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Dose ADT

Matching drug names with dose adt.

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PROMETHAZINE (Phenergan) dose adt
12.5-25mg (undiluted) deep IM injection,IV: 6.25-25 mg slow IV (dilute in 9 mL of NaCl and give 25 mg or less over 10-15 min)
DIAZEPAM (Valium)cardio dose adt
cardioversion: 5- 15 mg IV over 5-10 M prior to cardioversion.
OXYGEN dose adt
Cardiac arrest and Carbon Monoxide poisoning: 100%. Hypoxemia: 10-15 L/ min. vía non-rebreather. COPD: 0-2 L/ min. via nasal cannula or 28-35% venturi mask. Be prepared to provide ventilatory support if higher concentrations of oxygen needed.
Brady-C- 1mg IV 3-5 M as needed to a max total dose of 3mg
VECURONIUM (Norcuron) dose adt
Neuromuscular Blockade Adults, adolescents, and children >10 years: 80-100 mcg/kg IV; reconstitute by adding 10 or 20 mL of bacteriostatic water for injection to 10 or 20 mg, respectively, to give a parenteral solution containing 1 mg/ml Rapid Sequence Intubation Adults - 0.1-02 mg/kg IV/IO
HYDROMORPHONE (Dilaudid) dose adt
1-2 mg SC/IM or slow IV every 6 H. titrate to pain relief
GLUCAGON hyperglcemia dose adt
1 mg IM/IN. Repeat 15 M if glucose remains <70 mg/dl 1-5mg IV/IO/IM titrated to effect
Hydrocortisone: 2 mg./kg. IV bolus to maximum of 100 mg.. Methylprednisolone: 2 mg./kg/ IV bolus to maximum of 125 mg.; 125 mg.
EPINEPHRINE cardiac dose adt
1mg IV push 1:10,000 every 3-5M
HYDROXOCOBALAMIN (Vitamin B 12) dose adt
5G IV over 15M poss repeat
ADENOSINE (Adenocard) dose adt
Adult: 6 mg over 1-3 seconds; If no response after 1-2 M, administer 12 mg over 1-3 seconds, Maximum total dose = 18 mgs.
ONDANSETRON (Zofran) dose adt
4-8 mg IV or PO
DIPHENHYDRAMINE (Benadryl) dose adt
25 - 50 mg IM or IV or P.O.
FLUMAZENIL (Romazicon) dose adt
0.52mg IV over 15S, 0.3mg IV over 30S, 0.5 mg IV over 30S every 1M max dose of 3 mg
MANNITOL 20% dose adt
0.50g - 2 g / kg IV infusion over 15-30 M; may repeat after 5 M if no effect.
: 500-1000 mg of 10% solution slow IV over 5M; repeat in 10 M (max 1 gm dose)
0.1 mg/kg to a maximum of 10 mg IV/IM/SC
KETAMINE (Ketalar) delerium dose adt
4mg/kg IM only
DIAZEPAM (Valium) seizure dose adt
seizure 5-10 mg IV q 10-15 M prn (5 mg over 5 min.) (max dose 30 mgs)
DOPAMINE (Inotropin) Beta-andregenic dose adt
4- 20 mcg / kg / M +chrno+inno
KETOROLAC (Toradol) dose adt
IM: 60 mg (for Pt. <65 YO);30 mg for Pt. >65 YO, have renal impairment, and/or weigh less than 50 kg IV: 30 mg over 1M ( <65 YO);15 mg for Pt. >65 years of age, have renal impairment, and/or weigh less than 50 kg
LORAZEPAM (Ativan) dose adt
2-4 mg slow IV at 2 mg / M or IM; may repeat in 15-20 M to max of 8 mg. sedation: 0.05 mg/kg up to 4 mg IM.
Loading dose: 80 units/kg IV; maintenance dose: 18 units/kg/H IV.
11.25 mg (0.5 ml) Dilute 0.5 ml solution for inhalation with 2.5 ml normal saline in nebulizer
Seizures of eclampsia: 2-4 gm IV over 5 M. Torsades de Pointes, Refractory VF/VT: 2-4 grams IV over 5 M. Known hypomagnesemia 2-4 grams IV over 5 M. For Bronchospasm: 2-4 gm IV in 100ml of NS over 20 M
Tablets: 0.4 mg SL; may repeat in 3-5 M to maximum of 3 doses. NTG spray: 0.4 mg under the tongue; for APE with HTN 1-2 sprays, may repeat in 3-5 M IV infusion with no prior NTG and SBP >160: 400 mcg bolus then infusion at 100 mcg/min; titrate infusion by 25 mcg/min q 3-5 min to dyspnea resolution IV infusion with prior NTG and SBP >160: 100 mcg/min infusion; titrate infusion by 25 mcg/min q 3-5 min to dyspnea resolution
PRALIDOXIME CHLORIDE (2-PAM, Protopam) dose adt
Initial dose of 1-2 grams as an IV infusion with 100 ml saline over 15-30 M
GLUCOSE -ORAL dose adt
1 tube 17 -25g
HALOPERIDOL (Haldol) dose adt
5mg IM
GLUCAGON beta blcker OD dose adt
1-5mg IM/IN/IO titrated to effect
Amyl Nitrate breath 30S out of every M IV per antidote kit directions.
THIAMINE (Vitamin B1) dose adt
100 mg slow IV or IM
NOREPINEPHRINE (Levophed) dose adt
0.1-0.5 mcg/kg/min titrating to a BP of 90 systolic.
AMIODARONE (Cordarone) dose adt VF/PVT
VF/PVT 300 mg IV Push, diluted in 14 ml NS/RPT150mg in 7ml NS
ROCURONIUM (Zemuron) dose adt
0.6-1.2 mg/kg IV
SUCCINYLCHOLINE (Anectine) dose adt
1-2 mg/kg rapid IV. Repeat once if needed
VASOPRESSIN (Pitressin) dose adt
Adt: Ventricular fibrillation/cardiac arrest: 40 units IV/IO push; may replace either first or second dose of epinephrine Vasodilatory shock: Continuous infusion of 0.02-0.04 unit/min
DEXAMETHASONE (Decadron) dose adt
10-100 mg IV (1 mg/kg slow IV bolus) as per Medical Control
KETAMINE (Ketalar) pain dose adt
0.3-0.5 mg/kg IV, may repeat IV dose once in 10 M or 1 mg/kg IM/IN, may repeat IM/IN dose once in 20 M.
ETOMIDATE (Amidate) dose adt
0.2–0.6 mg/kg IV (typical adult dose is 20mg)
MIDAZOLAM (Versed) dose adt
2-6 mg slow IV/IO/IM (may be repeated to total maximum: 0.1 mg/kg), 10mg IN,0.5 – 2 mg IV/IO/IM/IN max 0.1 mg/kg,0.05 mg/kg IV/IO max 5mg. Repeat in 5-10 at half original dose x 2. Max 10mg
1 mEq / kg IV; may repeat with 0.5 mEq / kg every 10 M.
1-2 gm/kg PO or via NGT
PROCAINAMIDE (Pronestyl) dose adt
20-30 mg/min; maximum total dose is 17 mg/kg.
DOPAMINE (Inotropin) dopaminergic dose adt
2-4 mcg / kg / M dialts kidney
KETAMINE (Ketalar) RSI dose adt
2mg/kg IV Analgesia and sedation for intubated Pt.: 1-2mg/kg IV every 30-45min
For CHF/PE; HTN Paste: Apply 1 inch, cover with plastic wrap and secure with tape.
METOPROLOL (Lopressor) dose adt
5 mg over 1- 2 M slow IVP (Medical Control Option) May repeat every 5 M to a maximum of 15mg
Ophthalmic Solution: Instill 1-2 drops
EPINEPHRINE allergic dose adt
0.3mg 1:1,000
NALOXONE (Narcan) dose adt
0.4 - 2.0 mg IV, IM, SC, Nasal via atomizer); min. recommended = 2.0 mg repeat at 5 M intervals to 10 mg maximum dose. (Medical Control may request higher amounts). Infusion: 2 mg in 500 ml of D5W (4 mcg/ml), infuse at 0.4 mg / hr. (100 ml/H).
PANCURONIUM (Pavulon) dose adt
0.04-0.1 mg/kg slow IV; repeat q 30-60 min prn
TRANEXAMIC ACID (TXA, Cyklokapron) dose adt
1000 mg in 100mL of NS infused over 10 M
MEPERIDINE (Demerol) dose adt
50-100 mg IM, SC or 25 - 50 mg slowly IV.
IPRATROPIUM BROMIDE (Atrovent) dose adt
0.5mg via Neb, mixed neb solution with 2.5mg Albuterol
FUROSEMIDE (Lasix) dose adt
0.5-1.0 mg/kg injected slowly IV
DIAZEPAM (Valium) rectal dose adt
0.5 mg/kg via 2” rectal catheter and flush with 2-3 ml air after administration.
DILTIAZEM HCL (Cardizem) dose adt
0.25 mg/kg IV bolus over 2M. May rebolus at 15m .35mg/Kg over 2m
LIDOCAINE HCL (2%) dose adt
CA/ VTw/wo pulse/ VF: 1-1.5 mg/kg IV push; repeat 0.50 - 0.75 mg/kg to max of 3 mg/kg. After conversion to NSR, maintenance infusion at 2-4 mg/min.
VERAPAMIL (Isoptin) dose adt
Adt: Initial dose: 2.5-5 mg slow IV bolus over 2 min (over 3 min in older Pt.). Repeat dose: 5-10mg bolus in 15-30 min after initial dose if needed; or 5 mg bolus every 15 min until a desired response is achieved (max dose 30 mg)
FENTANYL CITRATE (Sublimaze) dose adt
Adult: 1 mcg/kg. max. 150 mcg. slow IV push.
ALBUTEROL (Proventil, Ventolin) dose adt
Administer 2.5 mg. Dilute 0.5 ml of 0.5% solution for inhalation with 2.5 ml normal saline in nebulizer and administer over 10-15 M.
ASPIRIN dose adt
162-324mg PO
AMIODARONE (Cordarone) dose adt V-TACH
V-TACH w/Pulse 150 mg in 100 ml NS over 10M
DEXTROSE dose adt
12.5-25 gr slow IV; repeat as necessary
DOPAMINE (Inotropin) Andregic dose adt
10- 20 mcg / kg /M aplpha stimlunat
ACETAMINOPHEN (Tylenol, Ofrimev) dose adt
650-1000 mg IV/PO q4 4H max 3000Mg
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