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shia muslims, take over middle east in 750 with help from zoroastrians and others rule until 10/11th century (already fragmentation in 9th)

empire between 4th and 5th century in india
founder of buddhism


second indian book about war = bad but he doesn't say anything else in the book

between republic of rome and imperial rome, there's some chaos and he tries to fix that, end of civil wars but murdered :/
greek author who said alexander the great succumbed to persian luxuary (mentioned ONCE in the book)
thing written by byzantine emperor zeno where he begs people to just be friends
battle of muye
1046 BC Zhou defeats Shang, mandated by heaven
albertus magnus
french doctor who thinks christian realm should be protected, sacrifice for the church=best thing ever, we need peace on earth
american president during first worl war, brings 14 points to paris peace conference
not really unified people, lived around tyre, loved trading, greeks didn't like them
book of rites
book that explains how china should be ruled, time of zhou 11th-8th century BC (eg low taxes, inspections)
historian, wrote about greco-persian wars
english 12th-13th century rulers
xianbei origin, live west of tang dynasty, fucked up by tang x tibet alliance


17th century politician, politics=self preservation of the state

8th-11th century hindu north-west indian kingdom
crossing hellespont
alexander did that and Darius III (persians) left mercanaries in charge like a dumbass
8th-11th century indian dynasty, buddhists
cassius dio
historian/senator, late 2nd to 3rd century rome: abuse of power, corruption, endless wars
congress of Arras
1435, part of 100 year war, france scores major diplomatic coup by convincing Burgundy to stop alliance with england
Roman emperor, has to withdraw from mesopotamia
16th-18th century closed isolationist policy in japan
wu of han
BEST han emperor, ruled from 156-87 BC
pax romana
period of roman "stability", idea that conquest brings prosperity to benighted realms
soldier-historian who wrote about rome laughing at the goths (mentioned ONCE)
live in the north of southern song, also barbarian origins, kithan
urban II orders first in 1095AD because christians in the east aren't treated well
Persian imperialism
late 7th-4th century BC , middle east : satrapies, propaganda (religious), war
5th-6th century Frankish king, founder of merovingian dynasty, takes on title of consul, converts to christianity
5th century sri lankan book after pandyan invasion
anti-macedonian athenian statesman, great orator
ban gu
writer cultivated by guangwu of han to say good things abt him, against campaigning outside border
kievan rus
9th-mid 13th century realm, under tatar yoke (Mongols) from13th century
Safavid Empire
16-18th century Iranian empire
Roman emperor who caused military overstretch in the east
athenian statesman, saved greece from persians (after leonidas failed at thermophylae)
Thomas Hobbes
author of leviathan, 17th century brit
eastern han
restored han dyansty under guangwu of han, there is some chaos after ai of han dies
nomads who run from climate change around 4th-5th century? Fuck shit up all over, cause völkerwanderung, gupta downfall, weaken sasanians
teachings of muhammad in a book, justice in umma vs war outside to subjugate non-believeres
de administrando imperio
byzantine 10th century book on statescraft written by constantine VII
last GREAT assyrian king, builder of libraries, conquerer of egypt, medes and persians, second half 7th century BC


8th-9th century frankish dynasty, founded by pepin the short in 751, use christianity as a reason to go to war

turkic people in anatolia 11th century
emperor Akbar
greastest mughal emperor
wang renyu
describes five dynasties and ten kingdom period in china (after tang collapse)
american naval strategist that expanded american fleet in late 19th century
warring states in india, eg avanti and magadha
guys who give speeches but usually the outcome was already decided before (pelop. War)
assyrian empire
first imperial order in the middle east 14th-7th century BC
kind of diplomats, 'offical friends' with benefits (like tax exempts)
cold war
1947-1991 conflict between US and soviets, mainly fought through proxy wars
barbarians to the north of china, threat dissapears for a bit during han golden age but comes back

oracle of delphi

oracle that signifies shared greek culture

one of greek ways of expansion where big cities absorb smaller, surrounding ones
kingdom in the south of india
old testament
account of wars between Israel, Judah, Aram, Moab,…
treaty of tordesillas
treaty that divided the globe between Portugal and Spain in 1494
semi-nomadic people that threaten eastern European states around 12th-13th century, trouble with byzantines and kievan rus' specifically
find empire in algiers, start expanding in 909, take over large part of abbasid territory
dong zhongshu
2nd century chinese philosopher, father of neo-confucianism under han dynasty
ummayad caliphate
sunni islam clan in west who prevail after civil war, rule over middle east 7th-8th century
greek version of lebensraum
can refer to barbarians at time of Zhou in the south or to one of the warring states or to like 1 billion other things bc chinese aren't that creative with names
Mount Behistun
rock carving of Darius I under wings of zoroastrian deity
tang taizong
great emperor under tang dynasty

sun tzu

loves war strategy, advisor of wu, contemporary to confucius


4th-8th century frankish dynasty, founded by clovis, adopted christianity and reaaally want to be romans

concert of europe
outcome of congres of vienna, 19th century concensus to maintain balance of power
took over Egypt after the new kingdom era around 11th century BC, first was Shoshenq I, worshipped cats <3
3rd century BC- 3rd century AD, middle east: cosmopolitan empire, enemy of romans, persian dynasty, embrace zoroastrianism, syncretic
Northern wei
xianbei find this state (north of eastern jin), take over many chinese traditions like the heavenly mandate

peloponnesian wars

431-404 war between sparta and athens, started in epidamnos => calls on greater powers

samudra gupta
son of chandra gupta
guy who made laws in sparta, said everyone should be able to fight
just a random place in romania (mentioned TWICE in the book), apparently has gold, trajan goes on a campaign and I think Hadrian has to pull out
east roman empire/ byzantine empire
4th-15th century empire in east mediterannean, enemies all around: pope and holy roman empire, bulgars, sasanian/ummayads/abbasids
spring and autumn annals
book that explained what happened in china 771-476 BC
persian dynasty, rule late 7th until 4th century BC , Cambyses I marries into median dynasty, Cyrus II founds new dynasty and takes over
confucianist 4th-3rd century scholar, first to think specialization => political harmony
Portugal's first trading settlement in China


name of dynasty: sima clan takes over wei (who already beat shu) and beat wu, but doesn’t go great (war of eight princes, uprising of five barbarians)

bernard du rosier

15th century french jurist, said business of ambassador is peace

Persian wars
499-494 BC, persians against sparta and athens, starts with Ionian revolt
chandra gupta
first gupta emperor, marries magadha princess
3rd-7th century AD, take over parthians, want to be better than them, major power, more strict
crimean war
1853-1856, first industrial war: Ottoman-french-british alliance vs Russia (loses)
loves imperial harmony, leeft tijdens spring and autumn period
Adam Smith
author of 'Wealth of Nations', rich neighbours=opportunity not threat


roman historian, explains how everything is fucked and how most emperors suck; talks about claudius and caligula

khan krum
8-9th century bulgar ruler, fights byzantine empire, dies in 814
rock edicts
inscriptions on ashoka's pillar


1st century BC -7 century AD korean dynasty (biggest of 3 kingdoms, others are silla and baekje)

chandragupta maurya
founder of mauryan dynasty, overthrows Nanda kingdom
byzantine historian, late 5th century: describes trouble such as threat along northern border from goths and east from the sasanians (guess how often he's mentioned)
biographer and vizier of Akbar (mughal emperor)
byzantine emperor during fall of rome (476), asks odoacer to depose emperor, has odoacer killed, has some struggles with the pope

warring states

period 476-221 BC China, Jin split into Wei, Zhao and Han , Qin ends up winning

five dynasties
period after tang collapse (I think?)
hundred years war
14th-15th century conflict between France and England
ally of tang dynasty, also buddhist
battle of tallas
751 tang china loses to caliphate

alliance vakataka

is like major power in india so it helps gupta's get to power and create empire

winners of warring state, very pro unification, a bit too much china (burn scholars and stuff)
vedic age
India starting 16th century BC, post indo aryan migration, sanskrit texts
legendary king in kushan empire who had superpowers (alledgedly)

Paris peace conference

1919-1920 conference that results in treaty of versailles, treaty of saint-germain and treaty of sèvres (end of WWI) wilson brings 14 points

city (I think) founded by Dorians, important trading hub but Athens stole some of its glory so it preferred siding with sparta
alexander the great
son of philip II, macedonian
16th century dutch humanist, pro christian league

field of the cloth of Gold

Callais 1520, treaty between france and england that doesn't lead to much, kings wrestle

congress of vienna
1814-1815, european peace conference after napoleonic wars, main actors: Russia, Prussia, Austria, Britain and Spain, no more revolutions+watch balance of power+no more war but just diplomacy
greeks form semi permanent coalitions with some other rules, some even have constitutions
shu, wei, wu
three kingdom period after han collapse (220AD)
Roman historian who said "roman women loveee eastern luxeries"
lived in the north of italy, also trading hub, had some friction with greeks because of that
augustine of hippo
"god gave swords to kings to protect christian peace" (christianity as reason for war) ((also … man has one single mention in the book))
muslim realm ruled by caliph
peace of westphalia
1648, end of thirty year war
marcus aurelius
Roman emperor who has to try and manage rome's military overtstretch and fix unrest along borders (also mentioned once, I hate this)
compendium of zoroastrian beliefs,
one of the post alex-empires, the one in the east, I guess the biggest one but I think ptolemy survived longer in egypt
palk trade rivalry
pandya vs sri lanka, pandyan kingdom ends up invading sri lanka
peace of lody
15th century treaty that brings end to struggles between itialian city states
abu hanifa
created concept of dar al-harb, early abbasid caliphate (8th century)
author of works and days (I think he romanticized farmer life)
8th-11th century trading kingdom south east asia, tries to appeal to everyone, controls sunda and malacca strait
around 7th century (at first nomadic) people; originate from steppes, driven west by gokturks, threaten constantinople
thomas aquinas
13th century Italian theologian who said kings kan defend their realm using force but need to be motivated by zeal of justice
punic wars
264-146 BC carthage vs rome, starts when messina (sicily) asks rome for help and carthage feels insulted
first emperor of rome in 27BC
spanish defeat caliphate of cordoba
ragioni di stato
concept of national interest, launched by Giovanni della Casa
author of ordinances of government, go fight dar al-harb
ashoka maurya
grandson of chandragupta, loves errecting pillars, loves harmony
shang yang
4th century BC chinese legalist, agriculture> trade
belief van shunga kingdom in india (shunga is post mauryan kingdom)

monroe doctrine

1823 american policy, only wage war if our national interests are threatened, stay away from europe

Sea people
immigrants from NW mediterannean around 13th century BC
other barbarians to the north of china
Lao tzu
founder of taoism, hates violence, loves harmony
Thomas Mun
17th centruy mercantilist thinker, director of East India Company,
advisor of ahsoka maurya, wrote atrashastra
meng fu
palaces of treaties (during warring states period)
Battle of Qarqar
853BC , Everyone jumped assyria (everyone=biblical kingdoms)
8th-11th century buddhist, North-east indian kingdom during four kingdom period
kingdom north of greece, unified greece against persians (league of corinth)
eighty years war
1568-1648 war between spain (catholic) and low countries (protestant) ((geuzen))
17th century mercantilist thinker, advocating for mare clausum


kingdom in the south of india after decline Mauryan empire (death ashoka) in 3rd century BC declare independence, contemporary to Kalinga empire; one of Tamil kingdoms; time of anarchy

Jean Colbert
17th cnetury french finance minister, who said mercantilism is zero sum game
eurpean medieval system of giving land in return for service/taxes

peri politikes epistemes

Byzantine book around 6th century? that states ideal emperor is wise philosopher-king

han guangwu
first emperor of eastern han, abolishes slavery, demilitarizes china
author of introduction to the law of nations, wage jihad against dar al-harb
founder of Ayyubid Dynasty (break away from Fatimids in Egypt)
muslim power afghanistan?, around 10th century, toppled by seljuk turks
establish dynasty in morroco in 788, start of abbasid fragmentation
meiji restoration
1868, Japan is gonna become more westernized and also imperial rule returns
olympic games
776 BC, brings some greek unity
caste system
social system from vedic age, justification for inequality, hindu
inspired by arthashastra, writes book on statescraft for gupta's but they don't follow it and go bankrupt
persian capital, makes alexander fall in love with luxury
6th-7th century nomadic confederation, originally from N-china, steppes, early alliance with byzantium also with tang china later expelled

end of tatar yoke

1480 russians cast off Mongolian overlordship

empire of yuezhi, founded around 30AD, expand into parthian territory but scared of sasanians
author of the iliad

Treaty of San Francisco

1951 end of war between america and japan

historian, wrote about peloponesian war
empire sine fine
rome = big
historian, described punic wars
Immanuel Kant
author of 'perpetual peace' , 18th century philosopher
first dynasty to rule after Assyrians, took over under Cyaxares in the 7th century BC
warlike city in Greece
Indian book about war = bad
8th-11th century jainist south-west indian kingdom
giant chain of migrations all over europe, eg goths, vandals
7th-13th? century eastern european empire: khan Krum, got some help from the byzantines (after they got scared of the avars), find khanate in 680, can call themselves tsar because they helped some emperor, also helped byzantines during constantinople siege by muslims 717-718
written by emperor Maurice (epische naam wtf), protect chief cities, defensiveness, restraint unless great opportunity, navy important, barbarians are losers
battle of Halule
691BC assyria (sennacherib) against everyone (Chaldeans, persians, zagros kingdoms)
athenian who conquered salamis
han fei
3rd century BC legalist, realist: be ready for war
attitude of first empires to boost trade (tyre, assyria,
tang dynasty
of xianbei origin, topple sui dynasty with help of gökturks and then send them away, second golden age, last from 7th to late 8th century

duke of zhou

came up with heavenly mandate

first imperial dynasty in china, 1046-771BC
envoys during ashoka maurya's reign, spread buddhism, do nice things (like set up hospitals)
8-9th century carolingian holy roman empire, 25/12/800 emperor , dies in 814
Mehmed II
Ottoman sultan who conquered Constantinople
justinian the great
527-565 Byzantine emperor who never slept, build hagia sophia, writes corpus juris civilis, treaty with
trading city, in competition with corinth, after salamis annexation: thriving
de commynes
15th century french envoy who is against diplomacy because people lie
most important kingdom 14-17th century southern India
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