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Porgramnmes managed by REA?
Horizon Europe Research for fund for coal and steel Promotion of agri products
When does an external audit takes place in a project?
During the lifecycle or at any time up to 2 years after the final payment of the project through the European Court of Auditors.
Which documents shall not be published in the Official Journal?
a) Sensitive documents
What is INSC?
Instrument for nuclear safety cooperation
Is there any reason why the Executive Agencies are placed in Brussels and Luxemburg?
d) To facilitate close collaboration between the Commission and the Agencies
Climate, Infrstructure and Environnement EA
Who is the Authorizing officer for the implementation of the Agency's programm?
c) The Director
What does DG stand for?
What is Copernicus?
European earth observation programme (Copernicus)
Why were the Executive Agencies set up?
c) As a result of an externalization policy of the Commission
When can the Court of Audit (ECA) audit a grant?
Always. The Court’s audit is continuous; it may be carried out before the closure of accounts for the financial year in question. It is based on records and may also be carried out on the spot. Always through the lifecycle of the project; also, the European Commission can perform an audit always 2 years after the final payment.
What is the composition of the Council?
c) Ministers of the Member States
In some cases Member states can estimate that the EC intervention at regional and local level is more effective than the one of the single Member states. What principle is then recalled by this situation?
b) Principle of subsidiarity
What is a regulation?
Regulations are legally binding in each Member State and enter into force on a specific date in all Member States.
What is the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU?
The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union enshrines in Community law certain political, social and economic rights of citizens and residents of the European Union. First proclaimed in Nice on 7 December 2000, the Charter of Fundamental Rights was adopted in its final version by the Presidents of the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of the EU on 12 December 2007. It then became legally binding with the ratification of the Treaty of Lisbon (signed on 13 December 2007 and entered into force on 1 December 2009).
Commissioner x Health
Stella Kyriakidou CY
What is OLAF?
European Anti-Fraud Office (Office Européen de Lutte Antifraude); investigates fraud against the EU budget, corruption cases and serious misconduct within the European institutions. It also develops an anti-fraud policy for the European Commission. Is based in Brussels.
Which of the followin may not be considered compatible with the Internal Market?
c) Reduction of corporate taxes from 35% to 30% to an important sector of the MS's economy
Which of the following is superseded by the DG DEVCO?
a) Development and Cooperation - EuropeAid
What is the ordinary legislative procedure?
Codecision officially became the 'Ordinary Legislative Procedure' and the general rule for passing legislation at EU level, covering the vast majority of areas of Union action. The main characteristic of the ordinary legislative procedure is the adoption of legislation jointly and on an equal footing by Parliament and the Council. It starts with a legislative proposal from the Commission (normally for a regulation, directive or decision) and consists of up to three readings, with the possibility for the co-legislators to agree on a joint text - and thereby conclude the procedure - at any reading.
Health and Digitale EA
The Commission may outsource certain tasks relating to the management of one or more Community programmes to…
c) Executive agencies
The European Parliament members are elected in every?
5 years/
What does CEF mean?
a) Connecting Europe Facility
What are European treaties?
The European treaties define the objectives of the Union, the rules for the functioning of the European institutions, the decision-making processes and the relations between the EU and its member states. They have been amended several times to reform the European institutions, to confer new powers on the EU and to allow new countries to join the Union./
What is ETF?
European Training Foundation. It is a European Union agency that helps transition and developing countries harness the potential of their human capital through the reform of education, training and labour market systems, and in the context of the EU's external relations policy. Based in Turin, Italy.
Which of the following is not an undertaking for the purposes of the State Aid law?
c) An agency issuing passports
Research and Innovation
Who does internally audit?
It's an audit performed by a body’s staff rather than an independent certified public accountant; the internal auditor’s (IA) function is separate from that of authorising officer and accounting officer. The IA is designated by the institution, which it must advise on how to deal with risks. It issues independent opinions on the quality of management and control systems, and recommends improvements.
Who can participate in an EU project?
Any party as defined in the call for proposal.
What is NOT a source of the EU budget?
b. Road fees;
European Research Council Executive Agency
Which fund supports growth and jobs across the EU?
a) COSME (Competitiveness of Enterprises) b) EFSI (European funding for Strategic Investment) c) CEF (Connecting Europe Facilities) d) All of the above
What is advantage of the grant agreement to the Commission decision?
Grant agreements are enforceable outside of the EU too, while Commission decisions are not.
Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
Commissioner x Budget and Administration
Johannes Hahn AT
What is the role of the Ombudsman?
a) Deals with concerns about transparency b) Preventing harassment in the EU administration c) Strengthen revolving door rules in the EU institutions d) All of the above
Who approves the MFF?
Which statement is correct?
c) The Court of Auditors shall examine the executive agency's accounts
Where is the European Banking Authority is based?
What is the ERC?
Civil Protection and European Emergency Response Centre
What is ESA?
The Euratom Supply Agency ensures a regular and diversified supply of nuclear fuels to EU users. It provides nuclear research and training to improve nuclear safety, security and radiation protection.
Which country entered the Eurozone in 2015?
What does an executive agency do?
It manages programs.
For how long is the MFF planning?
7 years.

Which one of these is NOT part of the EU "four freedoms"? a) Freedom of movement of migrants b) Freedom of movement of goods c) Freedom of movement of services d) Freedom of movement of capital

a) Freedom of movement of migrant

Commissioner x Agriculture
Janusz Wojciechowski PL
What is the Data protection directive?
Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.
How many official languages does the EU have?
What does the Ombudsman do?
Investigates maladministration by EU bodies, investigates complaints against EU institutions, bodies and agencies: administrative irregularities, unfairness, discrimination, abuse of power, failure to respond, refusal of information or undue delay.
You work for the European Commission and you receive a so—called initial application to access some documents. The applicant is a person of Canadian nationality who asks for documents for his company, which has been registered in Italy. What do you do?
After the registration of the application, I have 15 working days to grant access to the document and provide an access to it, or, in a written reply, I have to state the reasons for the total or partial refusal and inform the applicant, that he has the right to make a confirmatory application. In exceptional cases, the time limit can be extended by 15 working days but the applicant shall be informed about the reasons.
What are the 5 ESIFs?
ERDF - European Regional Development Fund. ESF - European Social Fund. CF - Cohesion Fund. EAFRD - European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development. EMFF - European Maritime & Fisheries Fund.
The security and Defence Committee is a Committee at
a) The European Parliament
What is an opinion?
An Opinion is an instrument that allows the EU institutions to make a statement, without imposing legal obligations on the addressee. It is not binding.
How is the procedure called to address one single member state with an item?
b) décision
What is the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development?
The 2030 Agenda is an action plan for people, the planet and their prosperity. It sets out 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 targets to build on the previous Millennium Development Goals to achieve what the latter could not.
Where are the EA of the EC based?
c) Brussels and Luxembourg
What is EISMEA?
European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA)
The EU was craeted by which Treaty?
The Maastricht Treaty (1992-1993)/
As a rule, the preparation of which of the following development project documents are not responsibility of the Commission?
a) Annual operating plan (implementing partners responsability)
What does COSME programme support?
b) Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
In general, who is responsible to prepare pre-feasibility studies and feasibility studies of development projects?
b) The implementing partners
Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotionations
Horizon Europe is the
a) 9th Framework programme for Research and Innovation
Research Executive Agency
How many DGs does the EC have?
When the audit of a project could happen?
b) It can be audited even after the project clousure, up to two years
Which among the programs below are shared managed?
DG DEVCO (now DG INTPA) does not apply shared management.
What is the CFSP?
Common foreign and security policy (CFSP)
What timespan are the EA established for?
a) For the duration of the programme they are implementing
Who is responsible of the functioning of the agencies?
Executive agencies are managed by a director and a steering committee.
Porgrammes managed by HADEA?
EU 4 Health programme Horizon Europe Pillar 2 Single market programme Digital Europe Programme CEF
Who are the leaders of the EU?
President of the European Council - Charles Michel - as of 1 December 2019 President of the European Commission - Ursula von der Leyen - since December 1, 2019 President of the European Parliament - Roberta Metsola - since January 17, 2022
What is IPA II?
Instrument for pre-accession assistance
How does shared management work?
The EC and national authorities share the administration. The European Union, especially in the framework of EU funding (ERDF, ESF, etc.), entrusts the management of certain programs to the authorities of its Member States. Management is shared between the EU and the Member State according to the principle of subsidiarity. About 80 % of the EU funding is managed under programmes jointly administered by the EC and national authorities in EU countries. The Commission plays a supervisory role by satisfying itself that the arrangements governing the management and control system are compliant. It does so by verifying the effective functioning of this system and making financial corrections, where necessary.
Porgrammes managed by ERCEA ?
Horizon europe programme
INEA is responsible for managing the Connecting Europe Facility Funds. What types of projects are covered by its calls on Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)?
Transport and IT. Is responsible for managing the Connecting Europe Facility Funds. Providing Union financial assistance to trans-European networks in order to support projects of common interest in the sectors of transport, telecommunications and energy infrastructures and to exploit potential synergies between those sectors. INEA's main objective is to increase the efficiency of the technical and financial management of the programmes it manages.
How do we call the proposal made by the Commission in a specific area?
White Paper.
What is the only legal act binding the European Commission and the Signatory?
B) Decision
What are the principles of shared management?
Sound financial management, transparency, non-discrimination.
Commissioner x International Partnerships
Jutta Urpilainen FI
What is a principle of EU Data Protection?
a) Lawfulness, fairness and transparency b) Purpose limitations c) Data minimisation d) All of the above (+Accuracy, Storage limitation, Integrity and confidentiallity)
Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
What is direct management?
Here, projects are carried on under the unique management of the EC (or representative agencies). The Commission (i.e. its services at headquarters or in EU delegations, or an EU executive agency) selects beneficiaries (manages the procurement and grant procedures leading up to the conclusion of these contracts, including award and rejection decisions), is a party to the contracts with them and manages these contracts (makes payments, accepts or rejects deliverables, executes the contract, carries out checks and controls, recovers funds unduly paid). Budget support is always implemented under direct management.
Country Strategy Papers are not drawn up for
b) Turkey (Cyprus and Malta too)
What is the biggest part/heading of the EU’s 2021-2027 budget?
Cohesion, resilience and values (€1203billion); natural resources and the environment (€419billion); single market, innovation and digital (€161 billion)
You work for the EC and you received a so-called initial application to access some documents. The applicant is a person of Canadian nationality who ask for documetns for his company, which has been registered in Italy. What do you do?
c) After the registration of the application, I have 15 working days to grant access to the document and provide an access to it, or, in a written reply, I have to state the reasons for the total or partial refusal and inform the applicant, that he has the right to make a confirmatory application. In exceptional cases, the time limit can be extended by 15 working days but hte applicant shall be informed about the
When shall the commission cover 100% of the costs (grants)?
In the field of external aid.
Climate Action
What is an implementing act?
Implementing acts are legally binding acts that allow the Commission - under the supervision of committees composed of representatives of EU countries - to set conditions ensuring the uniform application of EU legislation.
As a rule, which procedure is used by the EC when adopting financing decisions on developement projects?
Written procedure.
What is not a data protection principle?
Transferring data in areas where there is not comparable level of protection.
What kind of agency is responsible to coordinate the national nuclear research programmes?
c) EURATOM, agencies and bodies
Choose the INCORRECT answer concerning public access to sensitive documents
b) The sensitive documents are not accessible for the public, but they are fully accessible for the staff of an EC institution
Under Horizon Europe there will be simpler rules such as
a) stable funding rates b) more dissemination of reaserch result c) further simplification of funding model d) All of the above
What is the task of descentralized Agencies and where are they situated?
a) Decentralized agencies contribute to the implementation of EU policies. Decentralized agencies are set up for an indefinite period and are located across the EU.
What are the principles of budget management?
The Union's budget is based on nine main principles: a. Unity b. Budgetary truth c. Annuality d. Balance e. The monetary unit (the euro) f. Universality g. Specialty (each credit is allocated to a particular type of expenditure) h. Sound financial management (economy, efficiency and effectiveness) i. Transparency
Who adopts the EU budget?
The European Commission prepares a budget proposal. The Council of the EU and the European Parliament then put forward their respective positions on the budget and vote on it = adopt it, equally important. If there is a disagreement a conciliation committee is convened.
Mobility and Transport
What is the MFF?
Multi-Annual Financial Framework. A framework to mark the ceiling for the annual budgets on what policy areas of the EU can spend.
What is an executive agency?
Executive agencies are set up by the European Commission for a specific period of time to manage one or more EU programs. The Commission delegates powers for the implementation, on its behalf and under its responsibility, of all or part of Union programmes. These agencies help the European Commission to manage EU programs. They must be established in Brussels or Luxembourg, where the Commission has its headquarters.
What is the period of application for Regional Aid?
Aid could be grated before 31 December 2020.
Commissioner x Economy
Paolo Gentiloni IT
In general, who manages the main tasks during the formulation stage of external aid projects?
Agriculture and Rural Development
What is EAFRD?
European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD)
What doest a project of common interest mean in the framework of the CEF?
d) pre-identified projects
What is the current period of the European MFF?
2021 - 2027.
What cannot be counted as administrative cost in the EU budget?
Administrative costs are necessary for the EU institutions to carry out their duties, including human resources (salaries, allowances and pensions), which accounts for the biggest share of spending in this policy cluster, in addition to expenditure on buildings, equipment, energy, communications and information technology.
You made a confirmatory application to access a very long document with a European Institution. Your application has been acknowledged and registered 16 working days ago, but you havent received any written reply to your application sine then. This means that
b) The institution has refused your application and that you have the right to institute c ourt proceeding against the institution and/or make a complaint to the Ombudsman
In order to develop the Horizon Europe programme what was taken into account was
a) the interim evaluation of H2020 b) the lab-Fab-App report c) Foresight studies d) All of the above
What is not a principle of data protection?
Correct answer: in case of deceased (other options: transparency, accuracy, keeping up to date).
In how many fields is The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) responsible for programme management?
6! Explanation: The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) is responsible for the management of certain parts of the EU's funding programmes in the fields of education, culture, audiovisual, sport, citizenship and volunteering.
What is a directive?
Directives set certain results that must be achieved, but each member state is free to decide how to transpose the directives into its national law.
Economic and Financial Affairs
Who can apply for the Europe for Citizens program?
Public bodies and NGOs with legal personality.
Who are the beneficiaries of CEF?
b) Member States, international organizations, public bodies and private undertakings
Education and Culture (EAC)
What is SRSP?
Structural Reform Support Programme
What is PI?
Partnership instrument (PI)
Which of the following is NOT a measure of protecting EU funding?
a) during assessment, if you see that the implementing party is managing good, then the funding is well protected
Who manages the evaluation of the results of the country/regional and sector policies and programmes?
What does the Court of Audit do? Que fait la Cour des comptes ?
It audits EU’s finances. The European Court of Auditors monitors the proper management of the European Union (EU) budget. It is an independent institution and decides what it will audit, how and when. a. It audits EU income and expenditure to check that funds are properly collected and spent, that they are invested in a way that produces added value and that they have been accounted for. b. It audits the people and organizations that manage EU funds, including through random checks in the EU institutions (including the Commission), member states and countries receiving EU aid. c. It documents its findings and recommendations in audit reports to the European Commission and the Member States. d. It reports suspicions of fraud, corruption or other illegal activities to the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF). e. It sends an annual report to the European Parliament and the Council of the EU. The Parliament decides, after examining it, whether to approve the Commission's management of the EU budget. f. It publishes opinions prepared by experts to help policymakers better manage funds and be accountable to European citizens.
What is the role of the Agencies under Common Security and Defence Policy?
d) Agencies under Common Security and Defence Policy are set up to carry out very specific tasks under the frameowrk of the EU's Common Security Policy
Human Resources and Security
Commissioner x Innovation, Research, Culture, Education, Youth
Mariya Gabriel Bulgaria
The Steering Committee of an Agency consists of how many people?
What is EAGF?
European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF)
What are the main treaties that define the institutional framework of the EU?
The two main treaties on which the EU is based are: The Treaty on European Union (The Maastricht Treaty, effective since 1993) & The Treaty of Rome (entered into force on January 1, 1958)/
Which statement is true regarding the European Development Fund (EDF)?
b) Each EDF has its own specific Financial Regulation
What is COSME?
Competitiveness of enterprises and SMEs (COSME)
How much is the EU budget?
285 billion (2021); 170 billion (2022)
Which crisis did the Luxembourg compromise resolve in 1966?
Empty chair crisis.
Which one is NOT an European Structural and Investment Fund?
Correct answer: European asylum and migration fund
Which EU institutions are based in Luxembourg?
Court of Justice of the EU; European Court of Auditors
Who is entrusted with the financial management of the Guarantee Fund for External Actions?
The European Investment Bank EIB.
What is EGNOS and Galileo?
European satellite navigation systems
Are the EA financially independent and do they have their own operating budget?
c) Yes, the Agencies are financially independent and have their own operating budget
Can the Court of Audit audit a grant?
Commissioner x Financial Stability, Financial Service and Capital Markets Union
Mairead McGuinness IR
According to REGULATION (EC) No 1049/2001 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL regarding public access to EP, Council and Commission documents, what is the proper medium for a document?
a) Written on paper b) Stored in electronic form c) Stored as a sound, visual or electronic recording d) A, b and c are all correct

Which statement is NOT true about the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union? a) It is overseen by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights. b) It has six titles on substantive rights under the headings: dignity, freedoms, equality, solidarity, citizens' rights and justice. c) It entered into force with the Treaty of Lisbon in 2009. d) The Charter applies to the Institutions of the European Union and its member states when implementing European Union law).

a) It is overseen by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights.


Budget of the MFF 2021 - 2027?
€ 1210 billions; + Next Generation Europe (NGEU) € 806 billions 2017 billions
The 7 EU Institutions?
The European Parliament; The European Council; The Council of the European Union; The European Commission; The European Court of Justice; The European Central Bank; The European Court of Auditors/
How are experts chosen for the evaluations of projects for funding by the EC?
The EU institutions regularly publish calls for expressions of interest detailing selection criteria, required expertise, job description, duration and remuneration conditions. The Commission selects them on the basis of their expertise in relevant matters and scores against an evaluation grid (Evaluation of requirements, skills, statement of exclusivity, lack of conflict of interest, etc.). Additionally: Verify the financial and professional capacities of candidates. Selection criteria should not be discriminatory and assess that the candidate/tenderer has sufficient financial, economic, technical and professional capacity to implement the scope of the contract. Evidence to be provided: declaration on honor + documentary evidence.
Who can audit a project financed by the EU?
a) It can be outsorced to external persons or bodies b) It can be audited by the Commission's own staff c) Both of the above d) Neither of the above
What are the EU’s interinstitutional bodies?
European School of Administration, Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT), Publications Office, European Personnel Selection Office.
What are decentralised agencies?
Decentralised agencies contribute to the implementation of EU policies. They also support cooperation between the EU and national governments by pooling technical and specialist expertise from both the EU institutions and national authorities. These agencies have been set up by the EU to perform technical and scientific tasks that help the EU institutions implement policies and take decisions. They are spread across the EU.
Which statement is false regarding the Early Warning System?
a) It was introduced by the Commission at the request of the EP
What are EURATOM agencies and bodies?
These were created to support the aims of the European Atomic Energy Community Treaty (EURATOM), which are to: coordinate national nuclear research programmes for peaceful purposes, provide knowledge, infrastructure and funding for nuclear energy, ensure sufficient and secure supplies of nuclear energy
What is the frequency of regular summarty reports/updates on each project prepared by Commission Aid Task Managers?
b) Every four months
Which statement is not true about the EU Budget?
a) in order for the budget to be adopted, the unanimity of all MS is required
What is EIB?
European Investment Bank, Luxembourg.
What is the European Court of Human Rights?
The court hears applications alleging that a contracting state has breached one or more of the human rights enumerated in the Convention or its optional protocols to which a member state is a party. The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) is an international court established in 1959 by the Council of Europe (European Convention on Human Rights) to ensure compliance with the commitments entered into by the signatory states of the European Convention on Human Rights. The Court's jurisdiction extends to all matters concerning the interpretation and application of the Convention and its additional protocols. An application may be submitted to the Court by a State or "by any person, non-governmental organization or group of individuals claiming to be the victim of a violation" of his or her rights or freedoms guaranteed by the Convention.
Commissioner x Promoting the European Way of Life
Margaritis Schinas Greece
What is a recommendation?
Recommendations allow the European institutions to make their views known and to suggest a course of action, without imposing any legal obligation on their addressees. They are not binding.
What is RFCS?
Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS)
Commissioner x Competition - Europe Fit for the Digital Age
Margrethe Vestager DK Executive Vicepresident
The Court of Auditors (EAC)
a) is the independent external auditor
Who is in charge of the implementation of the MFF?
a) The European Commission
What is a Basic Act?
Directives, Regulations, Decisions. A basic act is a legal act lying down the objectives of and the rules for implementing a Union programme or action in the framework of a Union policy.
Parent DG of CINEA
7 (DG Mibility and Transport, DG energy, DG Research and Innovation, DG Regional Affairs, DG Climate, DG Maritime affairs and fisheries, DG environnement
Migration and Home Affairs
What is the new name of Marie Curie Actions?
Marie Sklodowska-Curie.
Commissioner x Trade - Economy that works for the people
Valid Dombovskis Latvia Vicepresident
Which of the following is not State Aid?
a) General measures targeting innovative mid-caps
What does the sound financial management of the EU budget include/mean?
3 Es (economy, efficiency, effectiveness) --- The principle of sound financial management states that budgetary appropriations should be used with due regard to economy, efficiency and effectiveness.
What does the principle of co-financing mean in EU programmes?
The term 'co-financing rate' refers to the contribution EU funding makes to a programme. It is expressed as a percentage of the total programme cost. Co-financing is usually subject to a maximum threshold, which is defined as a percentage of the total value of the programme, or part thereof. It means that the applicant needs to hand in enough budget and ressources himself.
Descentralised management
a) Is only used in external actions field
What is a delegated act?
Delegated acts are legally binding acts that allow the Commission to supplement or amend non-essential elements of EU legislative acts, for example to define detailed measures. The Commission adopts the delegated act, which enters into force if the Parliament and the Council do not oppose it.
Which statement is false? State Aid is excluded when:
d) There is a variation of trade between MS's smaller than 5% as a result of aid (Ther is no treshold between MS's) Effect on trade is usually present since State Aid strengthens the position of an undertaking compared with other companies competing in intra-EU trade. There is no threshold or percentage below which trade between Member States can be regarded as not having been affected. The relatively small amount of aid or the relatively small size of the recipient undertaking does not a priori mean that trade between Member States may not be affected. But the Commission has in several cases concluded, in the context of the application of State Aid rules, that activities had a purely local character and did not affect trade between Member States. (Correct: The beneficiary does not qualify as an undertaking. There are no State resources involved. There is no advantage granted)
What is IcSP?
Instrument contributing to stability and peace
The functions of the Service for Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI and/or FPIS) do NOT include: (select any that apply)
c) Overseeing OLAF during investigations of Member State fraud
Commissioner x Jobs and Social Rights
Nicolas Schmit LU
Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
Which EU institutions are based in Brussels?
EC, Council of the EU (ministers of the member states) and European Council (heads of state and government), EP / Parliamentary committees
How do we call a direct public vote on a policy issue?
What does a performance audit not examine?
b) The sustainability of project activities
What does ERCEA do?
Executive agency that implements the strategy defined by the European Research Council in the framework of H2020 research programme. The ERC's mission is to encourage the highest quality research in Europe through competitive funding and to support investigator-driven frontier research across all fields, on the basis of scientific excellence. ERCEA implements the ERC strategy as set by the Scientific Council, and is in charge of the day to day grant administration.
When was the first direct elections of the EP?
What are the principles for decision making of shared management?
a) Transparency b) Equal Treatment c) Both of the above
What is the deadline for the Authorizing Officer by Delegation to produce the annual activity report covering the previous budget year?
a) End of March
What's the name of the 2014-2020 European programme for research and innovation?
Horizon 2020.
Commissioner x Values and Transparency
Vera Jourova CZ
What is the role of the Intellectural properies (IP) initiatives and IP Helpdesk?
First-line advice and support to European SMEs and IPR matters.
What is ESF?
European Social Fund (ESF)
The EU State Aid control requiers prior notification of all new aid measures to the Commission. Member states:
b) Must wait for the Commission's decision before they can put the measure into effect
The Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (DG DEVCO) does not work toward the aim of:
d) Using development aid to secure trade agreements
How is an EU directive adopted? How is a law passed? Comment une directive européenne est-elle adoptée ? Comment une loi est-elle votée ?
A directive is a legal act of the European Union which requires member states to achieve a particular result without dictating the means of achieving that result. It can be distinguished from regulations, which are self-executing and do not require any implementing measures. Directives normally leave member states with a certain amount of leeway as to the exact rules to be adopted. Directives can be adopted by means of a variety of legislative procedures depending on their subject matter. The text of a draft directive (if subject to the co-decision process, as contentious matters usually are) is prepared by the Commission after consultation with its own and national experts. The draft is presented to the Parliament and the Council—composed of relevant ministers of member governments, initially for evaluation and comment then subsequently for approval or rejection. Most EU laws are adopted using the ordinary legislative procedure, in which the European Parliament (directly elected) and the Council of the EU (representatives of the 28 EU countries) have equal say. The Commission submits a legislative proposal to the Parliament and Council, who must agree on the text in order for it to become EU law.
What does EFTA stand for?
b) The European Free Trade Association (Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway)
The EEAS was established by which EU Treaty?
a) Treaty of Lisbon (Although launched 1st January 2011)
What is EIDHR?
European instrument for democracy and human rights (EIDHR)
European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations
Parents DG of REA
6: DG Research and innovation, DG Education and culture, DG Comm Networks DG agri and rural dvp, DG for internal market, industry and SME, DG for migration and home affairs
What is COREPER?
c) A Council Working Group where MS representatives prepare and negotiate on behalf of their Ministers in advance of the Council meetings
Which management mode is not used for development cooperation?
Shared management.
International Partnerships.
Which is not a Horizon 2020 section?
Improving Growth and Jobs.
How is the MFF decided?
The council, acting in accordance with a special legislative procedure, must unanimously adopt the MFF Regulation after having obtained the consent of Parliament.
Who manages the evaluation of the results of country/regional and sector policies and program?
You want to access a document of the Commission and you have sent your application (initial application), which was registered and acknowledged by the Commission 16 working days ago. You haven't received any written reply to your application since then. What is your next step in this case to have access to this document?
I am entitled to make a confirmatory application. 1. An application for access to a document shall be handled promptly. An acknowledgement of receipt shall be sent to the applicant. Within 15 working days from registration of the application, the institution shall either grant access to the document requested and provide access within that period or, in a written reply, state the reasons for the total or partial refusal and inform the applicant of his or her right to make a confirmatory application Failure by the institution to reply within the prescribed time-limit shall entitle the applicant to make a confirmatory application. Failure by the institution to reply within the prescribed time limit shall be considered as a negative reply and entitle the applicant to institute court proceedings against the institution and/or make a complaint to the Ombudsman, under the relevant provisions of the EC Treaty.
What is FEAD?
Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD)
What will the new Erasmus+ Sport action support?
Grassroots projects and cross-boarder challenges, such as combating match-fixing, doping, violence, racism.
What is the name of the Commission programme by which financial support if provided to the partner Government's Sector Programm?
a) Sector Policy Support Program (SPSP)
What is the composition of the EC?
c) Individuals who are nominated by the President of the Commission and MS and approved by MS and the EP /
Commissioner x Foreign Affairs and Securtiy Policy
Josep Borell ES
What is State aid?
European Union rules on State aid were put in place to ensure that state-owned resources are not deployed to distort competition or create unfair advantage in the European single market. State aid is an advantage given by a government that may provide a company with an unfair competitive edge over its commercial rivals. Such State aid can be delivered in a variety of ways, such as through the allocation of grant subsidies, the provision of interest and tax relief, or the purchasing of goods and services on preferential terms. EU rules generally prohibit state aid unless it can be justified under certain circumstances related to general economic development. The Commission is charged with ensuring that State aid rules are applied and observed equally across all the Member States. The EU's operational programmes for regional development are subject to these State aid rules.
Which EU institutions are based in Frankfurt?
What are the different management modes?
Direct management (Commission manages the funds directly). Indirect management (management by a third country / international organization / development agency of one of the member states). Shared management (shared management between the EU and the Member States).
Programmes managed by CINEA?
CEF Horizon Europe Life programme Innovation Fund Just transition programme European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund Renewable Energy Financing Mechanism
Who is involved in the ordinary legislative procedure?
a) The EC, the EP and CoEU
Justice and Consumers
What is the official title currently held by the head of the European External Action Service (EEAS)?
c) High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
What is ISA2?
Interoperability solutions and common frameworks for European public administrations, businesses and citizens
Which statement is true?
a) The objective of an audit is for an auditor to evaluate or measure a subject that is the responsibility of another party against identified suitable criteria b) The objective of an audit is to express a conclusion about a certain subject that provides the intended user with a level of assurance about that subject c) Both answer 1 and 2 are correct
What is indirect management?
Implementation entrusted to national authorities or development agencies of EU countries.
Commissioner x Interinstitutional Relations and Forsight
Maros Sefcovic Slovakia
What does the EU decision making look like?
European Commission proposes, Council and Parliament adopt.
What are the institutions involved in the EU Budget?
a) European Commission, The European Parliament and the Council of the European Union
What is ENI?
European neighbourhood instrument
What's new in Horizon Europe?
a) European Innovation Council b) Open Science Policy c) New approach to partnerships d) All of the above
Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union
What is EFF?
European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF)
What is decentralised management? Qu'est-ce que la gestion décentralisée ?
It is only used in external actions field. Explanation: In the external actions field, budget appropriations may be managed either on a centralised basis or a decentralised basis by the beneficiary third country (sometimes jointly with international organisations). When the Commission implements the budget by decentralised management, implementation tasks are delegated to third countries.
Which countries can apply for EU funding?
Depending This will depend on the program, defined in the call for proposals/call for tenders: EU members, Overseas Countries and Territories (OCT), Associated Countries (AC), others. Except those clearly excluded.
What will the new Erasmus + Sport action support?
c) Grassroots projects and cross-border challenges, such as combating match-fixing, doping, violence and racism
What is the difference between a commitment and a payment?
Commitments are the cumulative value of contracts that the European Union is authorized to make in a given year (~estimations) and to provide certain amounts of funding for specific activities. Payments are the amounts that are actually available to the EU budget for the year in question.
Choose the INCORRECT answer concerning public access to EP, C and C documents
d) If a document is easily accessible to the applicant, the institution does not have to formally answer the application
Executive are legally Autonomous?
b) Yes
Which one is a non-Schengen EU country?
b) Cyprus
What does EASME stand for?
Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. It is now part of EISMEA. Manages significant parts of COSME, part of the programme LIFE, Horizon 2020 and part of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund.
What is primary law?
Treaties. Primary law is the starting point for European legislation and comes from the EU treaties.
What is secondary law?
Regulations, directives, decisions, recommendations, opinions. Laying down the objectives and conditions for budget implementation.
What is the budget of Horizon Europe?
Horizon Europe is the EU’s key funding programme for research and innovation with a budget of €95.5 billion.
Which is not a Structural Fund?
c) European Fund of Startegic Investment
Name one of the general principles of EU Law
a) Intergovernmentalism b) Primary Legislation c) Proportionality (Equality, Legal Certainity, Non-retroactivity, Legitimate Expectaion and Human (or fundamental) rights) d) Qualified Majority Voting
What are the principles of cohesion policy?
Cohesion policy is based on four main principles: a. Concentration b. Programming c. Partnership d. Additionality
From where does the EU has its budget from?
a) VAT-based resources b) Customs duties on imports from outside of the EU c) GNI-based resources d) All of the above
How many old programmes does Erasmus + replace?
7 Programmes: - Lifelong Learning Programme - Youth in Action - Erasmus Mundus - Tempus - Alfa - Edulink - Programme for cooperation with industrialised countries
How many types of EU agencies exist?
EU agencies are distinct bodies from the EU institutions and separate legal entities set up to perform specific tasks under EU law. There are 5 type of European Union Agencies.
Which one is not an EU funded programme?
a) World Food Programme
What are the three main EU institutions involved in decision-making?
The European Parliament, which represents and is directly elected by the citizens of the EU; The Council of the EU, which represents the governments of the different member countries. The Presidency of the Council is shared by the member states on a rotating basis. The European Commission, which represents the interests of the Union as a whole.
Are the Agencies dependent of the Commission?
d) The Agencies are only partially dependent on the Commission (in political and budgetary terms only)
What are the ESIF?
European Structural and Investment Funds are jointly managed by the EC and the Member states. The European Structural and Investment Funds are the European Union's main way of investing in 'smart, sustainable and inclusive' growth in its member states. We distribute these funds to lead partners, such as policy directorates, agencies and local authorities, who distribute the funding between individual projects and organisations.
In a shared management the EU implements the budget together with who?
The member states.
What are the 4 pillars of Horizon Europe?
PILLAR 1: The Excellent Science Pillar aims to increase the EU’s global scientific competitiveness. It supports frontier research projects driven by top researchers through the European Research Council, funds fellowships for experienced researchers, doctoral training networks and exchanges through Marie -Curie Actions, and invests in world-class research infrastructures. PILLAR 2: The Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness Pillar supports research relating to societal challenges and reinforces technological and industrial capacities through clusters. It sets ambitious goals for EU missions. It also includes the Joint Research Centre PILLAR 3: The Innovative Europe Pillar aims to make Europe a frontrunner in market-creating innovation via the European Innovation Council. It also helps to develop the overall EU innovation landscape through the European Institute of Innovation and Technology which fosters integration of the knowledge triangle of education, research and innovation. PILLAR 4: Widening Participation and Strengthening the European Research Area (ERA) by increasing support to the EU Member States in their efforts to make the most of their national research and innovation potential, fostering closer collaborations and spreading excellence.
Taxation and Customs Union
What is EPSO and what does it do?
The European Personnel Selection Office is responsible for the selection of staff working for the institutions and agencies of the European Union, including the European Parliament, the European Council, the European Commission, the European Court of Justice, the Court of Auditors, the European External Action Service, the Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the Regions and the European Ombudsman.
What is the EU’s jurisprudence?
The Court of Justice of the European Union as the guardian of EU Law ensures that, in the interpretation and application of the Treaties, the law is observed. The Court of Justice also provides interpretations of Union law when so requested by national judges.
Joint Research Centre
We can state with regards to EU's agriculture policy that
a) It is run by shared management b) It is common policy for all the countries in the EU c) It is also called CAP (Common Agriculture Policy) d) All of the Above
What is ITER?
d) It is an energy project
Communications Networks, Content and Technology
What was the predecesor of H2020?
a) Seventh Framework Programme
What of the following is a Europe 2030 energy goal?
a) 55% cut in greenhouse gas emissions compared to 1990 levels and 40% renewable energy sources in the EU’s overall energy mix by 2030
What is the ECB?
The European Central Bank (ECB) is the central bank of the 19 European Union countries which have adopted the euro. The ECB is responsible for issuing the euro, defining the single monetary policy of the countries in the euro zone and taking the decisions necessary to implement it. Its main mission is to maintain the purchasing power of the euro, and therefore price stability in the euro zone. The financial crisis of 2007-2008 changed the situation and forced the ECB to assume a financial stabilization objective.
Horizon Europe is running between
According to the ADM, DG DEVCO's policy is that external audits are primarly conducted by…
c) Professional audit firms
Which is NOT a Basic Act?
What does an Executive Agency not do?
Discuss strategy and policy objectives/advice with Member States.
How many EAs does the EC have?
Who can send a complaint to the Ombudsman?
a) A Beneficiary of an EU funded project against an EU Institution
What are the 6 priorities of the EC?
- A European Green Deal - A Europe fit for the digital age - An economy that works for people - A stronger Europe in the World - Promotinh our European way of life - A new push for European democracy
What are the policy areas of the EU's green deal? Quels sont les domaines politiques du pacte vert de l'UE ?
1. Biodiversity / Measures to protect our fragile ecosystem 2. From Farm to Fork / Ways to ensure more sustainable food systems 3. Sustainable agriculture / Sustainability in EU agriculture and rural areas thanks to the common agricultural policy (CAP) 4. Clean energy 5. Sustainable industry / Ways to ensure more sustainable, more environmentally-respectful production cycles 6. Building and renovating / The need for a cleaner construction sector 7. Sustainable mobility / Promoting more sustainable means of transport 8. Eliminating pollution / Measures to cut pollution rapidly and efficiently 9. Climate action / Making the EU climate neutral by 2050
Who appoints the Internal Auditors?
d) The Commission
What happens if the EP and Council disagree on the draft budget?
A specific conciliation committee is convened.
What is the biggest part/heading of the EU budget 2014-2020?
Smart & inclusive growth.
After which European Institution's appoval is the Budget considered final and adopted?
b) The European Council and the EP
Where are EU institutions located?
Bruxelles, Luxembourg, Strasbourg, Frankfurt/
Which aid is compartible with the Internal Market?
Aid to interventions (Art. 107(2) TFEU).
What are the Millenium Development Goals?
The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were eight international development goals for the year 2015 that had been established following the Millennium Summit of the United Nations in 2000, following the adoption of the United Nations Millennium Declaration. All 191 United Nations member states at that time, and at least 22 international organizations, committed to help achieve the following Millennium Development Goals by 2015: 1. To eradicate extreme poverty and hunger 2. To achieve universal primary education 3. To promote gender equality and empower women 4. To reduce child mortality 5. To improve maternal health 6. To combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases 7. To ensure environmental sustainability 8. To develop a global partnership for development
What is ITER?
International thermonuclear experimental reactor
What is a decision?
Decisions are European laws relating to specific cases and addressed to one or more Member States, to companies or to individuals. They are binding for those to whom they are addressed.
What is not a EU institution?
d) Cour européenne des droits de l'homme/
What financial instruments are used in shared management with member states?
The structural and investment funds. About 80% of the general EU budget is implemented under shared management, in particular in the structural funds and the common agricultural policy. DG DEVCO (now DG INTPA) does not apply shared management.
How is the principle called that regulates the responsibility of EU level and Member States level?
Principle of subsidiarity.
What is the LIFE programme?
The LIFE programme is the EU's funding instrument for the environment and climate action created in 1992.
Where is the legal basis for the Commission procurement laid down?
In the Financial Regulation and in its Rules of Application.
Health and Food Safety
International Cooperation and Development - Now DG INTPA
Regional and Ubran Policy
You receive a letter from a grant beneficiary in your capacity as an EC project officer. What is your reply deadline?
15 days. The EU institutions are obliged to respond within 15 working days. In exceptional cases, for example when you request a large number of documents, an extension of 15 additional working days may be applied to your request.
Today, responsibility for evaluation of development projects during the Programming phase lies with:
a) Directorate-General for International Coooperation and Development (DG-DEVCO) b) The EEAS and FPIS (European External Action Service and Service for Foreign Policy Instruments) c) All of the above
Which EU institutions are based in Strasbourg?
The Council of Europe, The European Parliament, The European Court of Human Rights, The European Youth Centre or the European Pharmacopoeia. The European Science Foundation.
Porgrammes managed by EACEA?
Creative Europe Erasmus + European Solidarity Corps Eurydice Network Youth wiki
Commissioner x Energy
Kadri Simson Estonia
What is a false statement on the 'European Charter of Fundamental Rights'?
a) It became legally binding with the Lisbon Treaty b) It entered into force on 1st December 2009 c) Hungary had an opt-out option, a special protocol (yes to Polish, Czech and British, althou) d) There is a Fundamental Rights Agency as well
What is the purpose of the Stability and Growth Pact?
Fiscal moderation.
What are the spending areas of the MFF?
1. Single market, innovation and digitial (161B€) 2. Cohesion, resilience and values (1203B€) 3. Natural resources and the environment (419B€) 4. Migration and border control (25,7B€) 5. Security and defence (14,9B€) 6. Neighbourhood and the world (110B€) 7. European public administation (82,5B€)
Before rejection, what happens if the Parliament and the Council disagrees on the draft budget?
c) A specific Conciliation Committee is convended
You want to access to a Commission document, but your initial application has been partially refused. What are your options?
a) I have 15 working days having received the Commission's reply to make a confirmatory application asking the Commission to reconsider its position
What is the advantage of the EA?
d) They work efficiently for a lower cost
What is the EIT?
The European Institute for Innovation and Technology is an independent EU body that promotes research, innovation and entrepreneurship with one simple idea: through diversity, there is strength.. It was created by the European Union in 2008 to strengthen Europe's innovation capacity. The EIT is an integral part of Horizon 2020, the European Union's framework program for research and innovation. The EIT brings together leading higher education institutions, research labs and companies to form dynamic cross-border partnerships
The Lisbon Treaty entered into force on…?
a) 1 December 2009 /
What is EUAV?
European voluntary humanitarian aid corps EU aid volunteers
Commissioner x Crisis Management
Janez Lenarcic Slovenia
How frequently does the DG Budget prepare balances of amounts outstanding and still due to the EC?
Every Three Months
What is the role of the EEAS?
The European External Action Service (EEAS) is the EU's diplomatic service. It aims to make EU foreign policy more coherent and effective, thus increasing Europe's global influence. The EEAS is the EU's diplomatic service. It aims to make EU foreign policy more coherent and effective, thus increasing Europe's global influence.
What is the EIC?
The European Innovation Council aims to identify and support breakthrough technologies and game changing innovations to create new markets and scale up internationally. The EIC is a key novelty of Horizon Europe and represents the most ambitious innovation initiative that Europe has taken, with a budget of €10 billion for the period 2021-2027 and funding opportunities worth more than €1.5 billion in 2021 only!
What is EGF?
European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF)
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