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Why is forecasting future cash flows considered more of an art than a science?
It combines quantitative analysis with judgment, intuition, and experience.
What are mutually exclusive projects in capital budgeting?
Projects that cannot be selected together; choosing one excludes the others.
How does the net present value (NPV) help in ranking mutually exclusive projects?
NPV measures the expected contribution to the firms value, allowing comparison between projects.
What role does strategic assessment play in evaluating investment opportunities?
It identifies unique capabilities and competitive advantages that can drive a positive-NPV opportunity.
What is the significance of estimating a risk-appropriate discount rate?
It adjusts the present value of cash flows to reflect the risk level associated with the investment.
How can expected cash flow estimates be categorized as either pessimistic or optimistic?
Estimates can be conservative when additional costs are considered, or optimistic when potential revenues are maximized.
What is internal rate of return (IRR) and how does it relate to investment valuation?
IRR is the discount rate that makes NPV zero, indicating the investments potential profitability.
What is the distinction between equity cash flows and project cash flows?
Equity cash flows are returns to shareholders, while project cash flows include all cash movements related to a specific project.
What are the steps involved in estimating project free cash flows?
Forecast future cash flows, estimate a discount rate, and discount cash flows to present value.
What are the components that make up free cash flow (FCF)?
Sales, operating expenses, taxes, depreciation, CAPEX, and changes in net working capital.
How does a price decay function inform price forecasting?
It suggests that as market volume increases, prices decrease based on historical patterns.
What is capital expenditure (CAPEX) and why is it important in valuation?
CAPEX is the investment in long-lived assets necessary for maintaining and expanding production capacity.
How does the time value of money (TVM) principle impact DCF analysis?
TVM states that a dollar today is worth more than a dollar in the future; future cash flows must be discounted to present value.
What are some drawbacks of the payback period model?
It ignores the time value of money and future cash flows beyond the payback period.
How do external economic factors impact income-based valuation?
Market forces such as economic conditions can influence company performance and, consequently, valuation.
What role does the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) play in DCF analysis?
WACC is used as the discount rate to adjust for the investments risk when calculating present value.
How can small changes in assumptions impact DCF valuations?
Even minor adjustments can significantly alter the calculated value due to sensitivity in cash flow predictions.
Why is collaboration with complementary product producers significant in project valuation?
Collaboration ensures product compatibility and growth in related markets, enhancing revenue potential.
What are the factors that influence the assumptions made during cash flow forecasting?
Market conditions, past performance, competition, and economic outlook.
How can changes in working capital affect investment cash flow calculations?
Changes in working capital reflect the cash needed for operations, impacting the overall cash flow amounts.
What methodology is generally used for forecasting industry sales estimates?
Historical data analysis combined with forecasting techniques based on past trends.
What are the pros and cons of using an income-based valuation approach?
Pros: Directly correlates cash flows to value; Cons: Sensitive to assumptions and less suitable for unpredictable cash flows.
Explain the concept of discounted payback and its advantages.
Discounted payback accounts for the time value of money when measuring how long it takes to recover initial cost.
Why is it essential to consider terminal value in the valuation of long-term projects?
Terminal value estimates the present value of cash flows beyond the forecast period, impacting total value.
How do you calculate net operating profit after taxes (NOPAT)?
NOPAT = (Revenues - Total Expenses) × (1 - Tax Rate).
What is the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) analysis method?
DCF is a method used to value an investment by discounting estimated future cash flows.
Why is attention to detail crucial in defining cash flows for valuations?
Precise cash flow definitions ensure accuracy in forecasting and subsequent analysis.
Why are only incremental cash flows relevant in a DCF analysis?
They represent the additional cash flows generated by the investment, which are critical for assessing its value.
In what scenarios might an investments growth prospects affect its valuation?
Steady or rapid growth can lead to favorable forecasts, resulting in higher valuations.
How does the DCF process apply to the valuation of a project or investment?
It involves estimating future cash flows, choosing a discount rate, and calculating present value.
What factors influence a firms financial performance that could affect valuation?
Operational efficiency, revenue growth, cost management, and economic conditions.
What cash flows are considered relevant for DCF valuation?
Only cash flows that directly result from the acceptance of the investment, known as incremental cash flows.
How does salvage value factor into the calculations for project cash flow?
Salvage value is considered when estimating cash flows at the end of a projects life.
Define contribution margin and its importance in project cash flow forecasting.
Contribution margin = (Price per Unit - Variable Cost per Unit); it indicates the profitability of each unit sold.
How can multiple internal rates of return complicate investment decisions?
Multiple IRRs can arise from alternating cash flows, making it difficult to interpret investment profitability.
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