6 YO known case of congestive heart failure , present in ER with SOB after playing , HR : 200 other examination normal , ask about apportiate mangment : ⁃ iv fursamide ⁃ observation as symptom expected of ⁃ his diagnos .
60 YO male patient k/c of DM and HTN presented to ER with: neck pain and sweating for one hour. He has a previous history of recurrent chest pain which resolve spontaneously after resting. ECG done and showed non-specific ST segment and T wave changes. Troponin is normal. What is your next step? •A. Repeat troponin after 6 hours •B. Discharge the patient •C. Do stress ECG test •D. Give aspirin and nitroglycerin
a um alqura
Pediatric patient came with fever and sore throat, the tonsils were congested and he had papular lesion with erythematous base on his mouth and gingivitis: HSV EBV Coxsackie
pt from India with sign and symptoms of Meningitis , labs wbc : lymphocytes , high protein .. A- TB meningitis B-viral meningitis C-Bacterial meningitis
more info
14 y female complain of vaginal bleeding in interval of 3 weeks to 2 months, she has normal development and normal secondary features, every thing normal What to do? A- Reassure B- OCP C- Order FSH and prolactin
Elderly man presented to the ER with rigid distended abdomen prepared for laparotomy with hypotension and fever (38) X ray showed free air under diaphragm What is the best initial resuscitation option ? A- intubation and ionotropes B-Broad spectrum Abx C-Colloid via central line D-Crystalloid fluid via peripheral line
28 year old female presented following radiation of neck with neck swelling. Ultrasound showed swelling in the left lobe of the thyroid of 3x4cm of papillary thyroid cancer. Which of the following is the best management? A) Left Lobectomy B) Left Lobectomy with Isthmusectomy C) Subtotal Thyroidectomy D) Total Thyroidectomy
about child present with projectile vomiting , on abdminal examination , olive like mass , what is the mx ? Pyleromytomy
vaccination at birth? Hep B, Dtap MMR, BCG MMR, Hep B BCG
Child with viarl infection not improving with 2 inhaled saba:- 1- cough suppressant 2- leukotrine 3-ICS 4- oral beta agonist
after using PPI when to do urea test? -2weeks -4weeks
2weeks ppi
4 weeks antibiotic
pic of spherocytosis
What is the age in month of child talk 6-10 words, know 2 body parts, immature pencil grasp? A-17 B-19 C-12 D-24
(C) 1.5 yrs or 18 months . We expect 18 month’s milestones more from a 19 months old than 17 .
Condulioma lata
wart-like lesions on the genitals.
Why ACIs is Contraindicated during pregnancy : fetal anomaly Renal impairment of the fetus
Baby sit briefly, crawl , move object from hand to hand , but can't do pincer grasp , age ? A. 4 month B. 6 month C. 7 month D. 9 month
Co-morbid patient was admitted for some reason, was on salbutamol, spironolactone, aspirin, statin and metformin. K level: 2.5. What medication causes this lab finding: A- salbutamol. B- spironolactone. C- statin. D- Aspirin.
A Salbutamol reduces serum potassium levels by increasing the shift of extracellular potassium into the intracelluar space.
Case of pancreatic cyst for 5 Ws with collection was 18 cm x 24 cm how to manage? A- Percutaneous drainage B- Endoscopic drainage C- Surgical drainage
Plt were low, PT&PTT&INR all normal, high bilirubin and reticulocytes and low Hb (indicates hemolysis), creatinine was normal, your management: A.Steroids and IVIG B. Exchanged transfusion C. Platelet transfusion D. I don’t remember
Our case is Most likely TTP
Managment is
1- supportive. ( Iv fluid if indicated, correct Acid base imbalance and
electrolyte ).
2- Pex ( Plasma exchange ) and steroid.
RBCs transfusion if Hb is less or equal to 7.
Platlets transfusion only for severe bleeding or going for invasive procedure.
25 weeks pregnent ,sero-ve for rubella , when take vaccicine? A- now B- postpartum C- no need D- 3d trimester
4 months* old girl, during Pneumatic otoscope unilateral non-purulent effusion and decrease tympanic membrane motility , no fever pr other symptoms, and no hx of previous infectious diseases, breast feeding very well and no use of pacifier , What’s the best next step? - use amoxicillin tx - use of amoxicillin and clavulanate - Observe and F/U for 48hrs - Refer for ENT to evaluation for tympanostomy tube (للاسف الشديد هذا السؤال جاء نسخ لصق تكرر كثير بالاشهر الماضية وكنت اعتقد انه bad recall )
Lab technician give a result to nurse through the phone, said 2 then pause after that proceed 3 5 and the nurse wrote 2.35 but the correct one is 235, the patient had irreversible liver damage by this mistake, Cause of this condition ? A- Doctor did not check B- Lack of communication C- Technician didn’t check if the nurse got the number correctly D- Mishandling from the nurse
9 y/o pt his mom complaining about he is wetting his bed since one month. He used to be dry since 7 years. The urine is foul smelling His lab showing high wbs and turbid in colour and showed nitrate Diagnosis ? A- UTI B- normal for his age C- nocturnal enuresis
Female c/o urine leakage with cough, sneezing, exercise and with urgency. What type of incontinence does she have? A. Urge incontinence B. Stress incontinence C. Mixed incontinence D. Overflow incontinence
Patient presented with neck swelling, she is completely asymptomatic, neck US was done reveal a solid mass of 7 mm with regular margins, which of the following is the most appropriate next step? A. FNA cytology B. Thyroid scintigraphy C. Check TSH
A 4-month-old uncircumcised boy. He has low-grade fever. Many negative symptoms. He looks well and changed diaper multiple times. Temp: 39.1 Urine analysis: High WBC. Positive nitirte. Posiitve leukocyte. What is the most appropriate management? A. Oral cephalexin. B. Oral azithromycin. C. IV ceftriaxone. D. IV cefuroxime.
woman with dyspareunia and spotting fresh blood after intercourse . She had a history of warts on vulva with cryotherapy done 2 yrs back what is the site of the bleeding? a. valva b. vagina c. cervix uterus d. body of uterus
Patient smokes 20 cigarettes and vital signs show BP 140/92 Which of the following is the most considerable risk factor for MI ? A) Hypertension B) Smoking C) Age
Pediatric patient presented with generalized seizure, hypoglycemia, ketones in the urine with characteristic odor. What is the dx? A. Galactosemia. B. Phenylketonuria. C. Maple syrup urine disease. D-Fatty acid oxidation defect
Typical case of intussusception asking about next initial step: A-NPO B-NGT decompression C-Iv hydration D-Surgery
couples with infertility ask about surrogate pregnancy which not allowed in ur hospital and u are not sure wither allowed in saudi or not? A. Warn them might not be allowed in ksa. B. appointment to check yourself and then tell them. C. Referral to colleague who can help to do it.
664-10 Yo female presented with RUO.pain for one week. Associated with jaundice, vomiting and diarrhea, she has a recent Mx of eating from outside, She has no Hx of drug. Which of the following test wil contirm her infectin ? A. HAV IgM B. HAV IgG C. HBSAg D. HCV RNA
Calculate the cerberal perfusion pressure of intercerinal of 15 and mean pressure of 65: -40 -50 -60 -70
Pregnant 20 weeks with with two previous histories of preterm labor. Her current pregnancy is uneventful and her cervix is closed, cervical length is 30 mm and Positive fibronectin.
What will you do?
Immediate cerclage
Progesterone supplement
Patient came with vaginal discharge she have done CS with episiotomy 10 days ago , the obstetrician diagnosed her with UTI and described Abx , but she did not improve then she went to another obstetrician and he found infected vaginal swab , What is the medical error done by the first obstetrician? A. let the midwife assist him and depend on her B. doctor failed to follow the surgical safety protocol in the OR C. No communication between the 1st and 2nd obstetrician D. Genuine different assessment or diagnosis of patient case
Female underwent gyne surgery, massive bleeding occurred intraop and the doctor and his colleague decided she needs emergency hysterectomy to save her life What to do? A. Get consent from husband B. Do it without consent C. Ethical committee consent
RTA, GCS 8, decrease rt side air entry, intubated cervical emphysema, penumomediastinum, pneumothorax What is the Diagnosis Open or tension pneumothorax Tracheobroncial injury
Tracheobroncial injury
60 years old male patient k/c of hemorrhagic stroke 2 years ago presented to ER with crushing chest pain for 2 hours. ECG: ST elevation in lead Il, lead Ill, aVF. What is the most appropriate management? A. Aspirin B. PCI C. Unfractionated heparin D. thrombolytics
5 years old with stab wound in lower chest, has abdominal distension Fast shows free fluid in abdomen All vitals normal except O2 90 What is the most appropriate management: Thoracotomy Tube thoracostomy Expl lapratomy Angioembolization
c, badran says so shut up
4 days Post op pt of AAA with low BP despite 2L NS. BP still low. (-/40). HR normal. Periphery warm. Type of shock ? - no other parameters are given- A. Hemorrhagic B. Septic C. Anaphylactic D. Neurogenic
Patient was sympathetic + old she did Pap smear and it shows invasive lesion. Best diagnostic value? - colposcopy - biopsy
If Next step > A
Best diagnostic > B
patient female elderly with symptoms of Orthopnea SOB PND, JVP, Bilateral basal crackles. S3. what is the diagnosis A- Pulmonary edema B- MI C- Mitral regurgitation D- Right sided heart failure
C badran says so
CTG w/ prrolongrd decelation. Most appropriate to do? A) emergency CS B) hydration, reposition and assess in 20 mints
Patient presented to you with goiter and signs of hyperthyroidism and TFT was like this: TSH: LOW, T4,3: High, thyroid antibodies are negative, what is the most probable cause: Primary TSH secreting adenoma Graves disease Multinodular goiter
C because antibodies are negative
10 y old girl complain of abdominal pain since *14* days On examination you found bruises over the abdominal and asked her what is these she told you she fall from bicycle … A- ct abdomen B- us abdomen C- laparotomy D- laparoscopic
40 something year old female with menorrhagia What is you diagnosis? - endometrial polyp - submucosal fibroid
A a picture of homogynous US will come with this
36 Year old male patient diagnosed with WPW and he is on BB but still uncontrolled. What to do? A- Add CCB B- Increase the dose. C- Give amiodarone. D- Radiofrequency ablation
Case of 3 years old he has breathing hold, no inspiratory stridor and monophasic wheeze and barking cough ? A- bronchiolitis B- Tracheomalacia C- Laryngomalacia D- Bronchial asthma
47 year old lady known to have hypertension, came for clinic, what screening test to do? Pap smear Fasting blood glucose ✅ Colon cancer
she is not obese, i would go for pap smear
Pt with sjograns disease , ask what causes HYPERKALEMIA in this pt? A- RTA 1 B- RTA 2 C- RTA 3 D- RTA 4
sjogren causes RTA TYPE 1, hyperkalemia present i RTA type 4
A pregnant patient GA around 37 or 38 weeks came with labour , with contractions and cervix dilated and effaced. A picture of urinalysis showing positive ketones and Proteinuria and glucose. No vitals mentioned, the did not mention if she has gestational diabetes or not. What is the most appropriate management? A- Induction of labour B- Discharge and follow as outpatient
📝📌Note to remember
When to deliver in case of Diabetes Mellitus? (ACOG)
- At 39+0 to 39+6 weeks if well-controlled glucose levels and no vascular disease;
- At 36+0 to 38+6 weeks if poorly controlled glucose levels or vascular disease (even earlier if severity of complications warrants earlier delivery)
- Expectant management beyond 40+0 weeks is not recommended
Delivery before maternal stabilization should be avoided!!
For this patient the correct answer is to manage the DKA (by insulin and hydration) and stabilize the mother!
-> Then induction of labor after correction of her status.!!
If IV insulin and hydration in the choices I would choose it. If not? IOL
حليتها على أساس ان قصدهم من كلمه the most appropriate انه وش مفروض اسوي بعد ما اعالج ارتفاع السكر؟ هل اتركها ولا اولدها؟ والجواب توليد
والاصح طبعا اني اعالج السكر المرتفع!!
A Elderly patient with left lowr quadrant abdominal pain for few days associated with constipation and fever. What is the most appropriate next step? A- sigmoidoscopy B- colostomy with anastomoses C- explaratory laparotomy
If its diverticulitis case then CT
If volvulus then reduction by sigmoidoscopy
Ecg of hyperkalemia and the scenario mentioned the level of hyperkalemia asking about initial thing to give ? A- ca gluconate B- Insulin C- na bicarbonate
32 male patient, develop sever hypovolumic shock due to traumatic splenic injury, managed by splenectomy. In the operation he received 8 unit of blood, then transferred to the ICU. On the 3rd day he became febrile. Blood culture : positive for gram negative bacilli What is the most probable source of infection ? A- contaminated blood B- respiratory tract infection C- urinary tract infection D- from intestinal source
C Gram negative bacilli can be E.coli so UTI
Patient came with new onset of LBBB ( given dx ) what to the most appropriate next step ? ⁃ Give carvidolol ⁃ Give warfarin ⁃ Give thrombolytic ⁃ Wait for the cardiac biomarkers results
Child with Sx of tracheomalacia How to confirm the diagnosis? A) chest XR B) bronchoscopy C) Fluoroscopy
recurrent pregnancy loss in 1st. Trimester with Hx of theomebolism A- warfarin life long B- enoxaparin life long C- aspirin life long D- fandiprix life long
If pregnant or planning to get pregnant switch to enoxaprin
A doctor used the Foceps, place it in wrong position and injured the stylomastoid bone, what is the result? A.Baby cannot close his left eyes B.Loss of taste in anterior ⅔\
This Q was repeated a lot.
Stylomastoid foramen is the place where the fibers of the facial nerve passes.
Responsible for ( Taste ) of the Ant 2/3 of the tounge.
Responsible of ms that closes the eye.
The recaller may have missed some important details in the Q.
If choice B says ( Sensation ) of the tounge not the taste it will be wrong. And the answer will be A.
If The injuried foramen is the left and choice A was Right eye it will be wrong because it’s ipsilateral and answer will be B.
Or: maybe it’s not a bad recall and both are correct.
A diabetic lady presenting to the clinic asking about travelers diarrhea prophylaxis. Mild Cr Elevation, BUN is high, urea is high. What prophylaxis to give? A.Fluoroquinolones B. No need ✅ C. Probiotics D. Bismuth
If renal impairment with severe dehydration the answer is A.
Mild renal impairment is not an indication for travelers prophylaxis.
Highest risk factor for ednodemtrial ca?
untreated pcos,
40 YO female has heavy menstrual bleeding, came to the clinic and she was diagnosed as a dysfunctional uterine bleeding. what is the treatment -OCP -D&C - Hysterectomy
A The answer is OCP .. She came to clinic not ER , D&C will be the last option
38 YO female presents to the clinic after finding of hilar lymphadenopathy on CXR. She has on and off cough, but denies any fever, headache, n/v, weight loss all negative. Labs insignificant except for X-ray shows confirmed bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy CT guided biopsy shows noncaseating granuloma What is the best next step in management (They wrote “all labs were normal” and didn’t mention hypercalcemia) A. Observe B. Start prednisolone C. Start azithromycin D. Start anti TB medication
Patient with thyroid mass measuring 2*3 on one lobe, patient is asymptomatic, TSH and T4 are normal, Bethesda 4, what’s next step in management? A. Hemithyroidectomy B. Nodule excision C. Total thyroidectomy
child came post URTI 2 days ago complaining of SOB Wheezing, RR 33, HR 100, O2 90%, other vitals normal (not sure). What’s most appropriate management? A. ABx and systemic steroid B. IV fluid and ventolin C. Ventolin and systemic steroid D. ABx with something (I don’t think it was Ventolin)
Female came to ER with sign and symptoms of appendicitis, appendectomy was done , surgeon discover the appendix was normal , what surgeon should be do ? A. Tellptwhathappenedandthatwasroutineandnocomplication B. Not tell the pt C. Write report about what happened and give it to hospital committee
Child with Supracondylar fracture, he has absent pulse, Next step? A, K-wire Fixation B, Explore
First step is Urgent reduction
If Hot and warm — K wire.
If Cold and pale — Exploration.
Here the answer is A.
Pt k/z DM present with perianal painful swelling and us fever, T 38 on DR exam you found posterior fullness with mimimal discharge, Dx ? A-Abcess B-Perianal fistula C. Thromposed pile
Man come to the ER for poly Trauma and he was intubated after resuscitation admitted to the ICU what is the best approach to exclude cervical spine injury and remove neck collar? A. MRI neck B.Ap and lateral x-ray neck C. Clinical judgment D. Ct neck
scenarios about a child 2 years old with SOB and Expiratory wheeze and other respiratory symptoms he had a viral illness 2 days ago A.Respiratory monitoring for hypoxia B. Inhaled epinephrine and steroids C. Intubation and antibiotics D. SABA
Diabetes millitus Risk ratio is 0.83 among patients who drink green tea (exposed) and patients who drink black tea (unexposed). A- green tea drinkers have lower risk of dm B- black tea drinker have higher risk of dm C- getting dm among both groups is unrelated/accidental D- no different between both are the same
52 y/o , last menstrual 12 month ago..ect, What is the responsible for this condition? A- FSH B- Estradiol C- progesterone
symptoms of GERD endoscopy done and shows esophagitis. What is the initial step? a. lifestyle modification b. Nissen fundoplication c. Esophageal manometry d. Ambulatory pH monitoring
d Esophageal impedance pH testing — Patients who fail twice daily PPI therapy should also undergo esophageal pH monitoring. Esophageal pH monitoring with impedance is preferred to wireless pH capsule and the traditional pH probe, as it has the advantage of detection of non-acid in addition to acid reflux
Cold thyroid nodule 3x3 was removed by thyroid lobectomy , 8mm papillary will defined focus was found distant to the leison, what is the appropriate? A. Complete thyroidectomy B. Follow up 3 months C .RAI
If 1cm or above —> A.
Pt diagnosis with STEMI, PCI not available, and BP 178/99, what medication to give? A. ASA, streptokinase, nitro,BB B. ASA, heparin, streptokinase,BB C. ASA,nitro,BB
Answer is B.
Thrombolytic should be in choices
Heparin should be in choices.
Exculde others that doesn’t have these 2 together.
GA15 what is the laboratory change for her A- Increase 20% plasma B- Increase 40% plasma ✅🤷🏻♀️
solve by Dr.wafa previously if dosen't specify WHAT occur in 1st trimester then answer will be B .
Child with HTN, ankle and around eye edema, proteniurea, what is the most important history?
A. Recurrent UTRI
B. Abdominal trauma last week
C. Impetigo last week
Answer: A! C is incorrect, PSGN after 2 wks of URTI or 4-6 wks after impetigo!
There was lack of invelonza vaccine which most important group to give? A- school children B- pregnant women C- child with SCA
Amenorrhea for 6-7 weeks. Did pregnancy test at home and it was positive. Came now for Dating of gestation: A- US after 3-4 weeks B- Believe home pregnancy test C- Quantitative Bhcg
3 ;time 11-13wk ][ACOG ;Ultrasound measurement of the embryo or fetus in the first trimester (up to and including 13 6/7 weeks of gestation) is the most accurate method to establish or confirm gestational age.
patient who presented with signs of stroke and a CT shows subarachanoid hemorrhage. He was resuscitated but he is still hypotensive. What is the next best step? A. Craniotomy and evacuation B. Iv mannito
...32 years old male, known to have rheumatoid arthritis. He is controlled on steroids & hydroxychloroquine. Physical Exam is normal. Which is the best treatment regimen for this patient? A- Taper steroids & start Methotrexate B- Taper steroids & start ibuprofen C- continue same management D- forgot but irrelevant
Pt take 4 bags of blood then perioral tingling ANEThesia occur due to 1-citrate toxicity 2-hypocalcemia 3-hyperkalemia 4- hypomagnesemia
Patient came normocytic anemia, fever, chest pain. Blood smear showed target cells and inclusion bodies, what’s the diagnosis ? A. Gi infraction B. Lead poisoning C. Sickle cell anemia D. Infection
Pt old his regular doctor transfured to another hospital he’s upset and wants medical record and referral to his regular doctor A- Convince him that there’s equally compitant doctors B- Give report and refer him C- Refuse D- Calm him down and tell him to come tomorrow to decid
Pregnant bp 149/90 what to give ? A- Nifidepine B- Hydralazine C-Metoprolol No labetalol
Stab wound to the anterior abdomen. Vitally stable. What’s the most appropriate next step? A. DPL B. FAST C. CT abdomen D. Exploratory laparotomy “No local wound exploration”
C. CHOOSE local wound exploration if present the full choice (and not surgical exploration in the OR). You have to finish your physical examination before doing any sort of radiological or laboratory investigations or any type of intervention. If choice B was wound exploration using surgical methods in the OR, go for CT.
2 or 4 days old came to you with apnea. PE: machinery murmur + wide pulse. CXR: bilateral wet lung. Next initial treatment? A. Fluid restriction+ diuretic B. NSAID ( prostaglandins inhbitors).
31w pregnant lady complains of small and slow vaginal bleeding, shes a confirmed case of low lying placenta, A-expectant management B- Biophysical profile C- CTG D- Emergency delivery 100% sure about the choices
Child with group A strep pharyngitis. What will you do with his brother? A. Observation ✅ B. Throat culture C. Throat swab for rapid antigen test D. Antibiotics
A you give penicillin prophylaxis to Patients with a history of acute rheumatic fever
Intermenstrual bleeding for 5 days, what is the most appropriate next step? A-Us B- Bhcg C- TSH
C wafa
Abnormal kidney function ask about prophylaxix for travel diarrhea florqounolones conservative
conservative if minimal kidney disease
Pt complain of profuse discharge and tender vaginal fornix A. Acute salpingitis B. Acute cervicitis C. Appendicitis
45 years old male or female, has a mass 5 cm in right upper limb, (MRI shows a mass from triceps) what to do next? A- Incisional biopsy B- Excisional biopsy C- Core needle biopsy D- PET scan
Abdulrahman: The answer is C. In another recall, it was suggested that the mass was a sarcoma in the triceps. Core needle biopsy is the standard now to diagnose sarcoma , previously it was incisional bx. Accuracy of core needle (trucut bx) is up to 85%.
pregnant patient known HTN takes acei what to do? Stop, change
Patient DM with MI on medication but i forgat i think on Aspein and netroghlycrine HA1C 12 What is the the most important meds for Hospitalization? Sliding scale insulin Postprandial and preparndial insullin
In some studies, treatment with such a basal-bolus insulin regimen was associated with better glycemic outcomes than sliding-scale insulin
45-year-old female with depression and breast cancer, underwent mastectomy. Labs showed hypernatremia and low urine osmolality. Which of the following is the cause? A. SIADH B. Diabetes insipidus C. Psychogenic polydipsia
COPD Initial management? Smoking stop Sulbatamol inhaler
If it is on exacerbation then you go with SABA, if it is asking on maintenance and best approach outside exacerbation then you encourage the PX to stop smoking
Single artery umbilical cord, associated with: congenital anomalies Dm mother
Patient did surgery after rectal perforation after 3 days developed a spiking fever, the surgical wound is clean and no discharge, upon Digital rectal exam you found boggy mass, WBC is high, what is the most appropriate action: IV ABX Us guided drainage
B e primary treatment of anorectal abscess is surgical drainage. Once diagnosed, all perianal and perirectal abscesses should be drained promptly; lack of fluctuance should not be a reason to delay treatment. Any undrained anorectal abscess can continue to expand into adjacent spaces as well as progress to generalized systemic infection.
Pt has rest tremor but when he move to pick something the tremor gone can manifest easily finger nose test with his right hand where is the lesion ? A- Right cerebellum B- Left cerebellum C- Left basal ganglia
A male work in military training and he had hard trainings. ( بيلعب عليك انها رابدوميولسس) He presents with oliguria and multiple episodes of postural hypotension, anyways q was going towards AKI and he asked. • Which of the following would support hypotension causing AKI? • A. Fractional excretion of sodium > 2% • B. Bun/Cr >20% • C. Presence of red fragmented cell in urine
B if its rhabdomyolysis ikt would be c
Answer: C
-Urinalysis — The urinalysis is similar among patients with AKI due to either rhabdomyolysis or hemolysis. The standard urinary orthotolidine dipstick tests positive in the presence of heme from myoglobin or hemoglobin or due to red cells.
-In contrast to other forms of acute tubular necrosis (ATN), the fractional excretion of sodium is often <1 percent in patients with AKI from either hemolysis or rhabdomyolysis,
29 yo female presented with severe epigastric pain radiating to the back she’s had sleeve gastrectomy 3 months ago. Physical examination revealed epigastric tenderness. Lab, Amylase high. Stable vitals USG was negative for biliary stones but positive sludge and normal biliary ducts. Most appropriate next step? A- Ultrasound endoscopy B- Something and pyloromyotomy C- Lap Cholecystectomy D- Percutaneous Cholecystostomy
. Rapid weight loss is associated with an increased risk of gallstone formation. This question describes a patient with central abdominal pain and elevated pancreatic enzymes. US confirms presence of stones or sludge (stones and sludge behave similarly)Since there is no biliary obstruction, endoscopic US and ERCP are both not indicated.
Patient came with one episode of hematemesis. He is vitally stable. No previous history of smoking, alcohol drinking, or medical illnesses. Liver enzymes are normal. No signs of chronic liver disease. Abdominal exam is normal. Whats the cause of this pt UGIB? A. PUD B. Mallory wise C. Variceal bleeding
6 year old presented with increase lethargy, headache, sever gastroenteritis with blood Vitally stable Labs: RBC 3 low Platelets 50 low Bun 12 high Creatinine 160 high (There were more labs i forgot the rest) Urine Ketone positive Hb positive RBC 5 high Protein 2 Which of the following culture will be more diagnostic A- Stool B- Blood C- Urine D- CSF
HUS. Shigella toxin can be found in the stool.
Patient came with asthma exacerbation previously PFR was 300, which of the following indicates severe asthma? A) cannot complete sentence in one breath B) PFR less than 200
Case of patient pulled out from fire Complain of hoarseness of voice, carbonaceous sputum, crackles on auscultation. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. Inhalation injury. B. Carbon monoxide poisoning.
came with SOB , had DVT before , Cxr normal , what to give ? LMWH TPA
Need more information about the vital signs if the patient stable = LMWH
Hypotensive not stable ( TPA )
Child presented with a croup and received the usual treatment with no improvement. What is the next step A- Lateral neck X- ray B- Chest inspiration and expiration X-ray C- Visualization by laryngoscopy D- Chest CT
To summarize:
- If the patient was treated with only one dose of epinephrine, give another dose (treatment of croup)
- If no improvement after 2 doses and the scenario suggests that the patient is still deteriorating, go for direct visualization by laryngoscope (to diagnose bacterial tracheitis and therefor start antibiotics)
- If the scenario suggest that he was treated as croup, got better, then came back with drooling, go for lateral neck x-ray (to diagnose epiglottis)
40 y.o Patient 5 pack a year smoker only (100% sure it was 5 packs only). Presents with signs and symptoms of MI. ECG shows lead II,III,AVF depression. Hist vitals are: BP: 142/92 Pulse: 99 Which of the following is the most considerable risk factor in this case? A. HTN B. Smoking C. Age
50 years old female want to know the risk of her age on miscarriage? -3% -no risk -80%
A 58 years old patient known case of CKD, labs showed iron deficiency anaemia, What is the best way to manage ? A-start iron replacement B-start erythropoietin C-start him folic acid D-start iron then erythropoietin after correction of iron level
30 y/o Pregnant 30 gestation came with severe antepartum hemorrhage, CTG with deceleration, the mother BP 90/60 what is the appropriate next step: Steroids Observe CS
Pt with hf due to lt vent. dysfunction on lasix , aspirin , statin everything else normal : what med to give next ? spironolactone digoxin hydralazine
20-Pediatric age pt presented with his mom to ED she said that her child ingested large amount of paracetamol (i think) the pt was healthy no signs of any toxicity on presentation, they observed the pt for 4 hours with no any change in health no signs and symptoms of toxicity, the mom then mentioned that she found some of the drug was spilled on his clothes and in the floor, what is next? A. Reassure B. Watch for another 4 hours C. Give antidote
women with a history of insomnia and crying for S days due to sibling death, what is the quick drug to use? A- Lorazepam B-SSRI
Child pt with decreased IQ, pica (eat dirt) < they wrote it :) With Hepatosplenomegaly ! Labs showed *Hypochromic microcytic anemias. What is the highest diagnostic labs ] A- blood lead levels B- CBC with blood smear (they already do it ) C- Iron studies ??
This Q came to my exam in November. There was no Iron studies in the choices!!
I don’t remember the Q exactly but the choices were wrong except for A which is diagnostic for lead poisoning since the child is Eating dirt and have low IQ.
64 years old, male, abominal pain with bloody diarrhea O / E: left lower abominal tenderness Ct showed 2x2cm (20ml) collection in the sigmoid: 1 diagnostic laproscopy 2 expl lap 3 antibiotic and observatiom 4 us guided aspiration
Risk for GBS in the baby: A-Prom 6hrs B-Gdm mom C-preterm D-baby Twins
Protocol — With this approach, the presence of one or more of the following risk factors is used to identify patients who should receive antibiotic prophylaxis in labor to reduce the risk of having an affected infant [43-48]:
●Intrapartum fever ≥100.4°F (≥38°C)
●Delivery before 37+0 weeks of gestation
●Rupture of membranes ≥18 hours
●Previous delivery of an infant affected by GBS disease
●GBS bacteriuria in the current pregnancy
Female with history infertility and previous abortion and try IVF two time with failure , she is having multiple uterine fibroid. Which of the following will help her the most to get pregnant A- Myomectomy B- Uterine artery embolization C- Medical therapy D- GNRH to decrease the size of fibroid
Pregnant woman was on oral iron for 12weeks Still her labs IDA what you will do ?? Continue oral Iv iron Blood transfusion
Patient did proctocolectomy for UC after 12 hours fever, 110 HR, wbc 14000, did not mention source of infection A- sirs B- bacteremia C- sepsis D- severe sepsis
26 yr pt came to Er after a first episode of generalize tonic conic seizure ,labs & examination are normal ,no neurological deficit ,what to do next A.EEG B.ECG C.LP D.CT head
Cant surure from bleding above: Manual exploration Oxy Prostaglandin f2a Methylergo
10 kg child with 5% defcient how much fluid? 1100 1500 1750
Deficit (mL) = weight (kg) x % dehydration x 10
19 y male with history of headach for 5 days and neck stiffness for two days With low grade fever for one month CSF analysis Turbid Glucose normal range WBCs neut: 27 Lymph: 87 Diagnosis: A bacterial meningitis B viral meningioencephlitis C TB meningitis D fungal meningitis
سارة الشريف, [7 Dec 2022 at 9:05:58 AM]:
Answer here regarding the previous recall from dr.mohammed which misss very important point in original Q it is change in sensorium 》 This very important key for viral meningioencephlitis + Glucose normal never present with Bacteria or TB or fungal all three have low glucose.
Answer is : B
pancreatitis high amylase what is the most marker which indicate severity CRP PROCALCITONIN ESR
15 months child with severe GERD with sandifer phenomenon Most appropriate cause of his condition A/obesity B/post pertussis infection
Preterm or low birth weight will be the right answer
Which of the following is the most reliable investigation to detect DKA in DM1 patients ? acetoacetate acetone b-hydroxybutric acid c-glucose level
child with Open fracture case , Iv antibiotics and tentnus prophylaxis is giving , next step ⁃ surgical debridment followed by intramedullary nail ⁃ Close reduction with external fixation
-less than 6 month >pavlik harness ✅
-6month to 5 years > hip spica✅
-5 to 11 years > flexible titanium nail or plates✅
-more than 11 years > rigid nail✅
25 female with right lower quadrant pain suprapubic no rebound tenderness leukocytosis Us inconvlucive: Tvus Ct Dx lapro Ex lap
d amboss