorum mobilium et immobilium et omnia mihi debita per quoscunque

– “all my remaining goods, mobile and immobile, and everything owed to me by whomever…”



– “likewise”

huius testamenti mei executores meos ordino, facio et constituo

– “I arrange, make and appoint as (my) executors of this my will…”

do et lego

– “I give and bequeath”

condo testamentum meum in hunc modum 

– “I make my will in this manner”

sanae memoriae et compos mentis

– “sound of memory and of sane mind”

videns mihi mortis periculum imminuere 

– “seeing that the danger of death threatens me”

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